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Format Specification

Andre Issa edited this page Feb 9, 2021 · 144 revisions

This page describes the requirements a mod must meet to be considered to be of this format
For information on the format see On Importing Mods
For a list of mods that are in the format see Importable Mods List

  • Mods can be for any of SuperGiantGames' games
  • Mods are a folder in Content/Mods with a name similar to the full name of the mod which is unique to that mod.
  • Core mods must contain modfile.txt
  • The changes mods implement must be able to be made using The Mod Importer.
  • Mods may rely on changes to any plaintext equivalents of lua, sjson, xml, or csv files. Or provides novel pkg to be copied into the game.
  • Module mods may be included by core mods instead of containing modfile.txt
  • Mods may include other mods and may import files outside of the mod folder
  • Mods may not include, import, or target files outside of the Content folder

Keep in mind the format changes with new tools, purposes, and updates to the importer.