The repo uses Doctest for testing. The dependency to Doctest is defined
in vendor/CMakeLists.txt
and configured in vendor/doctest/CMakeLists.txt
The setup of the test runner is done in src/tests/
through src/tests/TestRunner.cpp
In general, tests are located close to the associated source code. That means for example the tests for the Core
library src/core/Core/
are located in src/core/Tests/
Let's create the test setup for App. Add a new Tests folder to app including a CMake
file src/app/Tests/CMakeLists.txt
# src/app/Tests/CMakeLists.txt
# Tests will be defined here ...
Include the new test directory in the apps CMake file:
# src/app/CMakeLists.txt
# All other App CMake code ...
A new test is a combination of an entry in the tests CMake file and a C++ file containing the actual test. In this
example, inside the src/app/Tests/CMakeLists.txt
file a new test is adding an executable, declaring the test and
linking Doctest plus any other required dependencies.
The example test defines a new test named AppTest
, using App.spec.cpp
as test file.
The $<TARGET_OBJECTS:TestRunner>
CMake generator expression
includes the test runner.
It then declares a test with add_test
and links doctest and Core as dependencies through target_link_libraries
# src/app/Tests/CMakeLists.txt
add_executable(AppTest App.spec.cpp $<TARGET_OBJECTS:TestRunner>)
add_test(NAME AppTest COMMAND AppTest)
target_link_libraries(AppTest PRIVATE doctest Core)
The test file App.spec.cpp
will include the actual test suite. In this case an example test. The NOLINT
comments are
for clang-tidy to accept Doctest, and are only defined at the start and end of a test file.
#include <doctest/doctest.h>
#include <string>
// NOLINTBEGIN(misc-use-anonymous-namespace, cppcoreguidelines-avoid-do-while, cert-err33-c)
TEST_CASE("Example") {
const std::string input{"A"};
CHECK_EQ(input, "A");
// NOLINTEND(misc-use-anonymous-namespace, cppcoreguidelines-avoid-do-while, cert-err33-c)
Before being able to run tests they need to be built. Either have a look at the Quick Start guide for building or try running the following command.
cmake --build build/debug
Then you can run all tests from the build target. Executing the App test will look something like this:
$ ctest --test-dir build/debug
Internal ctest changing into directory: /Projects/_templates/cpp-gui-template-sdl3/build/debug
Test project /Projects/_templates/cpp-gui-template-sdl3/build/debug
Start 1: AppTest
1/1 Test #1: AppTest .................... Passed 0.06 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1
Total Test time (real) = 0.07 sec
This can also be done through an IDE like CLion, usually providing an "All Tests" target configuration that will work out of the box.
Next up: Profiling