This is ours
Dale Potter -
In absence of branding guidance this uses a plain twitter bootstrap theme.
Released under the GPL license
It’s a static site generator, so if we check the output is okay, it’s fine.
It would be good to have an automated process of doing this, but there currently isn’t.
All the code for this is now on IATI servers.
We don't have any particular performance monitoring set up.
We have google analytics, and the server has web logs for page accesses, and logs of the nightly process.
Our code will need to adapt with schema changes and changes to external systems upon which it relies
This relies on the stats generated by a different piece of software (IATI-Stats), which itself relies on the Standard and the CKAN API. If those statistics are generated differently (or output differently) then this code would be affected.
It also relies on the Github API (v3), and Github gist.
The code relies on python modules, which may change over time. This may have implications for the server requirements to host the application.
- Link to the source code and issue tracker are in the footer.
- Javascript support tab is in place that links to Zendesk.
Has a CONTRIBUTING.rst file
There is room on the homepage for notices.
There is a forum on for consultation about the Dashboard Publishing Statistics tabs -
Nothing more general is in place.
The Support tab is in place.
If people visit the source code pages they can contact the team there.
- This is just a website, same concerns as our other websites.
- No logins, or collection of users data
- The Dashboard sets cookies. Cookie code should be considered.
- Terms and conditions have not been written and may need to be.
If our code works with IATI data, have we considered how it will work as the IATI datasets grow, both in terms of individual file size and as a corpus
This could become a problem for the Dashboard, as it relies on running code across the entire dataset. Currently the complete process (including download and stats code) for generating the dashboard is run nightly, and takes several hours.
The dashboard doesn’t pose any new security concerns because it’s all a static site.
As this is a static site it is either there or it is not.
If any of scripts return a non-zero exit status the site will not be updated. So at worst an out of date site will be displayed, but not a broken site.
We use travis to check whether is has updated by noon in a given day -
There is a concern for knowing that the dashboard is accurately displaying what we think it should. As it relies on number of other services it could be displaying inaccurate data.