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Remote debugging to Docker container gives empty values for all variables #2601

Strum355 opened this issue Jun 25, 2019 · 12 comments


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Go version: 1.12.6
vscode-go version: 0.11.0
Delve version: commit a7c2d837d5fe920fb7a08812cebd6981d0a09035


	"version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Debug in Docker Container",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "attach",
            "mode": "remote",
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/<repo_name>",
            "remotePath": "/go/src/<org>/<repo_name>/cmd/<repo_name>",
            "port": 3456,
            "host": "",
            "showLog": true,
            "trace": "verbose",
            "logOutput": "debugger"

delve command in Docker container
dlv debug ./cmd/<repo_name> -l --headless=true --api-version=2 --log

VSCode debugger:

Delve CLI:

$ dlv connect --wd /home/noah/<org>/<repo_name>/cmd/<repo_name> --api-version 2

Type 'help' for list of commands.
(dlv) b /go/src/<org>/<repo_name>/cmd/<repo_name>/main.go:54
Breakpoint 1 set at 0x10bd507 for main.main() /go/src/<org>/<repo_name>/cmd/<repo_name>/main.go:54
(dlv) c
> main.main() /go/src/<org>/<repo_name>/cmd/<repo_name>/main.go:54 (hits goroutine(1):1 total:1) (PC: 0x10bd507)
(dlv) locals
buildID = "local-dev"
e = ("*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/")(0xc000174000)
(dlv) print e
*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ {
        StdLogger: *log.Logger {
                mu: (*sync.Mutex)(0xc000222500),
                prefix: "echo: ",
                flag: 0,
                out: io.Writer(*os.File) ...,
                buf: []uint8 len: 0, cap: 0, nil,},
        colorer: *<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ {
                output: io.Writer(*os.File) ...,
                disabled: true,},
        premiddleware: []<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ len: 0, cap: 0, nil,
        middleware: []<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ len: 1, cap: 1, [<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/],
        maxParam: *0,
        router: *<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ {
                tree: *(*"<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/")(0xc0001761c0),
                routes: map[string]*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ [],
                echo: *(*"<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/")(0xc000174000),},
        notFoundHandler: nil,
        pool: sync.Pool {
                noCopy: sync.noCopy {},
                local: unsafe.Pointer(0x0),
                localSize: 0,
        Server: *net/http.Server {
                Addr: "",
                Handler: net/http.Handler(*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ ...,
                TLSConfig: *crypto/tls.Config nil,
                ReadTimeout: 0,
                ReadHeaderTimeout: 0,
                WriteTimeout: 0,
                IdleTimeout: 0,
                MaxHeaderBytes: 0,
                TLSNextProto: map[string]func(*net/http.Server, *crypto/tls.Conn, net/http.Handler) nil,
                ConnState: nil,
                ErrorLog: *log.Logger nil,
                disableKeepAlives: 0,
                inShutdown: 0,
                nextProtoOnce: (*sync.Once)(0xc00040afe0),
                nextProtoErr: error nil,
                mu: (*sync.Mutex)(0xc00040b000),
                listeners: map[*net.Listener]struct {} nil,
                activeConn: map[*net/http.conn]struct {} nil,
                doneChan: chan struct {} {},
                onShutdown: []func() len: 0, cap: 0, nil,},
        TLSServer: *net/http.Server {
                Addr: "",
                Handler: net/http.Handler(*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ ...,
                TLSConfig: *crypto/tls.Config nil,
                ReadTimeout: 0,
                ReadHeaderTimeout: 0,
                WriteTimeout: 0,
                IdleTimeout: 0,
                MaxHeaderBytes: 0,
                TLSNextProto: map[string]func(*net/http.Server, *crypto/tls.Conn, net/http.Handler) nil,
                ConnState: nil,
                ErrorLog: *log.Logger nil,
                disableKeepAlives: 0,
                inShutdown: 0,
                nextProtoOnce: (*sync.Once)(0xc00040b0b0),
                nextProtoErr: error nil,
                mu: (*sync.Mutex)(0xc00040b0d0),
                listeners: map[*net.Listener]struct {} nil,
                activeConn: map[*net/http.conn]struct {} nil,
                doneChan: chan struct {} {},
                onShutdown: []func() len: 0, cap: 0, nil,},
        Listener: net.Listener nil,
        TLSListener: net.Listener nil,
        AutoTLSManager:<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ {
                Cache:<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ nil,
                HostPolicy: nil,
                RenewBefore: 0,
                Client: *<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ nil,
                Email: "",
                ForceRSA: false,
                ExtraExtensions: []crypto/x509/pkix.Extension len: 0, cap: 0, nil,
                clientMu: (*sync.Mutex)(0xc000174100),
                client: *<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ nil,
                stateMu: (*sync.Mutex)(0xc000174110),
                state: map[<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/]*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ nil,
                renewalMu: (*sync.Mutex)(0xc000174120),
                renewal: map[<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/]*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ nil,
                tokensMu: (*sync.RWMutex)(0xc000174130),
                tryHTTP01: false,
                httpTokens: map[string][]uint8 nil,
                certTokens: map[string]*crypto/tls.Certificate nil,
                nowFunc: nil,},
        DisableHTTP2: false,
        Debug: false,
        HideBanner: true,
        HidePort: false,
        Binder:<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ *{},
        Validator:<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ nil,
        Renderer:<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ nil,
        Logger:<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/ *{
                prefix: "echo",
                level: ERROR (4),
                skip: 2,
                output: io.Writer(*os.File) ...,
                template: *(*"<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/")(0xc00014a000),
                levels: []string len: 8, cap: 8, ["-","DEBUG","INFO","WARN","ERROR","","PANIC","FATAL"],
                color: *(*"<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/")(0xc0001ea700),
                bufferPool: (*sync.Pool)(0xc0003c5058),
                mutex: (*sync.Mutex)(0xc0003c5070),},}

VSCode Debug Console

locals [{"name":"buildID","addr":824635686480,"onlyAddr":false,"type":"string","realType":"string","flags":0,"kind":24,"value":"","len":9,"cap":0,"children":[],"base":20013314,"unreadable":"","LocationExpr":"[block] DW_OP_fbreg -0x148 ","DeclLine":53},{"name":"e","addr":824635686376,"onlyAddr":false,"type":"*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/","realType":"*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/","flags":0,"kind":22,"value":"","len":1,"cap":0,"children":[{"name":"","addr":824635244544,"onlyAddr":true,"type":"<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/","realType":"<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/","flags":0,"kind":25,"value":"","len":0,"cap":0,"children":[],"base":0,"unreadable":"","LocationExpr":"","DeclLine":0}],"base":0,"unreadable":"","LocationExpr":"[block] DW_OP_fbreg -0x1b0 ","DeclLine":46}]
functionArgs []
global vars [{"name":"statictmp_0","addr":21899856,"onlyAddr":false,"type":"string","realType":"string","flags":0,"kind":24,"value":"","len":17,"cap":0,"children":[],"base":20042789,"unreadable":"","LocationExpr":"[block] DW_OP_addr 0x14e2a50 ","DeclLine":0}]
To client: {"seq":0,"type":"response","request_seq":12,"command":"scopes","success":true,"body":{"scopes":[{"name":"Local","variablesReference":1000,"expensive":false},{"name":"Global","variablesReference":1001,"expensive":false}]}}
From client: variables({"variablesReference":1000})
To client: {"seq":0,"type":"response","request_seq":13,"command":"variables","success":true,"body":{"variables":[{"name":"buildID","value":"\"\"","evaluateName":"buildID","variablesReference":0},{"name":"e","value":"<*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/>(0xc000174000)","evaluateName":"e","variablesReference":1002}]}}
VariablesResponse [
  "name": "buildID",
  "value": "\"\"",
  "evaluateName": "buildID",
  "variablesReference": 0
  "name": "e",
  "value": "<*<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/>(0xc000174000)",
  "evaluateName": "e",
  "variablesReference": 1002
From client: variables({"variablesReference":1002})
To client: {"seq":0,"type":"response","request_seq":14,"command":"variables","success":true,"body":{"variables":[{"name":"","value":"<<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/>","evaluateName":"e","variablesReference":0}]}}
VariablesResponse [
  "name": "",
  "value": "<<org>/<repo_name>/vendor/>",
  "evaluateName": "e",
  "variablesReference": 0
From client: variables({"variablesReference":1001})
To client: {"seq":0,"type":"response","request_seq":15,"command":"variables","success":true,"body":{"variables":[{"name":"statictmp_0","value":"\"\"","variablesReference":0}]}}
VariablesResponse [
  "name": "statictmp_0",
  "value": "\"\"",
  "variablesReference": 0
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ob1dev commented Jun 25, 2019

@Strum355 I've got the same issue today but attaching to remote pid on a local machine.

Start DLV like this:

PS> dlv debug --headless --listen=:2345 --api-version=2

In VS Code, attach using the following config:

"name": "Attach to Process",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "remote",
"remotePath": "${workspaceRoot}/main.go",
"port": 2345,
"host": "",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/main.go",
"env": {},
"apiVersion": 2,
"dlvLoadConfig": {
    "followPointers": true,
    "maxVariableRecurse": 1,
    "maxStringLen": 1000,
    "maxArrayValues": 1000,
    "maxStructFields": -1

As far as I can see, it started happening after VS Code automatically had installed Go extension v0.11.0. If I downgrade to v0.10.2 it works fine.

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Can confirm v0.10.2 works, so theres a pretty big regression in v0.11.0 :/ v0.11.0 seems to be down as an update to the debugging side of the extension so that seems likely

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@Strum355 @olegburov Is this only when attaching to a headless delve instance? Are the variables showing up fine in the case of starting the program as part of debugging itself? i.e when request is set to launch and mode is debug?

6a77627 is the only change around debugging that was made in v0.11.0. None of the change was around how the variables are displayed though.

@Strum355 In your logs, under "VariablesResponse", the value for buildID shows as empty string. When you change to v0.10.2, the logs show the right value at that point?

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@olegburov Are you using the same debug configuration both in v0.10.2 and v0.11.0?

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ob1dev commented Jun 29, 2019

@ramya-rao-a, yes I used the same between v0.10.2 and v0.11.0. Please see my example ☝️. Should it be different for v0.11.0?

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I was just asking to narrow down on what are the changes between the 2 attempts you had made other than changing the Go extension version.

I am able to repro the same and see the empty values being returned from delve. Will dig deeper into what changed to get this difference between the 2 versions

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I found the issue. While refactoring the code around starting delve in 6a77627, we had an early exit in case of remote debugging (as the extension doesn't have to start delve in this case). The part where we set the dlvLoadConfig was missed for remote scenarios due to the early exit

I have pushed a fix for it, can either of you try it out by using the latest beta version of this extension?

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ob1dev commented Jun 30, 2019

@ramya-rao-a, thanks a lot for looking into this. With v0.11.1-beta.3 it starts working for me.

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Thanks for confirming @olegburov!

This issue is now fixed in the latest update (0.11.1) to the Go extension

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rv4242 commented Jul 3, 2019

I think I'm still seeing a problem with 0.11.1
I'm debugging some httpexpect tests. See the screenshot.
elements[0] == ""
yet has a value (and e is elements[0])

Note this isn't remote, so maybe I should open a new bug.

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rv4242 commented Jul 3, 2019

And I see the same behaviour in 0.10.2.

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rv4242 commented Jul 3, 2019

OK, it looks like the issue goes away if I set maxVariableRecurse to 3

@vscodebot vscodebot bot locked and limited conversation to collaborators Aug 17, 2019
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