- Introduction
- Project Environment setup
- How to use
- This project is powered by Egypt FWD initiative with Udacity Nanodegree in Web development Professional track.
- This project requires to create an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI for a Weather-Journal App.
- In this project requires Node and Express environments. The first step to using Node.js is to install it on your computer. You can do so by following the link below and installing the Windows or Mac version, depending on what type of operating system you are using, you can download Node JS using this link Node.js Download Page
- You should download all project dependencies"body-parser , cors , express" in server.js file. Here is the code to install packages with NPM from the command line:
npm install package-name
- The project file server.js should require express(), and should include an instance of their app using express. Here is how to create instance for the app
const app = express();
- The Express app instance should be pointed to the project folder with .js files.
- Install all dependencies by typing in the terminal: npm install
- Start the server.js in the terminal by typing: node server.js (make sure you are in the same directory as the server.js).
- Go to the browser and type "localhost:5000".
- Type Zipcode of the city.
- Type your feelings in the corresponding textarea.
- Press generate.
© Created by Marwan Mohamed Taha under supervision of udacity.