title | description |
Netlify CLI Commands List |
All netlify CLI command |
To get a list of commands, run
netlify help
To get a list of available sub-commands, arguments & flags run
netlify [command] help
(Beta) Manage Netlify Add-ons
Subcommand | description |
addons:auth |
Login to add-on provider |
addons:config |
Configure add-on settings |
addons:create |
Add an add-on extension to your site |
addons:delete |
Remove an add-on extension to your site |
addons:list |
List currently installed add-ons for site |
Run any Netlify API method
(Beta) Build on your local machine
(Beta) Generate shell completion script
Subcommand | description |
completion:install |
Generates completion script for your preferred shell |
Create a new deploy from the contents of a folder
Local dev server
Subcommand | description |
dev:exec |
Exec command |
Control environment variables for the current site
Subcommand | description |
env:clone |
Clone environment variables from one site to another |
env:get |
Get resolved value of specified environment variable (includes netlify.toml) |
env:import |
Import and set environment variables from .env file |
env:list |
Lists resolved environment variables for site (includes netlify.toml) |
env:set |
Set value of environment variable |
env:unset |
Unset an environment variable which removes it from the UI |
Manage netlify functions
Subcommand | description |
functions:build |
Build functions locally |
functions:create |
Create a new function locally |
functions:invoke |
Trigger a function while in netlify dev with simulated data, good for testing function calls including Netlify's Event Triggered Functions |
functions:list |
List functions that exist locally |
functions:serve |
(Beta) Serve functions locally |
(Beta) Control the Netlify Graph functions for the current site
Subcommand | description |
graph:config:write |
Write a .graphqlrc.json file to the current directory for use with local tooling (e.g. the graphql extension for vscode) |
graph:edit |
Launch the browser to edit your local graph functions from Netlify |
graph:handler |
Generate a handler for a Graph operation given its name. See graph:operations for a list of operations. |
graph:init |
Initialize all the resources for Netlify Graph |
graph:library |
Generate the Graph function library |
graph:operations |
List all of the locally available operations |
graph:pull |
Pull your remote Netlify Graph schema locally, and process pending Graph edit events |
Configure continuous deployment for a new or existing site. To create a new site without continuous deployment, use netlify sites:create
Link a local repo or project folder to an existing site on Netlify
Handle Netlify Large Media operations
Subcommand | description |
lm:info |
Show large media requirements information. |
lm:install |
Configures your computer to use Netlify Large Media |
lm:setup |
Configures your site to use Netlify Large Media |
Login to your Netlify account
Open settings for the site linked to the current folder
Subcommand | description |
open:admin |
Opens current site admin UI in Netlify |
open:site |
Opens current site url in browser |
(Beta) Create and modify files in a project using pre-defined recipes
Subcommand | description |
recipes:list |
(Beta) List the recipes available to create and modify files in a project |
Handle various site operations
Subcommand | description |
sites:create |
Create an empty site (advanced) |
sites:create-template |
(Beta) Create a site from a starter template |
sites:delete |
Delete a site |
sites:list |
List all sites you have access to |
Print status information
Subcommand | description |
status:hooks |
Print hook information of the linked site |
Switch your active Netlify account
Unlink a local folder from a Netlify site
Watch for site deploy to finish