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Create and deploy a mobile app in Azure App Service

Quique Martínez edited this page Jun 7, 2016 · 1 revision

Create and deploy a mobile app in Azure App Service

Azure App Service is the only cloud service that integrates everything you need to quickly and easily build web and mobile apps for any platform and any device. Built for developers, App Service is a fully managed platform that has powerful capabilities such as built-in DevOps, continuous integration with Visual Studio Team Services and GitHub, staging and production support, and automatic patching.

This tutorial shows how to deploy an ASP.NET mobile app to a mobile app in Azure App Service as a notification service by using Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2013. After you complete the tutorial, you’ll have a notification service that’s identical to the one that’s used in Microsoft Connect(); //2015, which will be executed in the cloud.

The following illustration shows the completed application:

You’ll learn these procedures:

  • How to prepare your computer for Azure development by installing the Azure SDK for .NET.

  • How to set up Visual Studio to create a new mobile app in Azure App Service while it creates an ASP.NET 5 mobile project.

  • How to compose the Demo project that is presented in Microsoft Connect(); //2015.

  • How to deploy a mobile project to a mobile app in App Service by using Visual Studio, and how to create a notification service.

  • How to use the Azure portal to monitor and manage your mobile app.

Sign up for Microsoft Azure

You need an Azure account to complete this tutorial. You can:

If you want to get started with Azure App Service before you sign up for an Azure account, go to Try App Service. There, you can immediately create a short-lived starter web app in App Service without a credit card or commitments.

Set up the development environment

To start, set up your development environment by installing the latest version of the Azure SDK.

Visual Studio 2015

Visual Studio 2013

If you don't have Visual Studio installed, use the link for Visual Studio 2015, and Visual Studio will be installed along with the SDK.

Create a new project and an instance of App Service

The first step is to create a mobile project in Visual Studio and a mobile application in an instance of App Service. When it’s ready, you must implement the project in the mobile app to make it available on the Internet.

The following diagram shows what you need to do to follow the creation and implementation steps.

Create a mobile app in Visual Studio

  1. Open Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2013.

  2. On the File menu, click New > Project.

  3. In the New Project dialog box, click C# > Cloud > Azure Mobile App.

  4. Choose a good name for the project, for example, HealthDemo.MobileApp.

  5. You can deactivate or activate Application Insights if you want your application to be monitored in terms of availability and performance using Azure Application Insights.

  6. Click OK.

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  1. In the Select a template window, select Azure Mobile App.

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  1. Click OK. The project will begin to be created.

Create a mobile app in Azure App Service

From Server Explorer in Visual Studio, you can create a mobile app in an instance of Azure App Service. In case you have not signed in to Azure yet, you can also sign in to an existing subscription in Server Explorer.

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  1. You can create a mobile application on in an instance of Azure App Service from Server Explorer.

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  1. You need to fill in the required information. Select the type of App Service as Mobile App.

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  1. Because your mobile application will have a SQL database, you can add one as a service in the configuration window.

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  1. When you click the OK button, Azure will begin to create the mobile app in Azure. After it is deployed, you can see all the information in the Azure portal and in Server Explorer in Visual Studio.

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  1. From Azure portal, open the mobile application. From the Settings pane, click the Push button to create an instance of Azure Notification Hubs for the App Service that you are creating. This process makes the service send notifications to the different target applications.

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  1. Fill in the required information, and click Create. You now have the resource group created and prepared for the future deployment.

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Compose the Connect(); //2015 Demo mobile app

After you have a basic mobile application, you can develop the mobile application of the Demo presented at Microsoft Connect(); //2015. This Demo creates a push notification service through an instance of Notification Hubs. This can be created by following a few simple steps:

The base project start point is included in the following link. Start with this project, which includes files and settings that are of no interest to you but are important in the application: Demo solution

Application start process

  1. Remove the App_Start folder.

  2. In the Startup.cs file, replace the content in the namespace region with the following content:

This change produces quick application initialization. Remove the initialized database in the absence of information because you do not want the database to contain information from the beginning, and clear the debug information that adds nothing to the application development.

Data model

The data model, because of its simplicity and use of redundant elements to the subject, is included in the base project. The files are in the DataObjects folder.

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Database context

Replace the code in the MobileServiceContext.cs class with the following code:

The default constructor can be preserved and acts in a similar way to get the string connection with the database.

Furthermore, the collection of entities that it will use from the database for use in controllers is created.

Finally, shown in model creation, the default schema is dbo. We removed the convention that sets the table name so that it is a pluralized version of the entity type name. We added the convention to create columns from the data model attributes that were previously created.



Add the DoctorController.cs controller to the Controllers folder. You can perform operations with the Doctor entity and with its related notifications. Add the following code to the controller:


Add the HomeAppoinmentController.cs controller to the Controllers folder with the following code to work with the HomeAppointment entity and its related notifications.


Likewise, add the PatientController.cs controller to work with the Patient entity and its related notifications.


With this controller, you can update available tags to send notifications and connect to Notification Hubs. Because Notification Hub is already configured for the Azure environment, you don’t need any more information. Create the UpdateTagsController.cs controller in the Controllers folder:


This controller will send notifications to customers. It obtains the configured notification hubs and creates the push notification that will be sent. To do this, simply create the NotifyDelayController.cs controller, and add the following code:

You will have the completed Demo shown in Microsoft Connect(); //2015 regarding Mobile Applications in Azure, and thus a mobile application that can send push notifications to different customers. The code is available at the following link: HealthDemo.MobileApp

Deploy the project to Azure App Service

To have the mobile application available in Azure App Service, just follow these steps.

You have already generated the necessary Azure resources to expedite future deployments. You don’t have to create those resources again to run the mobile application .

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click on the HealthDemo.MobileApp project, and select Publish.

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  1. The Publish Web page opens. The wizard shows you a list of available Publish Profiles. If you select Microsoft Azure App Service, you can see a list of available Azure subscriptions and the resource groups that were previously created. Among them is the resource group that you used to deploy the mobile application that you configured in previous steps.

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  1. After you select the resource group, a page will show the connection information. The parameters will automatically fill with information, but you can modify the fields if necessary. To check that the connection works correctly, click Validate Connection.

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  1. On the Settings page, you can choose whether to deploy in a production environment or a debug environment, and you can see the connection with the database.

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  1. On the last page, Preview, you can determine the changes that affect the Azure environment.

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  1. Finally, click Publish.

The Output window displays information about the deployment. When the deployment is finished, a message that everything has been completed successfully is displayed.

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You will see the final result in the browser that will open.

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Open remote files in Server Explorer

After the mobile application is deployed in Azure, you can make temporary changes to the remote site. To test and debug in a quick way; you only need to open and modify files in Server Explorer.

  1. You need to be signed in to Azure by using Server Explorer.

  2. In Server Explorer, expand the node at Azure > App Services > HealthDemo.MobileApp.ResourceGroup.

  3. Expand the node Log Files > kudu > trace, and open one of the files.

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  1. These files, for example, are log files to make debugging easy in the mobile application.

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It is also possible to access the configuration of the mobile application from Visual Studio so that you can start a remote debugging session and view logs on the application in real time. To do this, from Server Explorer, right-click the Application Service node.

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Monitor and manage the App Service in the Azure portal

You can manage and monitor the services covered by Azure from the Azure portal. This includes the mobile application that you just developed.

  1. In a web browser of your choice, go to the Azure portal, and sign in with your Azure credentials.

  2. Click Resource Groups. Here you can see resource groups for each of the parts that make up the Demo of Microsoft Connect(); //2015 that you have created throughout this article. For this tutorial, it’s HealthDemo.MobileApp.ResourceGroup.

  1. When you click the resource group, you will see a summary of the resources that are part of the group, as well as the information about the group and its configuration.

  1. You can click the mobile application that is contained in the group*,* HealthDemoMobileApp, to view general resource information, statistics, and content about the configuration.

It is possible that statistics are not real or that no statistics are displayed. Explore the application to start to show statistics on the portal.

  1. In the list of configuration types, you can explore different configurations that are available in your application. One is Application settings. From here, you can modify some important aspects of the application.

From the portal, you can perform many actions that are related to applications and other Azure services, such as databases and virtual machines.

Other suggested topics to explore

  • What are the Azure App Services, why to use them, their concepts, and a basic introduction to them.

  • Other ways to deploy a mobile project

For information about other ways to deploy mobile application projects to mobile apps by using Visual Studio or by automating deployment from a source control system, see How to deploy an Azure mobile app.

Visual Studio can also generate Windows PowerShell scripts that you can use to automate deployment. For more information, see Automate everything (Building real-world cloud apps with Azure).

  • How to add a custom domain name and SSL

For information about how to use SSL and your own domain (for example, instead of, see the following resources:

  • How to add real-time features such as chat

If your mobile app will include real-time features (such as a chat service, a game, or a stock ticker), you can get the best performance by using ASP.NET SignalR with the WebSockets transport method. For more information, see Using SignalR with Azure mobile apps.

  • How to choose between App Service, Azure Cloud Services, and Azure virtual machines for mobile applications

In Azure, you can run mobile applications in App Service as shown in this tutorial, or in cloud services or in virtual machines. For more information, see Azure mobile apps, cloud services, and VMs: When to use which?