- Write a SARIF log file to disk
- Read a SARIF log file from disk
- Format a result message
- Add a property to an object's property bag
- Retrieve a property from an object's property bag
# For a file in the standardized SARIF v2.1.0 format:
SarifLog log = ... ;
# For a file in the deprecated, pre-standardization SARIF v1.0 format:
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings()
ContractResolver = SarifContractResolverVersionOne.Instance,
Formatting = Formatting.Indented
SarifLogVersionOne log = ... ;
sarifText = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(log, settings);
File.WriteAllText(outputFilePath, sarifText);
# For a file in the standardized SARIF v2.1.0 format:
SarifLog log = SarifLog.Load(logFilePath);
# For a file in the deprecated, pre-standardization SARIF v1.0 format:
string logContents = File.ReadAllText(logFilePath);
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings()
ContractResolver = SarifContractResolverVersionOne.Instance
SarifLogVersionOne log = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SarifLogVersionOne>(logContents, settings);
Result result = ...
IRule rule = ...
// GetMessageText is an extension method on the Result class
string resultMessage = result.GetMessageText(result, rule);
You can do this for any object that has a property bag (that is, for any instance of a class derived from PropertyBagHolder
such as Run
, Result
, Location
, Rule
, etc.
Result result = ... ;
// Add a string-valued property:
result.SetProperty("category", "security");
// Add an integer-valued property:
result.SetProperty("occurrences", 42);
// Add a property of arbitrary type:
MyClass myObject = new MyClass(54, "stuff", "otherStuff");
result.SetProperty("myclass", myObject);
// Add a property with a null value (but then you have to specify
// the type:
result.SetProperty<string>("category", null);
You can do this for any object that has a property bag (that is, for any instance of a class derived from PropertyBagHolder
such as Run
, Result
, Location
, Rule
, etc.
Result result = ... ;
// Retrieve a string-valued property:
string category = result.GetProperty("category");
// Retrieve an integer-valued property:
int occurrences = result.GetProperty<int>("occurrences");
// Retrieve a property of arbitrary type:
MyClass myObject = result.GetProperty<MyClass>("myclass", myObject);
// WRONG: Don't use the generic version to retrieve a string-valued property:
// string category = result.GetProperty<string>("category");