Hi Guys!
In this repository, I'd like to share with you a project that i'm developing for years and using with our clients.
This is a big project where I'm sharing some scripts to monitor SQL Server if you don't have a tool to do that.
In 2017 I released the version 1.0:
- https://www.fabriciolima.net/blog/2017/05/01/criando-um-e-mail-de-checklist-diario-no-sql-server/
- https://www.fabriciolima.net/blog/2017/10/05/video-criando-15-alertas-no-sql-server-em-apenas-5-minutos/
Now, in September-2019, I released the version 2.0:
- I will still do a blog post explaining how to use this script in English. (Pending)
- For now I recorded only a video in portuguese explaining how to create the alerts.
- Download latest release
- Tip: You can clone using some git client or manually download this repository
- All scripts can be found on scripts directory
- To get started, follow the instructions on file scripts/1.0.StepByStep.sql
Fabrício Lima
Power Tuning CEO