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Component Hologram

CokaCola edited this page Mar 18, 2014 · 6 revisions

This component is provided by the Hologram Emitter. These can be used to create holographic projections in a maximum area of 48x32x48.

Component name: hologram.

  • clear()
    Clears the hologram.
  • get(x:number, z:number):number
    Returns the bit mask representing the specified column.
  • set(x:number, z:number, value:number)
    Set the bit mask for the specified column.
  • fill(x:number, z:number, height:number)
    Fills a column to the specified height.
  • getScale():number
    Returns the render scale of the hologram.
  • setScale(value:number)
    Set the render scale. A larger scale consumes more energy.

Example usage(programs below created by Sangar):
Holo Flow --Generates a heightmap and 'moves' across it over time, creating the effect of a flowing terrain.

Holo Text --Generates a random heightmap and displays scrolling text above it.

Note, the second example is quite a bit more advanced then the first.

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