A game for the Global Game Jam 2023. In a world where trees are anti-gravitational, you are a rabbit, trying to reach his magic hat, that's also a portal to return you home.
- Sharing Is Caring (Sponsored by GitHub): Share the source code for your submission in a public GitHub repository and list the URL on your submission page.
- Zen: Game has no intense visual effects or sounds, or lets players adjust intensity
- Kazoog: The music of your game must be played on the kazoo instrument.
- Year of the Rabbit: Make a game that has rabbits as an element in it, or showcases how your culture/locals celebrate the Year of the Rabbit, or make a game featuring cats for our Vietnamese friends who are celebrating the Year of the Cat.
- Max Romagnoli as programmer
- Federico de Micheli as 3D modeller
- Miriam Mariani as game designer
- Zibbo as sound designer
- On January 28th, Miriam and I listened to the theme reveal, and started brainstorming the game.
- From the 29th to the 31st, Miriam and I worked on an idea that started from a sketch, a floating tree wrapped in a piece of earth. Federico, start modeling the main assets of the game.
- February 2th: with help from the diversifiers, we decide to use a rabbit as the main character, the obvious choice because he must be able to jump from one floating plate to another. We decide to call the game "Antigravity Trees". I (Max) start installing Unity3D to experiment with 3D models, but the SSD breaks on the computer, and the day ends for me.
- February 3th: Zibbo (my brother) and I start working on the soundtrack, which will be different depending on the chosen game mode "zen" or "kazoo". In the afternoon I change the SSD to the computer and reinstall the operating system, the programs and the project (thanks GitHub).
- February 4th: In the morning i created the menu system at the beginning of the game, with the selection of the game mode and a menu to start a new game or start from where you left off. In the afternoon I started replacing the 3D model of the main character with the rabbit, and creating the various animations needed.
- February 5th: Started in the morning, build the remaining features, extend the game level with some free low-poly assets downloaded from the unity asset store. We'll compile the game by 4pm and upload the zip to the jam site!