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Guess My Number

Let's implement a classic "Guess My Number" game. The program generates a random number between 0-99 and prompts if your guess is correct, too high, or too low. For example:

I am thinking of a number between 0 and 99...
Please guess what it is: 50
Too large, try again: 25
Too small, try again: 35
Too small, try again: 43
Too large, try again: 37
Too small, try again: 41
Too large, try again: 39
Too small, try again: 40
It's correct! The number was 40!

Generate the secret number

First we need to generate a random secret number.

-- Generate a "random" number in [0, 99]
def getSecret : IO Nat :=
  IO.rand 0 99

Here getSecret is a function that takes no arguments and returns IO Nat. Nat is a natural number but what is IO Nat? You can simply imagine that it's an integer inside a box called IO. There are plenty of good tutorials explaining the IO Monad but this simple analogy should be sufficient for our purpose. How do you call this function?

let secret ← getSecret

The notation is just to get things out of the IO box, so secret is of type Nat.

Recursively prompt for the correct answer

We want to enable the user to keep guessing until they get it right and to do that we can use recursion:

partial def guess (secret : Nat) (prompt : String) : IO Unit := do
  IO.println prompt
  let stdin ← IO.getStdin
  let mut str ← stdin.getLine
  str := str.trim

  if str.length == 0 then
    IO.println s!"Giving up? Well the number was {secret}"

  match str.toNat? with
  | none   => guess secret "Please enter a valid number"
  | some i =>
    match compare i secret with
    | .eq => IO.println s!"It's correct! The number was {secret}!"
    | .lt => guess secret "Too small, try again?"
    | .gt => guess secret "Too large, try again?"

partial means that the function may not terminate. It's borrowed from the mathematics world, where a partial function f : X ⇀ Y is only defined on a subset of X, meaning that the result may be undefined for some input value of X. Here, undefined just means it could never terminate.

The counterpart is called total function. Every function is by default garaunteed to terminate. Usually Lean will figure out why the function terminates, but in case it doesn't, Lean will refuse the function and ask you for hints.

The guess function takes 2 parameters (secret : Nat) which is the secret as a natural number and (prompt : String) which is the string to prompt the user with on each subsequent question. It has a return type of IO Unit meaning it returns nothing but has a side effect on IO.RealWorld, and as a result it could also return an error.

Lean is a pure functional programming language. But with the do notation, you can think more imperatively and write a sequence of statements, like the IO.println and the let statements and so on. This is pretty cool, the Lean syntax is itself extensible so you can create whatever DSL you want to make your programs easier to write and do is just an example of that.

IO.println prompt prints the prompt string argument to the standard out (your terminal window).

let notation is like a local variable where that variable can be used in the following block. It can be shadowed but not reassigned. Use let mut to allow reassignment. You can specify the type manually, or let Lean deduct the type if it is omitted, here's some examples of that:

let     x : List Nat := [1,2,3]       -- full form
let     x            := [1,2,3].tail! -- type omitted.
        x            := x.tail!       -- error: 'x' cannot be reassigned
let mut y            := [1,2,3]       -- mut
        y            := y.tail!       -- re-assignment ok on mutables

Ok so we can use let to read a line from user input (stdin):

let stdin ← IO.getStdin
let str ← stdin.getLine

The notation is just to get things out of the IO box. The type of stdin.getLine is IO String, and str is of type String.

We made the str mutable so we can trim whitespace from it as follows:

str := str.trim

By the way, str.trim is equivalent to String.trim str. Now what if user hits ^D (ctrl-D) (on Linux) or just ENTER? It turns out that stdin.getLine just gives empty string. So we can just check if the string length is zero and tease the user for giving up.

  if str.length == 0 then
    IO.println s!"Giving up? Well the number was {secret}"

The return is not returning from the function. It just exits the do block. In this example, they are the same. But it's important to remember that it's different than it in an imperative language. e.g. If you want to fake some user input (that is IO String), you could use return as in:

let fake : IO String := return "123"

Now we are ready to try convert the string to a Natural number:


This results in an object of type Option Nat because it might have a valid value or no value if the string is not actually a number at all like xyz. Option α is an inductive type that has 2 constructors, as you can see from its definition:

inductive Option (α : Type u) where
  | none : Option α
  | some (val : α) : Option α

It means, an Option α is either a none, or some val where val is of type α, in our case Nat. Finally we can then use pattern matching to find out which case it is:

  match str.toNat? with
  | none   => guess secret "Please enter a valid number"
  | some i =>
    match compare i secret with
    | .eq => IO.println "It's correct!"
    | .lt => guess secret "Too small, try again?"
    | .gt => guess secret "Too large, try again?"

Notice the pattern some i extracts the value into a new variable named i. Then we can do a nested pattern match to handle the result of the function. If the user is high or low we perform a recursive call to our guess function so it will keep prompting until the user gets the answer right, or the program runs out of stack space. Lean programs usually have lots of stack space.

What is, well Ord is just a type class that is defined for comparing things.

class Ord (α : Type u) where
  compare : α → α → Ordering

Where the compare function returns an Ordering:

inductive Ordering where
  | lt | eq | gt

Then there are instances of this type class defined on things like Nat so we can compare two natural numbers.

To finish up we need a main function:

def main : IO Unit := do
  IO.println "I am thinking of a number between 0 and 99..."
  let secret ← getSecret
  guess secret "Please guess what it is?"

To build and run the program type this in your terminal window:

lake build

Then find the program output and run it:





Enjoy the game!