The EndToEndDataMigration.bat script performs an end to end migration of a single database. It assumes that you have already installed SHIR if the DMS service is not online and migration is to fileshare. There are 3 files to take user input (user-config.json, migration-db-config.json and source-location.json) :-
user-config.json contains some user decisions. The parameters in user-config.json are explained below:-
- NewDMS : Set to true if a new DMS is required to be created
- NewDMSLocation, NewDMSRG, NewDMSName are the parameters required to create a new DMS (will be used only if "NewDMS" is set to true)
- DMSName and DMSRG are the name and resource group of an existing DMS that you'd like to register to SHIR
- BlobFileshare : (blob/fileshare) - Where backups are stored.
- Cutover : If set to true, the script waits till the database is ready for cutover and then initiates cutover. Only for online migrations.
- WaitTillCompletion : If set to true, the script waits till migration is completed (Succeded or failed). Only works for offline migrations.
Sample user-config.json file :-
"NewDMS": false,
"NewDMSLocation": "eastus2",
"NewDMSRG": "NewRG",
"NewDMSName": "NewDMSIR",
"DMSName": "DMSIR",
"DMSRG": "RG",
"BlobFileshare": "blob",
"WaitTillCompletion": true,
"Cutover": true
migration-db-config.json contains the parameters specific to a new database migration. The parameters in user-config.json are explained below:-
- ResourceGroupName: Resource group in which Target SQL platform is present.
- TargetDbName: The name with which the database will be stored in Target SQL platform.
- Scope: Resource Id of the Target SQL platform.
- MigrationService: Resource Id of the SQL Migration Service that will be used to orchestrate the migration. The migration service should be in the same region as Target SQL platform.
- SourceSqlConnectionAuthentication: The authentication type for connection, which can be either SqlAuthentication or WindowsAuthentication.
- SourceSqlConnectionDataSource: The name or IP of a SQL Server instance.
- SourceSqlConnectionUserName: Username of the SQL Server instance.
- SourceSqlConnectionPassword: Password of the SQL Server instance.
- SourceDatabaseName: Name of the source database that is being migrated.
- Kind: Kind of Target to which migration is being performed. "SqlMi" or "SqlVm".
- ManagedInstanceName: Target Managed Instance to which source database is being migrated to.
- SqlVirtualMachineName: Target SQL VM to which source database is being migrated to.
- StorageAccountResourceId: Resource Id of the storage account for uploading backup files. To be provided when backups are in network fileshare.
- StorageAccountKey: The key of Storage Account.
- OfflineConfigurationLastBackupName: Last backup file that will be restored to be used in case of Blob Offline migration.
- Offline: Switch parameter used for performing offline migration.
Sample migration-db-config.json files :-
For MI Online case :-
"ResourceGroupName": "RG",
"TargetDbName": "DatabaseAzure",
"Scope": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/MyManagedInstance",
"MigrationService": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.DataMigration/SqlMigrationServices/DMSIR",
"SourceSqlConnectionAuthentication": "SqlAuthentication",
"SourceSqlConnectionDataSource": "<placeholder>",
"SourceSqlConnectionUserName": "<placeholder>",
"SourceSqlConnectionPassword": "<placeholder>",
"SourceDatabaseName": "Database1",
"Kind": "SqlMi",
"ManagedInstanceName": "MyManagedInstance",
"SqlVirtualMachineName": null,
"StorageAccountResourceId": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/MyStorage",
"StorageAccountKey": "<placeholder>",
"OfflineConfigurationLastBackupName": null,
"Offline": false
For VM Offline case:-
"ResourceGroupName": "RG",
"TargetDbName": "DatabaseAzure",
"Scope": "/subscriptions/f133ff51-53dc-4486-a487-47049d50ab9e/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/SqlVirtualMachines/MySqlVM",
"MigrationService": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/tsum38RG/providers/Microsoft.DataMigration/SqlMigrationServices/DMSIR",
"SourceSqlConnectionAuthentication": "SqlAuthentication",
"SourceSqlConnectionDataSource": "<placeholder>",
"SourceSqlConnectionUserName": "<placeholder>",
"SourceSqlConnectionPassword": "<placeholder>",
"SourceDatabaseName": "Database1",
"Kind": "SqlVm",
"ManagedInstanceName": null,
"SqlVirtualMachineName": "MySqlVM",
"StorageAccountResourceId": "/subscriptions/111111-11111-11111-111111/resourceGroups/RG/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/MyStorage",
"StorageAccountKey": "<placeholder>",
"OfflineConfigurationLastBackupName": "DatabaseLog.trn",
"Offline": true
source-location.json is used as the paramter for the source location of backups when creating migration. Depending on the source backup location it can have two types of format.
"fileShare": {
"path": "<Placeholder>",
"password": "<Placeholder>",
"username": "<Placeholder>"
"AzureBlob": {
"storageAccountResourceId": "/subscriptions/1111-2222-3333-4444/resourceGroups/RG/prooviders/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/MyStorage",
"accountKey": "======AccountKey====",
"blobContainerName": "ContanerName-X"