title | description | ms.assetid | ms.topic | ms.date | ms.devlang | ms.custom | zone_pivot_groups |
Azure Service Bus trigger for Azure Functions |
Learn to run an Azure Function when as Azure Service Bus messages are created. |
daedacf0-6546-4355-a65c-50873e74f66b |
reference |
04/04/2023 |
csharp |
devx-track-csharp, devx-track-python, devx-track-extended-java, devx-track-js, devx-track-ts |
programming-languages-set-functions |
Use the Service Bus trigger to respond to messages from a Service Bus queue or topic. Starting with extension version 3.1.0, you can trigger on a session-enabled queue or topic.
For information on setup and configuration details, see the overview.
Service Bus scaling decisions for the Consumption and Premium plans are made based on target-based scaling. For more information, see Target-based scaling.
::: zone pivot="programming-language-javascript,programming-language-typescript" [!INCLUDE functions-nodejs-model-tabs-description] ::: zone-end ::: zone pivot="programming-language-python" [!INCLUDE functions-bindings-python-models-intro]
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"
[!INCLUDE functions-bindings-csharp-intro]
[!INCLUDE functions-in-process-model-retirement-note]
This code defines and initializes the ILogger
:::code language="csharp" source="~/azure-functions-dotnet-worker/samples/Extensions/ServiceBus/ServiceBusReceivedMessageFunctions.cs" id="docsnippet_servicebusmessage_createlogger":::
This example shows a C# function that receives a single Service Bus queue message and writes it to the logs:
:::code language="csharp" source="~/azure-functions-dotnet-worker/samples/Extensions/ServiceBus/ServiceBusReceivedMessageFunctions.cs" id="docsnippet_servicebus_readmessage":::
This example shows a C# function that receives multiple Service Bus queue messages in a single batch and writes each to the logs:
:::code language="csharp" source="~/azure-functions-dotnet-worker/samples/Extensions/ServiceBus/ServiceBusReceivedMessageFunctions.cs" id="docsnippet_servicebus_readbatch":::
This example shows a C# function that receives multiple Service Bus queue messages, writes it to the logs, and then settles the message as completed:
:::code language="csharp" source="~/azure-functions-dotnet-worker/samples/Extensions/ServiceBus/ServiceBusReceivedMessageFunctions.cs" id="docsnippet_servicebus_message_actions":::
The following example shows a C# function that reads message metadata and logs a Service Bus queue message:
public static void Run(
[ServiceBusTrigger("myqueue", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")]
string myQueueItem,
Int32 deliveryCount,
DateTime enqueuedTimeUtc,
string messageId,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation($"C# ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message: {myQueueItem}");
::: zone-end ::: zone pivot="programming-language-java"
The following Java function uses the @ServiceBusQueueTrigger
annotation from the Java functions runtime library to describe the configuration for a Service Bus queue trigger. The function grabs the message placed on the queue and adds it to the logs.
public void serviceBusProcess(
@ServiceBusQueueTrigger(name = "msg",
queueName = "myqueuename",
connection = "myconnvarname") String message,
final ExecutionContext context
) {
Java functions can also be triggered when a message is added to a Service Bus topic. The following example uses the @ServiceBusTopicTrigger
annotation to describe the trigger configuration.
public void run(
name = "message",
topicName = "mytopicname",
subscriptionName = "mysubscription",
connection = "ServiceBusConnection"
) String message,
final ExecutionContext context
) {
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-typescript"
The following example shows a Service Bus trigger TypeScript function. The function reads message metadata and logs a Service Bus queue message.
:::code language="typescript" source="~/azure-functions-nodejs-v4/ts/src/functions/serviceBusTrigger1.ts" :::
TypeScript samples are not documented for model v3.
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-javascript"
The following example shows a Service Bus trigger JavaScript function. The function reads message metadata and logs a Service Bus queue message.
:::code language="javascript" source="~/azure-functions-nodejs-v4/js/src/functions/serviceBusTrigger1.js" :::
The following example shows a Service Bus trigger binding in a function.json file and a JavaScript function that uses the binding. The function reads message metadata and logs a Service Bus queue message.
Here's the binding data in the function.json file:
"bindings": [
"queueName": "testqueue",
"connection": "MyServiceBusConnection",
"name": "myQueueItem",
"type": "serviceBusTrigger",
"direction": "in"
"disabled": false
Here's the JavaScript script code:
module.exports = async function(context, myQueueItem) {
context.log('Node.js ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message', myQueueItem);
context.log('EnqueuedTimeUtc =', context.bindingData.enqueuedTimeUtc);
context.log('DeliveryCount =', context.bindingData.deliveryCount);
context.log('MessageId =', context.bindingData.messageId);
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-powershell"
The following example shows a Service Bus trigger binding in a function.json file and a PowerShell function that uses the binding.
Here's the binding data in the function.json file:
"bindings": [
"name": "mySbMsg",
"type": "serviceBusTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"topicName": "mytopic",
"subscriptionName": "mysubscription",
"connection": "AzureServiceBusConnectionString"
Here's the function that runs when a Service Bus message is sent.
param([string] $mySbMsg, $TriggerMetadata)
Write-Host "PowerShell ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message: $mySbMsg"
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-python"
The following example demonstrates how to read a Service Bus queue message via a trigger. The example depends on whether you use the v1 or v2 Python programming model.
import logging
import azure.functions as func
app = func.FunctionApp()
def test_function(msg: func.ServiceBusMessage):
logging.info('Python ServiceBus queue trigger processed message: %s',
A Service Bus binding is defined in function.json where type is set to serviceBusTrigger
and the queue is set by queueName
"scriptFile": "__init__.py",
"bindings": [
"name": "msg",
"type": "serviceBusTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"queueName": "inputqueue",
"connection": "AzureServiceBusConnectionString"
The code in _init_.py declares a parameter as func.ServiceBusMessage
, which allows you to read the queue message in your function.
import azure.functions as func
import logging
import json
def main(msg: func.ServiceBusMessage):
logging.info('Python ServiceBus queue trigger processed message.')
result = json.dumps({
'message_id': msg.message_id,
'body': msg.get_body().decode('utf-8'),
'content_type': msg.content_type,
'expiration_time': msg.expiration_time,
'label': msg.label,
'partition_key': msg.partition_key,
'reply_to': msg.reply_to,
'reply_to_session_id': msg.reply_to_session_id,
'scheduled_enqueue_time': msg.scheduled_enqueue_time,
'session_id': msg.session_id,
'time_to_live': msg.time_to_live,
'to': msg.to,
'user_properties': msg.user_properties,
'metadata' : msg.metadata
}, default=str)
The following example demonstrates how to read a Service Bus queue topic via a trigger.
import logging
import azure.functions as func
app = func.FunctionApp()
def test_function(message: func.ServiceBusMessage):
message_body = message.get_body().decode("utf-8")
logging.info("Python ServiceBus topic trigger processed message.")
logging.info("Message Body: " + message_body)
A Service Bus binding is defined in function.json where type is set to serviceBusTrigger
and the topic is set by topicName
"scriptFile": "__init__.py",
"bindings": [
"type": "serviceBusTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"name": "msg",
"topicName": "inputtopic",
"connection": "AzureServiceBusConnectionString"
The code in _init_.py declares a parameter as func.ServiceBusMessage
, which allows you to read the topic in your function.
import json
import azure.functions as azf
def main(msg: azf.ServiceBusMessage) -> str:
result = json.dumps({
'message_id': msg.message_id,
'body': msg.get_body().decode('utf-8'),
'content_type': msg.content_type,
'delivery_count': msg.delivery_count,
'expiration_time': (msg.expiration_time.isoformat() if
msg.expiration_time else None),
'label': msg.label,
'partition_key': msg.partition_key,
'reply_to': msg.reply_to,
'reply_to_session_id': msg.reply_to_session_id,
'scheduled_enqueue_time': (msg.scheduled_enqueue_time.isoformat() if
msg.scheduled_enqueue_time else None),
'session_id': msg.session_id,
'time_to_live': msg.time_to_live,
'to': msg.to,
'user_properties': msg.user_properties,
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"
Both in-process and isolated worker process C# libraries use the ServiceBusTriggerAttribute attribute to define the function trigger. C# script instead uses a function.json configuration file as described in the C# scripting guide.
The following table explains the properties you can set using this trigger attribute:
Property | Description |
QueueName | Name of the queue to monitor. Set only if monitoring a queue, not for a topic. |
TopicName | Name of the topic to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
SubscriptionName | Name of the subscription to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
Connection | The name of an app setting or setting collection that specifies how to connect to Service Bus. See Connections. |
IsBatched | Messages are delivered in batches. Requires an array or collection type. |
IsSessionsEnabled | true if connecting to a session-aware queue or subscription. false otherwise, which is the default value. |
AutoCompleteMessages | true if the trigger should automatically complete the message after a successful invocation. false if it should not, such as when you are handling message settlement in code. If not explicitly set, the behavior will be based on the autoCompleteMessages configuration in host.json . |
The following table explains the properties you can set using this trigger attribute:
Property | Description |
QueueName | Name of the queue to monitor. Set only if monitoring a queue, not for a topic. |
TopicName | Name of the topic to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
SubscriptionName | Name of the subscription to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
Connection | The name of an app setting or setting collection that specifies how to connect to Service Bus. See Connections. |
Access | Access rights for the connection string. Available values are manage and listen . The default is manage , which indicates that the connection has the Manage permission. If you use a connection string that does not have the Manage permission, set accessRights to "listen". Otherwise, the Functions runtime might fail trying to do operations that require manage rights. In Azure Functions version 2.x and higher, this property is not available because the latest version of the Service Bus SDK doesn't support manage operations. |
IsBatched | Messages are delivered in batches. Requires an array or collection type. |
IsSessionsEnabled | true if connecting to a session-aware queue or subscription. false otherwise, which is the default value. |
AutoComplete | true Whether the trigger should automatically call complete after processing, or if the function code will manually call complete.If set to true , the trigger completes the message automatically if the function execution completes successfully, and abandons the message otherwise.When set to false , you are responsible for calling ServiceBusReceiver methods to complete, abandon, or deadletter the message, session, or batch. When an exception is thrown (and none of the ServiceBusReceiver methods are called), then the lock remains. Once the lock expires, the message is re-queued with the DeliveryCount incremented and the lock is automatically renewed. |
[!INCLUDE app settings to local.settings.json] ::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-python"
Applies only to the Python v2 programming model.
For Python v2 functions defined using a decorator, the following properties on the service_bus_queue_trigger
Property | Description |
arg_name |
The name of the variable that represents the queue or topic message in function code. |
queue_name |
Name of the queue to monitor. Set only if monitoring a queue, not for a topic. |
connection |
The name of an app setting or setting collection that specifies how to connect to Service Bus. See Connections. |
For Python functions defined by using function.json, see the Configuration section. ::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-java"
The ServiceBusQueueTrigger
annotation allows you to create a function that runs when a Service Bus queue message is created. Configuration options available include the following properties:
Property | Description |
name | The name of the variable that represents the queue or topic message in function code. |
queueName | Name of the queue to monitor. Set only if monitoring a queue, not for a topic. |
topicName | Name of the topic to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
subscriptionName | Name of the subscription to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
connection | The name of an app setting or setting collection that specifies how to connect to Service Bus. See Connections. |
The ServiceBusTopicTrigger
annotation allows you to designate a topic and subscription to target what data triggers the function.
[!INCLUDE app settings to local.settings.json]
See the trigger example for more detail.
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-javascript,programming-language-typescript,programming-language-powershell,programming-language-python"
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-python" Applies only to the Python v1 programming model.
::: zone-end ::: zone pivot="programming-language-javascript,programming-language-typescript"
The following table explains the properties that you can set on the options
object passed to the app.serviceBusQueue()
or app.serviceBusTopic()
Property | Description |
queueName | Name of the queue to monitor. Set only if monitoring a queue, not for a topic. |
topicName | Name of the topic to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
subscriptionName | Name of the subscription to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
connection | The name of an app setting or setting collection that specifies how to connect to Service Bus. See Connections. |
accessRights | Access rights for the connection string. Available values are manage and listen . The default is manage , which indicates that the connection has the Manage permission. If you use a connection string that does not have the Manage permission, set accessRights to "listen". Otherwise, the Functions runtime might fail trying to do operations that require manage rights. In Azure Functions version 2.x and higher, this property is not available because the latest version of the Service Bus SDK doesn't support manage operations. |
isSessionsEnabled | true if connecting to a session-aware queue or subscription. false otherwise, which is the default value. |
autoComplete | Must be true for non-C# functions, which means that the trigger should either automatically call complete after processing, or the function code manually calls complete.When set to true , the trigger completes the message automatically if the function execution completes successfully, and abandons the message otherwise.Exceptions in the function results in the runtime calls abandonAsync in the background. If no exception occurs, then completeAsync is called in the background. This property is available only in Azure Functions 2.x and higher. |
The following table explains the binding configuration properties that you set in the function.json file.
Property | Description |
type | Must be set to serviceBusTrigger . This property is set automatically when you create the trigger in the Azure portal. |
direction | Must be set to "in". This property is set automatically when you create the trigger in the Azure portal. |
name | The name of the variable that represents the queue or topic message in function code. |
queueName | Name of the queue to monitor. Set only if monitoring a queue, not for a topic. |
topicName | Name of the topic to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
subscriptionName | Name of the subscription to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
connection | The name of an app setting or setting collection that specifies how to connect to Service Bus. See Connections. |
accessRights | Access rights for the connection string. Available values are manage and listen . The default is manage , which indicates that the connection has the Manage permission. If you use a connection string that does not have the Manage permission, set accessRights to "listen". Otherwise, the Functions runtime might fail trying to do operations that require manage rights. In Azure Functions version 2.x and higher, this property is not available because the latest version of the Service Bus SDK doesn't support manage operations. |
isSessionsEnabled | true if connecting to a session-aware queue or subscription. false otherwise, which is the default value. |
autoComplete | Must be true for non-C# functions, which means that the trigger should either automatically call complete after processing, or the function code manually calls complete.When set to true , the trigger completes the message automatically if the function execution completes successfully, and abandons the message otherwise.Exceptions in the function results in the runtime calls abandonAsync in the background. If no exception occurs, then completeAsync is called in the background. This property is available only in Azure Functions 2.x and higher. |
[!INCLUDE app settings to local.settings.json]
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-powershell,programming-language-python"
The following table explains the binding configuration properties that you set in the function.json file.
function.json property | Description |
type | Must be set to serviceBusTrigger . This property is set automatically when you create the trigger in the Azure portal. |
direction | Must be set to "in". This property is set automatically when you create the trigger in the Azure portal. |
name | The name of the variable that represents the queue or topic message in function code. |
queueName | Name of the queue to monitor. Set only if monitoring a queue, not for a topic. |
topicName | Name of the topic to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
subscriptionName | Name of the subscription to monitor. Set only if monitoring a topic, not for a queue. |
connection | The name of an app setting or setting collection that specifies how to connect to Service Bus. See Connections. |
accessRights | Access rights for the connection string. Available values are manage and listen . The default is manage , which indicates that the connection has the Manage permission. If you use a connection string that does not have the Manage permission, set accessRights to "listen". Otherwise, the Functions runtime might fail trying to do operations that require manage rights. In Azure Functions version 2.x and higher, this property is not available because the latest version of the Service Bus SDK doesn't support manage operations. |
isSessionsEnabled | true if connecting to a session-aware queue or subscription. false otherwise, which is the default value. |
autoComplete | Must be true for non-C# functions, which means that the trigger should either automatically call complete after processing, or the function code manually calls complete.When set to true , the trigger completes the message automatically if the function execution completes successfully, and abandons the message otherwise.Exceptions in the function results in the runtime calls abandonAsync in the background. If no exception occurs, then completeAsync is called in the background. This property is available only in Azure Functions 2.x and higher. |
[!INCLUDE app settings to local.settings.json]
::: zone-end
See the Example section for complete examples.
::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"
The following parameter types are supported by all C# modalities and extension versions:
Type | Description |
System.String | Use when the message is simple text. |
byte[] | Use for binary data messages. |
Object | When a message contains JSON, Functions tries to deserialize the JSON data into known plain-old CLR object type. |
Messaging-specific parameter types contain additional message metadata. The specific types supported by the Service Bus trigger depend on the Functions runtime version, the extension package version, and the C# modality used.
Use the ServiceBusReceivedMessage type to receive message metadata from Service Bus Queues and Subscriptions. To learn more, see Messages, payloads, and serialization.
In C# class libraries, the attribute's constructor takes the name of the queue or the topic and subscription.
[!INCLUDE functions-service-bus-account-attribute]
Use the Message type to receive messages with metadata. To learn more, see Messages, payloads, and serialization.
[!INCLUDE service-bus-track-0-and-1-sdk-support-retirement]
In C# class libraries, the attribute's constructor takes the name of the queue or the topic and subscription.
[!INCLUDE functions-service-bus-account-attribute]
The following parameter types are available for the queue or topic message:
- BrokeredMessage - Gives you the deserialized message with the BrokeredMessage.GetBody<T>() method.
- MessageReceiver - Used to receive and acknowledge messages from the message container, which is required when
is set tofalse
[!INCLUDE service-bus-track-0-and-1-sdk-support-retirement]
In C# class libraries, the attribute's constructor takes the name of the queue or the topic and subscription. In Azure Functions version 1.x, you can also specify the connection's access rights. If you don't specify access rights, the default is Manage
[!INCLUDE functions-service-bus-account-attribute]
[!INCLUDE functions-bindings-service-bus-trigger-dotnet-isolated-types]
Earlier versions of this extension in the isolated worker process only support binding to messaging-specific types. Additional options are available to extension 5.x and higher
Functions version 1.x doesn't support isolated worker process. To use the isolated worker model, upgrade your application to Functions 4.x.
When the Connection
property isn't defined, Functions looks for an app setting named AzureWebJobsServiceBus
, which is the default name for the Service Bus connection string. You can also set the Connection
property to specify the name of an application setting that contains the Service Bus connection string to use.
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-java"
The incoming Service Bus message is available via a ServiceBusQueueMessage
or ServiceBusTopicMessage
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-javascript,programming-language-typescript"
Access the queue or topic message as the first argument to your function. The Service Bus message is passed into the function as either a string or JSON object.
Access the queue or topic message by using context.bindings.<name from function.json>
. The Service Bus message is passed into the function as either a string or JSON object.
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-powershell"
The Service Bus instance is available via the parameter configured in the function.json file's name property.
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-python"
The queue message is available to the function via a parameter typed as func.ServiceBusMessage
. The Service Bus message is passed into the function as either a string or JSON object.
::: zone-end
For a complete example, see the examples section.
[!INCLUDE functions-service-bus-connections]
Poison message handling can't be controlled or configured in Azure Functions. Service Bus handles poison messages itself.
The Functions runtime receives a message in PeekLock mode.
::: zone pivot="programming-language-javascript,programming-language-typescript,programming-language-java,programming-language-python,programming-language-powershell"
By default, the runtime calls Complete
on the message if the function finishes successfully, or calls Abandon
if the function fails. You can disable automatic completion through with the autoCompleteMessages
property in host.json
::: zone-end
::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"
By default, the runtime calls Complete
on the message if the function finishes successfully, or calls Abandon
if the function fails. You can disable automatic completion through with the autoCompleteMessages
property in host.json
or through a property on the trigger attribute. You should disable automatic completion if your function code handles message settlement.
::: zone-end
If the function runs longer than the PeekLock
timeout, the lock is automatically renewed as long as the function is running. The maxAutoRenewDuration
is configurable in host.json, which maps to ServiceBusProcessor.MaxAutoLockRenewalDuration. The default value of this setting is 5 minutes.
::: zone pivot="programming-language-csharp"
Messaging-specific types let you easily retrieve metadata as properties of the object. These properties depend on the Functions runtime version, the extension package version, and the C# modality used.
These properties are members of the ServiceBusReceivedMessage class.
Property | Type | Description |
ApplicationProperties |
ApplicationProperties |
Properties set by the sender. |
ContentType |
string |
A content type identifier utilized by the sender and receiver for application-specific logic. |
CorrelationId |
string |
The correlation ID. |
DeliveryCount |
Int32 |
The number of deliveries. |
EnqueuedTime |
DateTime |
The enqueued time in UTC. |
ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc |
DateTime |
The scheduled enqueued time in UTC. |
ExpiresAt |
DateTime |
The expiration time in UTC. |
MessageId |
string |
A user-defined value that Service Bus can use to identify duplicate messages, if enabled. |
ReplyTo |
string |
The reply to queue address. |
Subject |
string |
The application-specific label which can be used in place of the Label metadata property. |
To |
string |
The send to address. |
These properties are members of the Message class.
[!INCLUDE service-bus-track-0-and-1-sdk-support-retirement]
Property | Type | Description |
ContentType |
string |
A content type identifier utilized by the sender and receiver for application-specific logic. |
CorrelationId |
string |
The correlation ID. |
DeliveryCount |
Int32 |
The number of deliveries. |
ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc |
DateTime |
The scheduled enqueued time in UTC. |
ExpiresAtUtc |
DateTime |
The expiration time in UTC. |
Label |
string |
The application-specific label. |
MessageId |
string |
A user-defined value that Service Bus can use to identify duplicate messages, if enabled. |
ReplyTo |
string |
The reply to queue address. |
To |
string |
The send to address. |
UserProperties |
IDictionary<string, object> |
Properties set by the sender. |
These properties are members of the BrokeredMessage and MessageReceiver classes.
[!INCLUDE service-bus-track-0-and-1-sdk-support-retirement]
Property | Type | Description |
ContentType |
string |
A content type identifier utilized by the sender and receiver for application-specific logic. |
CorrelationId |
string |
The correlation ID. |
DeadLetterSource |
string |
The dead letter source. |
DeliveryCount |
Int32 |
The number of deliveries. |
EnqueuedTimeUtc |
DateTime |
The enqueued time in UTC. |
ExpiresAtUtc |
DateTime |
The expiration time in UTC. |
Label |
string |
The application-specific label. |
MessageId |
string |
A user-defined value that Service Bus can use to identify duplicate messages, if enabled. |
MessageReceiver |
MessageReceiver |
Service Bus message receiver. Can be used to abandon, complete, or deadletter the message. |
MessageSession |
MessageSession |
A message receiver specifically for session-enabled queues and topics. |
ReplyTo |
string |
The reply to queue address. |
SequenceNumber |
long |
The unique number assigned to a message by the Service Bus. |
To |
string |
The send to address. |
UserProperties |
IDictionary<string, object> |
Properties set by the sender. |
These properties are members of the ServiceBusReceivedMessage class.
Property | Type | Description |
ApplicationProperties |
ApplicationProperties |
Properties set by the sender. |
ContentType |
string |
A content type identifier utilized by the sender and receiver for application-specific logic. |
CorrelationId |
string |
The correlation ID. |
DeliveryCount |
Int32 |
The number of deliveries. |
EnqueuedTime |
DateTime |
The enqueued time in UTC. |
ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc |
DateTime |
The scheduled enqueued time in UTC. |
ExpiresAt |
DateTime |
The expiration time in UTC. |
MessageId |
string |
A user-defined value that Service Bus can use to identify duplicate messages, if enabled. |
ReplyTo |
string |
The reply to queue address. |
Subject |
string |
The application-specific label which can be used in place of the Label metadata property. |
To |
string |
The send to address. |
Earlier versions of this extension in the isolated worker process only support binding to messaging-specific types. Additional options are available to Extension 5.x and higher
Functions version 1.x doesn't support isolated worker process. To use the isolated worker model, upgrade your application to Functions 4.x.
::: zone-end