description | ms.assetid | title | ms.topic | |
Indicates that an application supports dual desktop and immersive modes. In Windows 8, this property is only applicable for web browsers. |
91e29f22-2873-4ab4-8285-61c54e710f87 |
System.AppUserModel.IsDualMode |
article |
05/31/2018 |
Indicates that an application supports dual desktop and immersive modes. In Windows 8, this property is only applicable for web browsers.
Windows 10, version 1703, Windows 10, version 1607, Windows 10, version 1511, Windows 10, version 1507, Windows 8.1, Windows 8
name = System.AppUserModel.IsDualMode
shellPKey = PKEY_AppUserModel_IsDualMode
formatID = 9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3
propID = 11
InInvertedIndex = false
IsColumn = false
type = Boolean
IsInnate = false
PKEY values are defined in Propkey.h.