Basic example for the nomad module. Per default the module will be deployed in us-east-1 (virginia) into three AZ's. Additionally to ensure that the nomad servers find each other the consul-server module is also deployed with this example.
# terraform init &&\
# terraform plan -out nm.plan -var deploy_profile=<your-profile> -var ami_id=<id of the ami to use for consul/ nomad nodes> &&\
# terraform apply "nm.plan"
# on playground
terraform init &&\
terraform plan -out nm.plan -var deploy_profile=playground -var ami_id=ami-1234567890 &&\
terraform apply "nm.plan"
script_dir=$(pwd)/../helper && export PATH=$PATH:$script_dir &&\
export AWS_PROFILE=playground
The result should look like this:
Your Nomad servers are running at the following IP addresses:
Some commands for you to try:
Configure ip of nomad-server: export NOMAD_ADDR=
Open nomad ui: nomad ui
Watch servers: watch -x nomad server-members
Watch nodes: watch -x nomad node-status
Deploy fabio-loadbalancer: nomad run /home/winnietom/work/projects/cos/Nomad/cos/examples/helper/fabio.nomad
Deploy ping_service: nomad run /home/winnietom/work/projects/cos/Nomad/cos/examples/helper/ping_service.nomad
Remove ping_service: nomad stop ping_service
Watch status of ping_service: watch -x nomad status ping_service
[INFO] [] Current state jobs
No running jobs
[INFO] [] Current state server
Name Address Port Status Leader Protocol Build Datacenter Region 4648 alive false 2 0.7.1 leader us-east-1 4648 alive false 2 0.7.1 leader us-east-1 4648 alive true 2 0.7.1 leader us-east-1
[INFO] [] Current state nodes
# terraform destroy -var deploy_profile=<your-profile>
# on playground
terraform destroy -var deploy_profile=playground