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116 lines (103 loc) · 6.77 KB


Protocol description for modbus Goodwe DT inwerters

Setup connection:

Conection is made with parameters : 9600 baud , 8 data bits , 1 stop bit , parity None.


In DT series of GoodWe inwerters there isstandard modbus implemented (in opposite to other GoodWe inverters with their own protocol). So to receive a full data we have to send to inverter's addres 247 (standard for GoodWe,changable in menu) a command for requesting the content of analog output holding registers ( function 03) #768 to #891 ( in total 124 registers) a request:

F7 03 0300 007C 50F9

F7 - inwerter adress (247 in HEX: F7)
03 - Function Code 3 (read Analog Output Holding Registers)
0300: The Data Address of the first register requested.( 0300 hex = 768)
007C: The total number of registers requested. (read 124 registers 768 to 891)
50F9: The CRC16-MODBUS (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking

Responce will be similar to:

F7 03 F8 18 38 18 5B 00 1B 00 1C 09 0E 09 63 09 57 00 33 00 32 00 31 13 86 13 86 13 87 0D E9 00 01 01 AD 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 16 00 00 00 17 07 7F 00 00 00 6B 00 00 01 A6 02 98 19 1B 0C 74 00 00 00 06 00 2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 07 12 09 0F 28 00 00 00 3B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 10 00 00 47 57 32 35 4B 2D 44 54 20 20 40 30

Register # Byte# Possible Value Value Decrypt Value Description
- 00 F7 F7 hex = 247 Addres from where this responce recived
- 01 03 Function Code 3 read Analog Output Holding Registers
- 02 F8 Data length (Packet length = Data length + 5)
768 03 04 18 38 1838 hex = 6200 620.0V DC Voltage on PV1
769 05 06 18 5B 185B hex = 6235 623.5V DC Voltage on PV2
770 07 08 00 1B 001B hex = 27 2.7A DC Current on PV1
771 09 10 00 1C 001C hex = 28 2.8A DC Current on PV2
772 11 12 09 0E 090E hex = 2318 231.8V AC Voltage on L1
773 13 14 09 63 0963 hex = 2403 240.3V AC Voltage on L2
774 15 16 09 57 0957 hex = 2391 239.1V AC Voltage on L3
775 17 18 00 33 0033 hex = 51 5.1A AC Current on L1
776 19 20 00 32 0032 hex = 50 5.0A AC Current on L2
777 21 22 00 31 0031 hex = 49 4.9A AC Current on L3
778 23 24 13 86 1386 hex = 4998 49.98Hz AC Frequency on L1
779 25 26 13 86 1386 hex = 4998 49.98Hz AC Frequency on L2
780 27 28 13 87 1387 hex = 4999 49.99Hz AC Frequency on L3
781 29 30 0D E9 0DE9 hex = 3561 3561W Actual Power
782 31 32 00 01 0001 hex = 1 Status: 0-Pause/Waiting , 1-Working , 2 - Error
783 33 34 01 AD 01AD hex = 429 42.9deg Inner Temperature
784 35 36 00 00 Error Message H
785 37 38 00 00 Error Message L
786 39 40 00 00 Energy Total H ?
787 41 42 01 16 0116 hex = 278 27,8kWh Energy Total L
788 43 44 00 00 Working Hours Total H ?
789 45 46 00 17 0017 hex = 23h Working Hours Total L
790 47 48 07 7F 077F hex = 1919 191.9deg TemperatureFaultValue
791 49 50 00 00 PV1FaultVault
792 51 52 00 6B 006B hex = 107 0.7V PV2FaultVault
793 53 54 00 00 Line1VFaultValue
794 55 56 01 A6 01A6 hex = 422 42.2V Line2VFaultValue
795 57 58 02 98 0298 hex = 664 66.4V Line3VFaultValue
796 59 60 19 1B 191B hex = 6427 64.27Hz Line1FFaultValue
797 61 62 0C 74 0C74 hex = 3188 31.88Hz Line2FFaultValue
798 63 64 00 00 Line3FFaultValue
799 65 66 00 06 0006 hex = 6 6mA GFC1FaultValue
800 67 68 00 2A 002A hex = 42 4.2kWh Energy Today
801 - 826 69 - 120 00 00 0 bytes
827 121 122 14 07 14hex = 20 2020year 07hex - 07 month Date
828 123 124 12 09 12hex = 18 day 09hex= 09 hour Date/Time
829 125 126 0F 28 0Fhex = 16 min 28hex = 40s Time
830 127 - 128 00 00 0 bytes
831 129 - 130 00 3B 003B hex = 59 Measurement during start, leackage current ?
830 - 851 131 - 170 00 00 0 bytes
852 171 172 00 0C 000C hex = 12 Constans value , ?
853 - 884 173 - 236 00 00 0 bytes
885 237 - 238 27 10 2710 hex = 10 000 W Inverter power
886 239 240 00 00 0 bytes
887 - 891 241 - 250 47 57 32 35 4B 2D 44 54 20 20 475732354B2D44542020 hex to ASCII gives GW25K-DT Model name
- 251-252 40 30 CRC16-MODBUS

Error masages (784+785 combined) on first look maches with standard GoodWe protocol.

Bit # Error Message Description
Bit31 Internal Communication Failure Communication between microcontrollers is failure
Bit30 EEPROM R/W Failure EEPROM cannot be read or written
Bit29 Fac Failure The grid frequency is out of tolerable range
Bit28 TBD N/A
Bit27 TBD N/A
Bit26 TBD N/A
Bit25 Relay Check Failure Relay check is failure
Bit24 TBD N/A
Bit23 Vac Consistency Failure Different value between Master and Slave for grid voltage
Bit22 Fac Consistency Failure Different value between Master and Slave for grid frequency
Bit21 TBD N/A
Bit20 TBD N/A
Bit19 DC Injection High The DC injection to grid is too high
Bit18 Isolation Failure Isolation resistance of PV-plant out of tolerable range
Bit17 Vac Failure Grid voltage out of tolerable range
Bit16 Fan Failure Fan Lock
Bit15 PV Over Voltage Pv input voltage is over the tolerable maximum value
Bit14 Auto Test Failure Auto test failure
Bit13 Over Temperature Temperature is too high
Bit12 Internal Version Unmatch Master and slave firmware version is unmatch
Bit11 DC Bus High Dc bus is too high
Bit10 Gournd I Failure Ground current is too high
Bit9 Utility Loss Utility is unavailable
Bit8 TBD N/A
Bit7 TBD N/A
Bit6 TBD N/A
Bit5 TBD N/A
Bit4 GFCI Consistency Failure Different value between Master and Slave for GFCI
Bit3 DCI Consistency Failure Different value between Master and Slave for output DC current
Bit2 TBD N/A
Bit1 AC HCT Failure The output current sensor is abnormal
Bit0 GFCI Device Failure The GFCI detecting circuit is abnormal


  • find steering commands ( setting Power Factor , setting Power Limit , Stop/Start , ect.)