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Official TypeScript Website

Documentation: Basic Types:

Useful Commands for CLI and Compiling

  • automate reloading live server site when I change + compile file:

    • type npm init in CLI (to be able to install usefull third party packages)
    • npm i --save-dev lite-server ("--save-dev" to mark it at a development only tool - in package.json writen under devDependencies -, that helps during dev phase; lite-server is smth like "nodemon": lite-server refreshes browser when changes are detected, nodemon restarts Node.js app when file changes in a directory are detected)
    • add "scripts": { "start": "lite-server" } to package.json
  • compile 1 file: use tsc app.ts in CLI; then all compiling errors are shown in console

  • watch 1 file AND compile it after every saved change: use watch mode tsc app.ts --watch or tsc app.ts -w

  • compile entire project: first tsc --init to initialize TS managed project; creates tsconfig.json; then type only tsc or tsc -w in CLI to compile every ts file or to watch all changes

  • tsconfig.json: can exclude files from being compiled or include files

    • include files: after "compilerOptions": { } have to list all(!) files or folders that should be compiled;
    • include + exclude files: when add both then compilation = included files/folders - excluded files/-folders
      "compilerOptions": {
        "sourceMap": true, // files are created while compilation; so in browser in source area I can see TS code for better debugging
        "outDir": "./dist", // output of compiled TS files (so JS files) is found in this folder; also folder structure is replicated automatically
        "rootDir": "./src", // TS only checks this folder to compile files and would replicate this folder structure (with all subfolders) --> without defining this, TS compiles every TS file found in project and replicates all found structure in outDir folder
        "removeComments": true, // to make output JS files smaller
        "noEmitOnError": false, // default is false; so TS creates JS files even if there is an error; if set to true, then no file is emitted if any file fails to compile
      "include": [
        "app.ts", // file name
        "components" // folder
      "exclude": [
        "node_modules", // if I exclude no other files, then "node_modules" is by default excluded; when I add other exclusions, then I have to list "node_modules" to exclude all files inside node_modules folder
        "*.ts", // * equal wildcard, all files with ending .ts are excluded
        "**/*.ts" // * every file with ending .ts in every order is excluded

TypeScript Execution in Node.js without Precompiling (like tsc)


# Locally in your project.
npm install -D typescript
npm install -D ts-node

Primitive Types and Reference Types

  • Primitives: const, let, var, strings, booleans, undefined, null

  • Reference Types: objects, arrays

  • Difference:

    • related to memory management: JS knows two types of memory - Stack and Heap
    • stack: easy-to-access memory that simply manages its items as a stack. Only items for which the size is known in advance can go onto the stack (-> Primitives)
    • heap: memory for items of which you can't pre-determine exact size and structure. Since objects and arrays can be mutated and change at runtime, they have to go into heap
    • for each heap item, the exact address is stored in a pointer which points at the item in the heap. This pointer in turn is stored on the stack.
let person = { name: 'Matchu' }
let newPerson = person = 'Pitchu'
// This prints 'Pitchu' because I never copied person obj itself to newPerson
// only copied the pointer; it points still at the same address in memory;
// real copy would be e.g. let newPerson = {...person};

Type inference

  • by default TS tries to infer as many types as possible

  • when you declare a variable directly, you don't need to write the type explicitly

      // let course: string = 'React'; // not needed explicitly
      let course = 'React';
      // course = 12345; // Error

Core Types in TypeScript

type system only helps during development (e.g. before code gets compiled)

  • number: no differentiation btw integers, floats ...: 1, 5.3, -10 is possible

  • string: 'T', "T", T

  • boolean: true, false (attention: NO "truthy" or "falsy" values)

  • object: { age: 30 }

  • array: []

  • Tuple: [1, 2] - fixed-length array; definition would be e.g. role: [number, string]

  • Enum: enum { ADMIN, USER } - only exists in TS, not in JS; automatically enumerated global constant identifiers; so when I need identifiers that are human readable

    enum Role { ADMIN, READ_ONLY, AUTHOR };
  • any: * - any kind of value, no specific type assignment; avoid it because it gives away all advantages of TS

  • unknown: is the type-safe counterpart of any. Anything is assignable to unknown, but unknown isn't assignable to anything but itself and any without a type assertion or a control flow based narrowing (look at example in file)

    let userInput: unknown;
    let userName: string
    userInput = 5;
    userInput = 'Matchu';
    // userName = userInput -> TS ERROR! because it is not sure that userInput is string;
    // first: check typeof to be able to assign unknown variable to varibale with fixed type
    if(typeof userInput === 'string') userName = userInput;
  • void: void can be declared as the return type of a function, i.e. function has NO return statement

    function add(num: number): void { console.log(num) };
  • never: indicates values that will never occur; never type is used when you are sure that smth is never going to occur; e.g. function which will not return to its end point or always throws an exception

    const generateError = (message: string, code: number): never => {
      throw { message: message, errorCode: code };
  • union types: defining more than one data type for a variable or a function parameter

    input: number | string;
  • literal types: 3 sets of literal types available in TS: strings, numbers, and booleans; by using literal types you can allow an exact value which a string, number, or boolean must have

    resultConversation: 'as-number' | 'as-text';
  • type alias: store types (like union or literal type) in custom named type that I can use everywhere in my code; type aliases are sometimes similar to interfaces, but can name primitives, unions, tuples, and any other types that you'd otherwise have to write by hand. Aliasing NOT creates a new type, but creates new name to refer to type(s).

    type Combinable = number | string;
    let input: Combinable = 5;
  • Function Return Types: define return type of a function

    function add(): number {}
    // OR
    const add2 = (): number => {}
  • Function Types: define type(s) of parameters of function and type of return of function; so only a function which fulfills types can be stored in a variable

    let combineValues: (a: number, b: number) => number
  • Function Types and Callbacks: define in parameters of function the type of cb function

    const addAndHandle = (n1: number, n2: number, cb: (num: number) => void) => {
      const result = n1 + n2;
  • ! - exclamation mark tells TS that 'testBtn' exists, i.e. that const testBtn is never null

    const testBtn = document.getElementById('testBtn')!;
  • !! - ensures that resulting type is a boolean (true or false)

    let isValid = true;
    isValid = isValid && !!obj[prop];

Classes and TypeScript - Summary of TS file

More on JS Classes:

  • define properties (-> are like "variables attached to classes/obj"), methods (-> are like "functions attached to classes/obj"), constructor

    class Person {
      // properties ES6
      constructor() { = 'Matchu';
      // functions ES6
      myMethod() {
        // ...
    class Person {
      // properties ES7 (constructor NOT needed if no argument will be passed)
      name = 'Matchu';
      // functions ES7 (declared like props)
      myMethod = () => {
        // ...
  • this keyword to refer to the object itself

  • creation of new instance of a class (-> a new obj based on a class)

    • private, protected and public (is the default) Access Modifiers: can mark properties and methods with these keywords
    • private: it's only accessible from inside the class / the created object
    • protected: like "private" + regards any class that "extends" this class
    • public: can be accessed and manipulated from outside
  • Shorthand Initialization: in order to not repeat, don't need property creation (e.g. name: string) AND assignment in constructor (e.g. = name); only need private or public and wished variable names as parameters in constructor

      class Long {
        name: string;
        constructor(name: string) {
 = id;
      class Short {
        constructor(public name: string) {}
  • readonly properties: not allowed to change after initialization

  • inheritance: inherit main class to another subtype class using extends keyword;

    class SecondClass extends BaseClass {
  • overriding properties and methods of base class: possible in every subtype class with new declaration of properties or methods

  • getters & setters

  • static properties & methods with static keyword: allows you to add properties & methods to classes which are not accessed on an instance of the class, so I don't need to call first new ClassName and save this in a const; I access static methods & properties directly on the class; Example: Math constructor function (-> e.g. Math.random()) or globally available function

  • abstract:

    • in front of class: force all classes based on one class to share some common methods and properties; with abstract I cannot instantiate this base class
    • in front of method fn inside class: force all classes based on that class to add and overwrite this method
  • singletons & private constructors: to make sure that I can only create one obj based on this class

Interfaces - Summary of TS file

More on TS Interfaces:

  • interfaces describes how an object looks like (-> it's like a custom type to type check an obj later)

    interface InterfaceName {
      propertyName: string;
      functionName(parameter1: number, parameter2: boolean): number | void;
  • using interfaces with classes: to share the structure of functionalities among different classes -> to enforce that the property and function structure is at least inside a certain class, but of course more can also be added in the respective class;

    class ClassName implements FirstInterface, AnotherInterface {}
  • extending interfaces: combine interfaces with "extends" like for classes; extend with more than one interface with comma separation

    interface FirstInterface extends AnotherInterface {
      // wished structure
  • interfaces as an alternative to function types

    • function type definition:
    type AddFn = (a: number, b: number) => number;
    • interface definition with anonymous function
    interface AddFn {
      (a: number, b: number): number;
  • optional parameters & properties: use question mark (?) to tell TS that property might exist BUT it doesn't have to

    interface FirstInterface {
      readonly property?: string;

Advanced Types

More on Advanced Types:

  • Intersection Types with "&" sign

    • combining object types: put all properties together in combined object type
      type Admin = { name: string };
      type Employee = { startDate: Date };
      type ElevatedEmployee = Admin & Employee;
    • intersection of union types: "Universal" is of type number
      type Combination = string | number;
      type Numeric = number | boolean;
      type Universal = Combination & Numeric;
  • Type Guards: approach of checking if a certain property or method exists before you use it

    function add7(a: Combinable, b: Combinable) {
      if(typeof a === 'string' || typeof b === 'string') return a.toString() + b.toString();
      return a + b;
    • use key (as a string) in object to check if this key is in obj
    const printEmployeeInformation = (emp: UnknownEmployee) => {
      if('privileges' in emp) console.log('Privileges: ' + emp.privileges)
    • type guard for classes with JavaScript keyword "instanceof" to check if some obj is based on a certain class
    if(vehicle instanceof Truck) {
  • Discriminated Unions: is a pattern that makes implementing type guards easier; define a property of a literal type (e.g. type: 'bird') that determines exactly this object

    interface Bird {
      type: 'bird';
      flyingSpeed: number;
  • Type Casting: helps to tell TS that some value is of a specific type where TS is not able to detect it on his own, but I as a dev know it; use case: selecting DOM element because TS doesn't analyse html document -> so often TS only knows that's an HTMLElement, but not which exact type (e.g. HTMLInputElement)

    • with <ElementTypeName>
    const userInputElement = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById('user-input')!;
    • for React: "as" keyword to avoid clash with similar JSX syntax
    const userInputElement = document.getElementById('user-input')! as HTMLInputElement;
  • Index Types with [key: typeName]: to have flexibility; I don't need to know in advance which property names I wanna use AND how many I will need;

    interface ErrorContainer {
      [key: string]: string;
  • Function Overloads: to tell TS what's exact return if arguments of certain type(s); only works with function declaration, not function expression

    function add7(a: number, b: number): number;
    function add7(a: string, b: string): string;
    function add7(a: string, b: number): string;
    function add7(a: Combinable, b: Combinable) {
      // function logic here
  • Optional Chaining: use question mark (?), that means if data exists access next property; if data in front of ? is undefined, then not access next property AND not throw runtime error

  • Nullish Coalescing Operator "??": if value before is null OR undefined (Attention: NOT empty string or zero), then use fallback

    const storedData = userInput2 ?? 'DEFAULT';

Generic Types

  • gives flexibility: regarding the values I pass in a function or I use in a class

  • combined with type safety: I get full type support what I do with the class or the result of a generic function

  • Basic Example

    • array: number[] would only allow numbers, BUT fn could also work with strings etc.

    • array: any[] is too unspecific because it allows everything and deactivates TS support

    • updatedArray[0].split('') would cause runtime error, BUT no TS warning

    • solution: make a generic fn -> use <> and define inside generic type that is only available inside of this fn

    • <T> means that I can use T to define parameter types -> array: T[], value: T means that array will be full of T's and passed value will be of same type (-> also T)

    • you can use <> to define a generic type, BUT also to specify a generic type parameter and explicitly set the placeholder type that should be used; sometimes required if TS is not able to infer (correct) type

      const insertAtBeginning = <T>(array: T[], value: T) => {
        const newArray = [value, ...array];
        return newArray;
      const demoArray = [1, 2];
      const updatedArray = insertAtBeginning(demoArray, -1); // [-1, 1, 2]
      // updatedArray[0].split(''); // TS error
      const stringArray1 = insertAtBeginning(['a', 'b'], 'd'); // ['a', 'b', 'c']
      stringArray[0].split(''); // no error
      // set concrete type for placeholder T explicitly:
      const stringArray2 = insertAtBeginning<string>(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'd');
  • Built-in Generics are main types (like Array, Object, Promise ...) that allow a variety of data types rather than a single data type; generic type parameter is specified in angle brackets const names: Array<string> = ['Matchu']

  • Generic Functions: thanks to generic definition TS infers dynamically the types of arguments used in a function AND TS knows that return of function is the intersection of T & U;

    • T, U and so on naming in alphabetical order is a convention

    • Working with Constraints: keyword "extends" restricts the dynamically set types of T and U to be objects

      const merge = <T extends object, U extends object>(objA: T, objB: U) => Object.assign(objA, objB);
    • use interface to indicate TS that every element based on it has a certain property; can also precise the return of this function (-> here Tuple)

      interface Lenghty {
        length: number
      const countAndDescribe = <T extends Lenghty>(element: T): [T, string] => {
        // function logic
    • "keyof" Constraint: use keyword "keyof" to ensure that key exists in object

      const extractAndConvert = <T extends object, U extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: U) => {
        return console.log(`Value: ${obj[key]}`);
  • Generic Classes: use generic type T and use it for property "data" that this will be Array (-> T[])

    class DataStorage<T extends string | number | boolean> {
      private data: T[] = [];
    const textStorage = new DataStorage<string>();
    const numberStorage = new DataStorage<number>();
    // ...
  • Generic Utility Types:

    handy built-in utility types:

    • Partial Type: wraps my own created type/interface and sets all properties as optional

      interface Course {
        title: string;
      const createCourse = (title: string) => {
        let courseGoal: Partial<Course> = {};
        courseGoal.title = title;
        return courseGoal;
    • Readonly Type: cannot manipulate variable, obj, array after creation

      const names2: Readonly<string[]> = ['Matchu', 'Mio'];
  • Generic Types vs Union Types:

    • Union types: defines e.g. in case of "(string | number | boolean)[]" that I'm free to use all these types for the items of array
    • Generic Types: defines dynamically a type e.g. depending on inserted argument type, BUT then locks in this type for entire function or class (-> e.g. string is set internally)


More on Decorators:

  • a decorator is a special kind of declaration that can be attached to a class declaration, method, accessor, property or parameter

  • in tsconfig.json set "experimentalDecorators": true to be able to use decorators

  • decorator runs when class definition is found (NOT when class is instantiated)

  • Decorator function

    • convention to start with uppercase starting letter

    • decorator to a class has 1 parameter (-> constructor)

    • to invoke decorator function add the identifier "@" and the function name (-> @Logger)

      const Logger = (constructor: Function) => console.log(constructor);
      class Person {
        // ...
  • Decorator factories

    • return decorator function, so I can invoke it with @Logger(argument) and pass argument to inner decorator fn
    const Logger = (log: string) => {
      return function(constructor: Function) {
        console.log('LogString: ', log);
        console.log('Constructor: ', constructor);
    class Person {
      // ...
  • Building More Useful Decorators with Templates: look at detailed example in decorators file

    • hook into html element and insert own html, dynamic data etc.

      const WithTemplate = (template: string, hookId: string) => {
        // to tell TS that I don't need constructor here, add underscore as parameter (_)
        return function(_: Function) {
          const hookEl = document.getElementById(hookId);
          if(hookEl) {
            hookEl.innerHTML = template;
      @WithTemplate('<h1>Hello</h1>', 'decoratorId')
      class Person {
        // ...
  • Adding Multiple Decorators:

    • execution of decorator functions is bottom up;

    • BUT: regarding the decorator factories, so the normal invocation with @Logger etc., they run top down

      @WithTemplate('<h1>Hello</h1>', 'decoratorId')
      class Person {
        // ...
  • Property decorators takes 2 arguments:

    • target of the property (a. if called on an instance, then it's prototype of created obj; b. if static property, target refers to constructor fn);

    • property name

      const Log = (target: any, propName: string | Symbol) => {
        console.log('Property decorator: ', target, propName);
  • Accessor (setters, getters) decorators takes 3 arguments:

    • target of the property (look above)

    • name of accessor

    • descriptor with TS built-in type PropertyDescriptor

      const Log2 = (target: any, name: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => {
        console.log('Accessor decorator: ', target, name, descriptor)
  • Method decorators takes 3 arguments: same as for accessor decorators

    const Log3 = (target: any, name: string | Symbol, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => {
      console.log('Method decorator: ', target, name, descriptor)
  • parameter decorators takes 3 arguments

    const Log4 = (target: any, name: string | Symbol, position: number) => {
      console.log('Parameter decorator: ', target, name, position)
    class Product {
      title: string;
      private _price: number;
      set price(val: number) {
        if(val > 0) this._price = val;
          else throw new Error('Invalid price - should be positive')
      constructor(t: string, p: number) {
        this.title = t;
        this._price = p;
      getPriceWithTax(@Log4 tax: number) {
        return this._price * (1 + tax);
  • Returning (and changing) a Class in a Class Decorator

    • returning a new constructor function (with syntatic sugar class extends constructor) which is based on original constructor (-> I keep all properties of original class)
  • Other Decorator Return Types: return inside of Decorator functions (Attention: NOT decorator factories, they return always of course) is possible on accessor and method decorators; can return a new PropertyDescriptor

  • Data Validation with Decorators: