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File metadata and controls

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Java SDK for MediaMath Platform APIs

Maven Integration

You can integrate the latest t1-java build easily by just including the following lines in your pom.xml.


You can also download the latest jar from Maven Central or from the following source -

#Build project from source

  • For developer build

    mvn clean install -Pdev

  • For Production build

    mvn clean install -Pprod


  • make sure the build path entries in your project are pointing to the jar file created.

Authentication - Cookie Auth (default)

  • using constructor

      TerminalOne one = new TerminalOne(username, password, key);
  • using authenticate method

      TerminalOne one = new TerminalOne();
      one.authenticate(username, password, key);

OAuth2 (Password - Resource Owner flow):

T1 Java is designed to be used for scripts. If you wish to make a UI for 3rd parties, we recommend use use the Application Code flow, which may require a little more engineering than what's covered here. Note: As of 2017-06-29 OAuth2 is not available everywhere within the MediaMath environment. Until then, for production, we recommend using the Cookie flow. This message will be updated with more services as the rollout completes.

	TerminalOne one = new TerminalOne();
	one.authenticate(username, password, clientId, clientSecret);

Fetching Entities and Collections

Using get method of TerminalOne we can fetch entities and collections.

	TerminalOne one = new TerminalOne();
	one.get(QueryCriteria query)	

Returns: If single entity is specified, returns a single entity object. If multiple entities, generator yielding each entity.

QueryCriteria class has parameters as below:

  • collection: T1 collection i.e. entity to fetch, like "advertisers","campaigns"

     Example: query.setCollection("campaigns");
  • entity: Integer ID of entity being retrieved from T1

     Example: query.setEntity(12312);
  • child: Child object of a particular entity, e.g. "dma", "acl","margins"

     Example: query.setChild("browser");
  • sortBy: sort order. Default "id". e.g. "-id", "name"

     Example: query.setSortBy("id"); //ascending
     		 query.setSortBy("-id"); //descending
  • parent: Integer ID of entity. When set, it returns entities with this parent id.

     Example: query.setParent(Long.valueOf(111555)); //requires long value
  • limit: to query the entity. Its a Map of name-value pair of size 1.

     Example: Map<String, Long> limitMap = new HashMap<String, Long>();
     		 limitMap.put("agency", Long.valueOf(111555));
  • full: When retrieving multiple entities, specifies which types to return the full record. It can accept values as boolean(true/false), String or List of Strings.

     Example: 1. As Boolean
     			FullParamValues fullParamvalue = new FullParamValues();
     		 2. As String
     		 	FullParamValues fullParamvalue = new FullParamValues();
     			query.setFull(new FullParamValues().setStrValue("agency"))
     		 3. As List of Strings
     			List<String> fullList = new ArrayList<String>();
     			FullParamValues fullParamvalue = new FullParamValues();
  • pageLimit and pageOffset: handles pagination.

    pageLimit specifies how many entities to return at a time, default and max of 100.

    pageOffset specifies which entity to start at for that page.

      Example: query.setPageLimit(10);
  • getAll: Boolean(true/false) whether to retrieve all results for a query or just a single page. Mutually exclusive with pageLimit/pageOffset.

  • include: String/List of relations to include in query.

     Example: 1. As String
     			query.setInclude(new ConditionQuery("agency"));	
     		 2. As List of lateral (non-hierarchical) relations
     		    query.setInclude(new ConditionQuery("agency","organization"));
     		 3.As List of list/strings of hierarchical relations
     			query.setInclude(new ConditionQuery("ad_server"))
     				 .setInclude(new ConditionQuery("vertical"))
  • creativeType: String(video/normal) Specifies which type of creative to fetch. Use "video" while fetching video creatives and "normal" for other types of creatives.

     Example: query.setCreativeType(;
  • downloadSiteList: Boolean(true/false) when true, performs the retrieval of the sites defined within the site_list. default value is false.

      QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder().setCollection("site_lists").setEntity(12345)
      BufferedReader reader = null;
      try {
      	reader = terminalOne.getSiteListData(query);
      } catch (ClientException | ParseException e) {
      	// TODO Auto-generated catch block

    Following methods of TerminalOne class is used to fetch sitelist.


    Method returns BufferedReader object.

  • query: String search parameters. Invoked by find.

     Example: query.setQuery("agency_id%3E=109308");

We can use different combinations of these parameters to extract expected result. Here are some complete examples.

	    TerminalOne one = new TerminalOne();

		QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder()
								.setCollection("advertisers")		//collection
								.setEntity(154161)		//entity
		JsonResponse<?> jsonresponse = one.get(query);
		QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder()
								.setInclude(new ConditionQuery("agency", "organization"))  		
		JsonResponse<?> jsonresponse = one.get(query);
		QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder()
								.setPageLimit(40)		//pageLimit
								.setPageOffset(100)		//pageOffset
		JsonResponse<?> jsonresponse = one.get(query);
		Map<String, Long> limitList = new HashMap<String, Long>();
		limitList.put("agency", Long.valueOf(111555));
		QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder()
								.setLimit(limitList)		//limit
								.setGetAll(true)		//getAll
		JsonResponse<?> jsonresponse = one.get(query);
		QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder()

Searching for entities

Limiting entities by relation ID is one way to limit entities, but we can also search with more intricate queries using find:

	TerminalOne one = new TerminalOne();
	one.find(QueryCriteria query);

Here QueryCriteria has 3 parameters

  1. queryParamName: String query parameter name

  2. queryOperator: arithmetic operator like < > = !=.

    It handled by Fileters object constants-

    • IN
    • NULL
    • NOT_NULL
    • EQUALS
    • LESS
  3. queryParams : values to pass to queryParameter. It can be Boolean, String, Number or any List

     Example: 1. queryParam As Number   
     		QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder()
     							.setQueryParams(new QueryParamValues(109308))
     		JsonResponse<?> jsonresponse = one.find(query);
     		2. queryParam as String
     		QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder()
     							.setQueryParams(new QueryParamValues("Retirement"))
     		JsonResponse<?> jsonresponse = one.find(query);
     		3. queryParam as List, to be used as IN query
     		//form list
     		List<Object> inQueryParams = new ArrayList<Object>();
     		QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder()
     							.setQueryParams(new QueryParamValues("name"))
     							.setQueryParams(new QueryParamValues(inQueryParams))
     		JsonResponse<?> jsonresponse = one.find(query);

TerminalOne.find(QueryCriteria q) method can be used as a helper method to TerminalOne.get(QueryCriteria q) method and all get related QueryCriteria parameters can be used along with find() parameters.

How to Post

  • you need to import the Entities from the package com.mediamath.terminalone.models.*;

    TerminalOne one = new TerminalOne();
    one.authenticate("someUser", "somepwd", "somekey");
    Agency agency = new Agency();
    agency =;

    The above snippet of code sets the agency entity attributes and saves it with the save method of TerminalOne

    The save method is overloaded, accepting different Entities as parameters. Entities are derived from T1Entity which serves as a base interface for all the entities.

    The save method throws ClientException or ParseException or IOException in case of any error occurs.

    The return type of the save method can be the same Type of Entity as passed into the argument OR it will be a null or in some special cases it will be JsonResponse<? extends T1Entity>

  • Video Creatives

    uploading a video creative is broken down into two steps.

    • first call creates a video creative and it returns a creative id.
    • second call uploads the file using the creative id received from the first step.
    • Before Second call, we need to get Key and Uploader host by calling GET https://{HOST}/{API_BASE}/creatives/{creative Id}/upload

    first call requires a VideoCreative entity as an input param.

    ####### Example

      TerminalOne t1 = new TerminalOne(user, password,production_key);
      VideoCreative videoCreative = new VideoCreative();
      videoCreative.setStartTime(1468486396); //unix timestamp
      videoCreative.setEndTime(1470009600); //unix timestamp
      //set event pixels
      List<EventPixel> eventPixels = new ArrayList<EventPixel>();
    	eventPixels.add(new EventPixel(EventPixelsEnum.ImpSkippable.toString(), ""));
    	eventPixels.add(new EventPixel(EventPixelsEnum.Skip.toString(), ""));
      VideoCreativeResponse videoCreativeResponse = t1.saveVideoCreatives(videoCreative);

    Before second call, get KEY and Uploader Host from GET query, which are needed in second call.

      QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder().setCollection("creatives").setEntity(Long.parseLong(videoCreativeResponse.getCreativeId())).setCreativeType("upload").build();
      JsonResponse<?> jsonresponse = null;
      try {
      	jsonresponse = t1.get(query);
      } catch (ClientException | ParseException e) {
      VideoCreativeResponse cdr = (VideoCreativeResponse) jsonresponse.getData();	

    The second call requires the creative id received from the step above. this will return a new VideoCreativeResponse with appropriate status. Use request data from above GET call.

      String filePath = "C:\\dir1\\subdir1\\file1234.flv";
      String fileName = "file1234.flv";
      VideoCreativeUploadResponse uploadResponse = t1.videoCreativeUpload(filePath, fileName, cdr.getKey(), cdr.getUploader().getHost());

    you can also check the upload status by calling

      VideoCreativeUploadStatus uploadStatus = t1.getVideoCreativeUploadStatus(videoCreativeResponse.getCreativeId());

    which returns a VideoCreativeUplaodStatus obj with appropriate response.

    ####### Example - Video Creative Update

      //Step 1 : Get Video Creative details
      TerminalOne t1 = new TerminalOne(user, password,production_key);
      QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder().setCollection("creatives").setEntity(12345).setCreativeType(;
      JsonResponse<?> jsonresponse = null;
      try {
      	jsonresponse = t1.get(query);
      } catch (ClientException | ParseException e) {
      	// TODO Auto-generated catch block
      CreativeDetailsResponse cdr = (CreativeDetailsResponse) jsonresponse.getData();
      //Step 2 : Update Video Creative
      VideoCreative videoCreative = cdr.getDetails();
      VideoCreativeResponse videoCreativeResponse = t1.saveVideoCreatives(videoCreative);

    Video Creative Update returns VideoCreativeResponse with CreativeId and Status.

  • 3PAS Creative Upload

    the 3PAS creative upload is broken down into two steps as shown below.

      TerminalOne t1 = new TerminalOne(user, password,api_key);
      // 3pas first call
      ThreePASCreativeUpload response = t1.save3pasCreativeUpload("C:\\dir1\\subdir1\\file1.txt", "file1" ,"file1");
      // 3pas second call 
      ThreePASCreativeBatchApprove batchApprove = new ThreePASCreativeBatchApprove();
      batchApprove.setBatchIndex("1", null, null);
      batchApprove.setBatchIndex("4", null, null);
      batchApprove.setBatchIndex("3", null, null);
      JsonResponse<? extends T1Entity> finalJsonResponse = t1.save3pasCreativeUploadBatch(batchApprove);

    the first step is responsible to upload the creative to 3PAS it takes in filePath, fileName, and a Name parameter as its inputs and returns a ThreePASCreativeUpload response.

    the second call takes in ThreePASCreativeBatchApprove as its input parameter the setBatchIndex method takes in 3 parametes: batch index, concept id, click url the concept id and click_url are associated to the specific batch index.

    batchApprove.setBatchIndex(pBatchIndex, concept, click_url)

    the second call returns JsonResponse<? extends T1Entity>.

  • T1AS Creative Upload

    the T1AS Creative upload is done in 2 steps as shown below.

    ####### Example - Simple File Upload

      TerminalOne t1 = new TerminalOne(user, password,api_key);
      TOneASCreativeAssetsUpload response = t1.saveT1ASCreativeAssetsUpload("C:\\dir1\\subdir1\\", "", "t1asfileupload");
      TOneASCreativeAssetsApprove creativeAssetsApprove = new TOneASCreativeAssetsApprove(); 
      JsonResponse<? extends T1Entity> secondresponse = t1.saveTOneASCreativeAssetsApprove(creativeAssetsApprove);

    ####### Example - HTML5 Files Upload with Backup File

      TerminalOne t1 = new TerminalOne(user, password,api_key);
      //Backup File (Mandatory)
      T1File t1File = new T1File("BBVA_CaminoaleÔxito_160x600.jpg", "BBVA_CaminoaleÔxito_160x600.jpg", "D:\\MediaMath\\html5\\BBVA_CaminoaleÔxito_160x600.jpg");
      //Required Zip File
      T1File t2File = new T1File("BBVA_CaminoaleÔxito_160x600.jpg", "BBVA_CaminoaleÔ", "D:\\MediaMath\\html5\\BBVA_CaminoaleÔ");
      List<T1File> fileList = new ArrayList<>();
      TOneASCreativeAssetsUpload response = t1.saveTOneASCreativeAssetsUpload(fileList);
      TOneASCreativeAssetsApprove creativeAssetsApprove = new TOneASCreativeAssetsApprove(); 
      JsonResponse<? extends T1Entity> secondresponse = t1.saveTOneASCreativeAssetsApprove(creativeAssetsApprove);

    the first call to save T1AS Creative Assets uploads the file and returns the TOneASCreativeAssetsApprove obj in response.

    the second call to T1AS requires a TOneASCreativeAssetsApprove whose create method requires the following parameters

      TOneASCreativeAssetsApprove.create(boolean is_https, String advertiserid, String landingPage, String click_url, String primary, String backup, String concept)

    the second call returns the JsonResponse<? extends T1Entity> object in response which contans the appropriate status.


The Reports API on TerminalOne Platform allows advertisers to access, query and aggregate reporting data

There are two types of requests that can be made against Reports API: requests for metadata information, and requests for data retrieval. All data retrieval requests are performed synchronously.

  • Get the meta data on number of the reports supported by the API

      t1 = new TerminalOne(user, password, api_key);
      JsonResponse<? extends T1Entity> jsonresponse = t1.getMeta();

    the above code snippets fetches all the supported reports information it returns a Meta object containing all the meta data.

  • Get Individual Report Definition

    you can get meta data for each report as shown below.

      t1 = new TerminalOne(user, password, api_key);
      MetaData metaResponse = t1.getReportsMeta(Reports.GEO);

    getReportsMeta takes in Reports enum; select a desired report from the enum

    the method returns a MetaData object which contains meta data like dimension and metrics for the specified report.

  • Get Report Data

    retrieve report data as shown below.

    t1.getReport(Reports.PERFORMANCE, report);

    this method takes in a Reports enum and a ReportCriteria criteria object.

    the Report Criteria is used set the filters, dimensions and metrics parameters to query the reporting api, as shown below.

      ReportCriteria report = new ReportCriteria();
      report.setFilter("organization_id", "=", "100000");
      SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
      String stateDate = df.format(df.parse(dateInString));
      String endDate = df.format(df.parse(endDateInString));

    the start date and end date can be specified in the following formats.

    • month - YYYY-MM
    • day - YYYY-MM-DD
    • hour - YYYY-MM-DDThh
    • minute - YYYY-MM-DDThh:mi
    • second - YYYY-MM-DDThh:mi:ss

    the response is always a file object.


  • Bulk Strategy update using campaign id

    Below are the basic steps to follow

    1. Get all strategies to update

      FullParamValues fpm = new FullParamValues();
      Map<String, Long> limitMap = new HashMap<String, Long>();
      limitMap.put("campaign", (long) 12345);
      QueryCriteria query = QueryCriteria.builder().setCollection("strategies").setLimit(limitMap).setFull(fpm).setGetAll(true).build();
      List<Strategy> StrategiesToUpdate = new ArrayList<Strategy>();
      JsonResponse<?> jsonresponse = null;
      try {
      	jsonresponse = terminalOne.get(query);
      } catch (ClientException | ParseException e) {
      StrategiesToUpdate = (List<Strategy>) jsonresponse.getData();

    2. Create Updater Strategy object

    Create new Strategy entity and add parametervalues to it which you want to update in all strategies.

      Strategy updater = new Strategy();

    3. Update Strategies using updater Strategy Update all strategies using method of TerminalOne class as below.

    terminalOne.bulkUpdate(StrategiesToUpdate, Updater Strategy)

    This method accepts 2 parameters,

    1.list of strategies which needs to be updated

    2.Updater Strategy object.

      List<Strategy> updatedStrategyList =null;
      updatedStrategyList =	terminalOne.bulkUpdate(StrategiesToUpdate, updater);