- Security levels
- Escape sequence
- Music triggers
- Stackable beams
- Boss fights
- Data rooms
- Disable Adam event locks
- Stackable missiles
- Map changes to prevent major softlocks
- Event-based environment changes
- Disable title screen demos
- Maps downloaded at game start
- Configurable item locations
- Hint system
- More configurable settings
- Expansion tank amounts
- Environmental damage
- HUD Support for >20 E-Tanks
- Completion screen info
- Fast doors and elevators
- Skip intro and ending
- Screw attack unbonk
- Completion info on map without game completion
- Use a custom palette for some tank sprites
- Ability toggles, a la SM/ZM
- Add option to reveal full map and uncollected items at game start
- Add two item locations to replace Power Bomb download and Ice Beam
- Eliminate major luck time losses, i.e. Gadoras, Zazabi, and animals
- Special ending for saving the animals
- Zazabi instant kill from Power Bombs, a la AM2R queen metroid