Link: cli-services-glacier
aws glacier create-vault --account-id - --vault-name vaultName
dd if=/dev/urandom of=largefile bs=3145728 count=1
split --bytes=1048576 --verbose largefile chunk
aws glacier initiate-multipart-upload --account-id - --archive-description "multipart upload test" --part-size 1048576 --vault-name vaultName
"location": "/097479760550/vaults/vaultName/multipart-uploads/ssW0KxfMgdJ4LTRposuVTpPgrGsTAPze_GQUwtFWrJwIKEkNOdX_F0z-yNAA_pQIptvpZueGWWUszGZ446HBIE9aWWVr",
"uploadId": "ssW0KxfMgdJ4LTRposuVTpPgrGsTAPze_GQUwtFWrJwIKEkNOdX_F0z-yNAA_pQIptvpZueGWWUszGZ446HBIE9aWWVr"
aws glacier upload-multipart-part --upload-id $UPLOADID --body chunkaa --range 'bytes 0-1048575/*' --account-id - --vault-name vaultName
aws glacier upload-multipart-part --upload-id $UPLOADID --body chunkab --range 'bytes 1048576-2097151/*' --account-id - --vault-name vaultName
aws glacier upload-multipart-part --upload-id $UPLOADID --body chunkac --range 'bytes 2097152-3145727/*' --account-id - --vault-name vaultName
6) We are hashing the file with openssl so that we can check if the file here and the outgoing file are the same.
openssl dgst -sha256 -binary chunkaa > hash1
openssl dgst -sha256 -binary chunkab > hash2
openssl dgst -sha256 -binary chunkac > hash3
cat hash1 hash2 > hash12
openssl dgst -sha256 -binary hash12 > hash12hash
cat hash12hash hash3 > hash123
openssl dgst -sha256 hash123
aws glacier complete-multipart-upload --checksum $TREEHASH --archive-size 3145728 --upload-id $UPLOADID --account-id - --vault-name vaultName