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The Streamer Wands mod for Noita is a mod that lets viewers see what spells and wands you are using on a website, as a companion to streaming Noita gameplay. To use it, you should log in with Twitch at and download a customized mod package from that site. This customization "binds" your copy of the mod to your Twitch username, so you should not share the zip file with others. The token included in the zip file only identifies your Twitch ID and display name, but does not grant any access to your Twitch account.

Streamer Wands requires installation as an "unsafe" mod since it establishes a websocket to a remote server to send updates when your wands or spell change. See the Noita Wiki for instructions on manually installing a mod.

Mod status

No future feature development is planned by the maintainer, but pull requests are welcomed. Read on for development information.

Developing the website

You'll need Node.js, a MongoDB server, and a Twitch app (for login) to run the app locally.

  • Copy env.template to .env in the project root: cp env.template .env
  • Fill out the environment variables
    • DOMAIN should be the domain you'll access the site at, so localhost is suitable for local development
    • NODE_ENV should be production or development
    • DATABASE is a MongoDB connection string, such as mongodb+srv://user:password@host/?retryWrites=true&w=majority
    • PORT is the port the application listens on for browser requests and websocket requests from the mod
    • CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET are parameters from the Twitch app (Create one at
    • CALLBACK_URL should be http(s)://DOMAIN/auth/twitch/callback, and must be registered in the Twitch app
    • SESSION_SECRET and SESSION_KEY should be randomly generated, equivalent to a password
    • JWT_SECRET should be randomly generated, equivalent to a password
  • Run index.js (optional: run under something like nodemon to restart when contents change)
  • When changing the mod itself, run DEV=true ./bundle in the project root to create a development release for download from the web ui

Developing the mod

The mod files themselves are kept in this repository in the mod folder. Start with a customized zip (your user token is stored in mod/token.lua) and make any appropriate changes, then copy/commit the files back to Git. Do not include token.lua in your commits.

Should you need to test changes to the websocket code, you'll need to set up the full website as above, and also (temporarily) change the host in mod/files/ws/host.lua to point to your development server. Do not include this change in your commits.



Streamer Wands is released under the MIT license