- 'combine' now uses "join_full" to retain all times from either Monitor object.
- Added
to core metadata.`
Added filter and collapse methods:
-- Subsets a Monitor object based on a metadata field.collapse()
-- Collapses multiple time series into a single time series using a function likemin
Added useAllColumns
argument to #parseMeta()
and loadCustom()
method. loadCustom() defaults to
useAllColumns = true`.
Added loadCustom()
method to load monitoring data from places other than the
USFS AirFire data archives.
Tweaked loadAnnual()
to work with 2022 data.
NOTE: This is a temporary hack for testing until we can create combined annual files that have complete metadata.
Added loadAnnual()
method to load a years worth of data.
Added getMetaObject()
method to return an object with all metadata.
Replaced dailyAverage()
and diurnalAverage()
methods with dailyStats()
and diurnalStats()
. Both now return objects with datetime
or hour
as well
as count
, min
, mean
and max
Added methods to help with generating interactive maps:
-- Returns themeta
dataframe updated with the most recent time and pm25 value for each monitor.createGeoJSON()
-- Creates a.geojson version of the current status information.
Initial release includes basic functionality for working with hourly monitoring data from the USFS AirFire monitoring data archives.