Releases: microsoft/pyright
Published 1.1.356
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug that results in a false positive error when a class-scoped TypeVar with a default that references another class-scoped TypeVar is used in a method signature in that class.
- Fixed bug that resulted in a false positive error if a PEP-695
statement uses a type parameter and encloses the RHS in quotes. - Fixed bug that results in incorrect type narrowing in the negative (fall-through) case when a runtime-checkable protocol class is used as a class pattern with arguments within a match statement.
- Fixed a bug that results in a false positive when a class-scoped TypeVar used within a method has a default that refers to another class-scoped TypeVar.
- Fixed a bug that results in a false positive
diagnostic if the class derives from an Unknown or Any class.
Behavior Changes:
- Tweaked bidirectional type inference behaviors for lists to improve certain inference cases.
- Changed the logic for metaclass instance variable lookups to ignore the lookup if the metaclass MRO contains an unknown class.
- Update Unicode range tables to match Unicode 15.1.
- Added check for the use of a non-runtime-checkable protocol class in a class pattern. This generates an exception at runtime.
- Updated typeshed stubs to the latest version.
Published 1.1.355
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that results in incorrect type evaluation if a list expression includes a generator expression.
- Fixed bug that results in a false negative when a TypeAliasType object is used in a class pattern.
- Fixed bug that results in false positive when implicitly specializing a class parameterized by a TypeVarTuple when there is no default.
- Fixed bug that results in false positive when a list or set expression is evaluated using bidirectional type inference when the expected type is
. - Fixed bug that results in a false negative when overriding a method that has keyword parameters with a method that has a
parameter. - Fixed a bug that results in a false positive error in certain circumstances involving a TypeVarTuple used within an overload.
- Fixed bug that results in a false positive error when a base class defines a writable property and a subclass writes to the property.
- Fixed bug that results in a false positive "overload implementation does not match overloads" diagnostic when positional-only and keyword-only parameters are involved.
- Fixed a bug that results in a false positive in a complex situation that involves generic protocols, properties, and mix-in classes.
- Fixed bug that results in false positive error when a
method in a metaclass uses PEP 692 (unpacked TypeDict) to annotate its**kwargs
- Updated typeshed stubs to the latest. This version of typeshed replaces the older-style positional-only parameters with PEP 570 syntax.
- Improved validation for
statements to catch some previously-undetected invalid cases. - Expanded handling of python versions to handle more than just major/minor version numbers. Pyright now handles micro, releaseLevel, and serial numbers as well.
Published 1.1.354
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that resulted in an incorrect type evaluation when an augmented assignment is used within an inner-scoped function to add a constant to a variable. Literal math should not be used in this case.
- Fixed two bugs that resulted in false negatives when redefining a constant variable with a non-variable symbol and when redefining a Final variable with a non-variable symbol.
- Fixed bug that results in false positive when a generic class or type alias uses a TypeVarTuple followed by one or more ParamSpecs that have default values.
- Fixed bug that resulted in false negative when narrowing a constrained or bound TypeVar with a
class pattern. - Fixed bug that results in a false positive under certain circumstances when a constrained TypeVar is used as the default for another constrained TypeVar.
- Fixed a bug that results in a false positive under certain circumstances when defining a type alias using the old
annotation. - Fixed a bug that results in a false negative when a class explicitly inherits from a protocol that defines an instance variable but the child re-declares as a
without an explicit type. - Fixed a bug that made locale overrides through environment variables no longer work on node 21.
- Enhanced handling of
function when it is passed a class. Pyright previously evaluated this asAny
, but now it returns the class' metaclass. - Added check for generic classes and type aliases that include a TypeVarTuple followed by a TypeVar that has a default value. This is illegal according to PEP 696.
- Changed the behavior when accessing a class attribute from a generic class that is not specialized. The class is now automatically specialized in the case using default type parameter values (from PEP 696) or Unknown. This change is required for conformance with PEP 696.
- (From pylance) Added some optimizations to the tokenizer to reduce memory usage.
- Added new
diagnostic rule.
Published 1.1.353
Breaking Changes:
- The CLI and language server versions of pyright now require a minimum node version of 14. Previously node 12 and 13 were supported.
- Enabled PEP 705 and PEP 696 functionality without the use of enableExperimentalFeatures now that these PEPs are officially accepted.
- Improved support for instance variables whose type is declared in a metaclass. Pyright now honors this type and enforces type consistency in derived classes.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that results in a false negative when a dundered method overrides a base class method of the same name and uses different parameter names along with different types.
- Fixed a bug that leads to a false positive error when a
statement is used in a loop and the subject expression is potentially narrowed as a result of thematch
statement. - Added check for inappropriate use of
passed as second argument toNewType
call. - Fixed a bug that results in a false positive error when expanding the type arguments to a TypeVarTuple under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug that results in incorrect type evaluation when an index expression is assigned a value within a doubly-nested loop under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a regression that caused the signature help provider to not display the
method of a constructor if it is overloaded. - Fixed hard-coded type information for module attribute
. It should bestr | None
rather thanstr
. - Fixed a bug in the
type guard logic. It was not properly handling tuples that included unions. - Fixed bug in signature help provider so
method docstrings are showed when called onLiteralString
. - Fixed a bug that results in incorrect type narrowing behavior for member access expressions under certain circumstances.
- Fixed bug that resulted in a false negative when a possibly-unbound variable is captured by an inner scope under certain circumstances.
Published 1.1.352
- Implemented provisional support for PEP 728 (support for extra items within TypedDicts). You must set enableExperimentalFeatures to true for now.
- Added support for concatenated strings used in a
decorator. - Added support for call-site return type inference for class and instance methods.
- Improved handling of
in cases where the attribute has a declared type. - Added missing check for inappropriate use of
outside of a dataclass.
Behavior Changes:
- Added special-case handling for 'typing_extensions' module whose stubs are part of typeshed's stdlib stubs even though it is not part of stdlib.
- Refined the heuristic for when to use bidirectional type inference for the RHS of
operators. - Changed behavior of command-line "--pythonversion" and "--pythonplatform" options so they now override the same-named options in the config file.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that resulted in a false negative when attempting to use
as an upper bound when using PEP 695 syntax. - Fixed a bug that resulted in "reportUnnecessaryTypeIgnoreComment" diagnostics to be generated even if the source file was in the "ignore" list.
- Fixed a bug that leads to incorrect type inference for a lambda when passed to a constructor in certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug that leads to a false positive type violation when reassigning a value within a loop and the target variable has a declared type of a constrained type variable.
- Fixed a bug that results in a false negative when passing an unpacked dict of the wrong type to a function that contains a positional-only parameter marker plus one or more keyword parameters.
- Fixed a bug in the import resolver that resulted in an incorrect resolution when an import within a
file uses the formfrom .a import a
. - Fixed a bug that results in a false positive error when an
expression is passed as an argument to an overloaded function. - Fixed a bug that results in an incorrect "Unbound" type evaluation for a variable assigned within a loop.
Published 1.1.351
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug that results in a false positive "no overload implementation" error if an overloaded function is passed through a decorator that uses a ParamSpec.
- Fixed a recent regression that results in a false positive error when an
subclass overrides__new__
and then a subclass of that class assigns tuple values when defining enum members - Fixed a bug that results in a false positive error when a method defined within a named tuple is overridden by a subclass
- Fixed a bug that results in a false positive error when a
value is assigned to a class-scoped variable with a type annotation in an Enum class. - Fixed a bug in the type narrowing logic for class pattern matching that resulted in incorrect narrowing in the negative (fall-through) case.
- Added missing check for inappropriate use of an unpacked TypeVarTuple within a TypeAliasType type parameter list.
- Fixed a false positive
error when assigning an empty list or dict expression to an index expression subscripted with a slice. - Fixed bug that results in a false positive error when assigning a tuple value that includes an unpacked TypeVarTuple to another tuple that also includes an unpacked TypeVarTuple.
- Fixed bug that results in a false positive error when calling
on a TypedDict with zero defined entries. - Fixed a bug that results in a false positive with the
check if the second argument is a special form. - Fixed a bug that led to incorrect type evaluation for a call that targets a generic function that uses a default argument for one of the generic parameters.
Behavior Changes:
- Change the heuristic for determining whether a metaclass supports
. In the case where the metaclass derives from Any or Unknown, pyright now assumes that it doesn't override__or__
. - Changed behavior of CLI's
mode. Previously, it reported diagnostic deltas when it detected a change, but it is more useful if it reports all remaining diagnostics even for files that it didn't reanalyze due to a file change.
- Updated typeshed stubs to the latest version.
- Added provisional support for draft PEP 742 (TypeIs).
- Added check for the use of an implicit position-only parameter (one that starts with a double underscore) that is located after a non-position-only parameter.
Published 1.1.350
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that resulted in an incorrect type evaluation when a TypeVar with a default (PEP 696) was used in an overload but was not solved.
- Fixed a bug that results in a false negative when a
type is included in an unpacked argument within a function call. - Fixed a bug that results in a false positive error when a TypeVar bound to a union of literals is used in the specialization of a TypeAlias whose TypeVar is bound to a wider union of literals.
- Fixed bug in
type narrowing logic that leads to incorrect narrowed type when the filter type (the second argument) and the test type (the first argument) are both type variables.
Behavior Changes:
- Changed behavior of
method call whenself
is annotated as a protocol class. This pattern is used for annotating mix-ins. In this case, pyright should not generate an error if the protocol's method isn't implemented. - Added code to deduplicate references returned by the textDocument/references LSP call.
- [contributed by @Seairth] Added multi-root workspaceFolder support in path variable expansion.
- Improved logic for unpacked arguments that contain an "Unbound" type.
- Improved handling of unreachability analysis for an "implied else" (an if/elif chain that is missing a final "else" clause).
- Added check for an attempt to override a field in a named tuple within a subclass.
- Added check for an attempt to delete a named tuple entry.
- Added check for use of
as second argument toisinstance
call, which isn't allowed. - Added check for out-of-bound index accesses for named tuple instances.
- Improved misleading diagnostic message when attempting to call a special type form.
- Updated typeshed stubs to the latest version.
Published 1.1.349
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed default for
in schema file. - Fixed a bug that resulted in an incorrect type evaluation for a union type used as a runtime expression. The type should be
, nottype[UnionType]
. - Fixed regression that resulted in a false positive error when calling an abstract method on an abstract class that passes through the constraint solver (e.g. a generic decorator).
- Fixed a bug that results in a false positive when using a TypeVarTuple to capture the parameters of a generic callable that includes one or more default argument values.
- Fixed bug in tuple type compatibility logic that resulted in a false negative when dest type includes an upacked unbounded tuple plus additional entries.
- Fixed bug in tuple type compatibility logic that resulted in a false positive when dest type is
tuple[Any, ...]
. - Fixed a bug that results in a false negative when the literal
is passed to a function that accepts atype[T]
is a special form and should not be compatible withtype
. - Fixed bug that resulted in incorrect type evaluation when a TypeAliasType is used in a value expression.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect type evaluation when calling a
constructor with bidirectional type inference and the value passed to the constructor is anIterable[Any]
. - Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect type narrowing for sequence patterns when the subject expression contains a tuple with an unbounded component.
Behavior Changes:
- Removed name consistency match for functional form of Enum. After a discussion in the typing community, it was decided that name consistency checks in some cases were unnecessary and inappropriate for type checkers.
- Changed the way pyright translates
into a specializedSequence
. It used to translate it toSequence[Any]
, but the typing spec now clarifies that it should beSequence[Never]
. - Changed handling of
with multiple unpacked embedded tuples. Type spec now clarifies this is OK as long as there are not multiple unbounded embedded tuples. - Added special-case logic to handle
and a few other instance variables defined in thetype
class so they are treated specially when accessed from a class instance.
- Added check for inappropriate use of
in a value expression. - Added support for enum member aliases defined within an enum class.
- Improved error messages for tuple type mismatches that involve tuples with indeterminate types.
- Added check for the use of
or a type alias defined withAnnotated
as the second argument to anisinstance
call. This produces an exception at runtime. - Added additional performance enhancements specifically for large unions of literal types.
Published 1.1.348
Breaking Changes:
Many pyright users have requested finer-grained control over diagnostics βΒ especially for diagnostics that were previously lumped under the catch-all rule reportGeneralTypeIssues
. I was hesitant to do this because it is a breaking change and could be disruptive for some pyright users. However, the time has come to make this change.
The list of new diagnostic rules includes:
- reportAbstractUsage
- reportArgumentType
- reportAssertTypeFailure
- reportAssignmentType
- reportAttributeAccessIssue
- reportCallIssue
- reportInconsistentOverload
- reportIndexIssue
- reportInvalidTypeArguments
- reportInvalidTypeForm
- reportNoOverloadImplementation
- reportOperatorIssue
- reportPossiblyUnboundVariable
- reportRedeclaration
- reportReturnType
- reportUnusedExcept
Refer to the configuration documentation for more details about each of these.
This is a breaking change for code bases that were previously overriding the diagnostic severity for reportGeneralTypeIssues
in the config file, in file-level pyright comments or in # type: ignore
or # pyright: ignore
comments. You will need to update your configuration settings and comments to use the new diagnostic rule names.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug in pyright's "type printer" that resulted in an incorrect output when printing a specialized type alias parameterized by a TypeVarTuple that has a value that contains a tuple with an indeterminate length.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in an incorrect type evaluation when a generator uses an
operator within the left-mostfor
. This shouldn't result in anAsyncGenerator
despite what the Python documentation indicates. - Fixed a bug in the
type narrowing logic whentype
is filtered using a metaclass instance. - Fixed recent regression that resulted in a crash when using certain language server features with an absolute
value. - Fixed spec conformance issue with TypeVarTuple constraint solving. The spec indicates that if a TypeVarTuple is used multiple times in a callee's signature, the tuple must "match exactly".
- Addressed a bug that led to a false positive (missing error) when a "bare" TypeVar is used as a base class in a class statement.
- Fixed a bug that masked an error (false negative) under certain circumstances when evaluating a lambda.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in a false positive error and incorrect type evaluation when an assignment expression (walrus operator) is used in a comprehension.
- Changed diagnostic rule for the case where
is missing a second type argument. It should usereportMissingTypeArgument
. - Fixed a bug that led to a false negative when an illegal form of tuple was used:
tuple[*tuple[str], ...]
Behavior Changes:
- Changed handling of
tuple[Any, ...]
so it is treated as though it's bidirectionally type compatible with all tuples regardless of length. This change is made in response to a clarification in the typing spec. It brings pyright in alignment with mypy's behavior in this regard.
- Added check for name mismatch for enum classes defined using the functional syntax.
- Improved handling of custom Enum classes (those that derive from
or useEnumMeta
). - Added special-case logic for enum classes that are invoked as though they are being constructed.
- Added type enforcement for the
type in an Enum class. Also added enforcement for custom__new__
method signatures. - Improved handling of
and other special forms when they are used in runtime value expressions rather than annotations. - Added error reporting for the situation where a generic instance variable is accessed through a class object.
- Updated typeshed stubs to the latest version.
Published 1.1.347
This is a quick-turn release to fix a regression that affected 1.1.346.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed regression that caused JSON output of CLI to not follow the documented schema.
- Added support for Python 3.11 enum features:
. - Added new language server setting
to disable the use of diagnostics hints with tags. Some language server clients do not display these tagged hints in the intended manner and instead treat them as regular diagnostics. - Changed all diagnostics (other than syntax errors and a few special informations) to have an associated diagnostic rule. Previously, some diagnostics had no associated rule.
- Added support for @no_type_check decorator.