slang-netlist is a work in progress and may not work as expected. Check TODO.md for a list of some new features and fixes that are planned. If you encounter a problem, please submit a bug report via Issues.
slang-netlist is a library and tool for analysing the source-level static connectivity of a design. This capability can be useful, for example, to develop structural checks or to investigate timing paths, rather than having to use synthesis to obtain a gate-level netlist.
Using the example of a simple adder:
module adder
#(parameter p_width = 32)(
input logic [p_width-1:0] i_a,
input logic [p_width-1:0] i_b,
output logic [p_width-1:0] o_sum,
output logic o_co
logic [p_width-1:0] sum;
logic co;
assign {co, sum} = i_a + i_b;
assign o_sum = sum;
assign o_co = co;
The slang-netlist command-line tool can be used to trace paths through the design, such as:
➜ slang-netlist adder.sv --from adder.i_a --to adder.o_sum -q
adder.sv:10:22: note: variable i_a read from
assign {co, sum} = i_a + i_b;
adder.sv:10:15: note: variable sum assigned to
assign {co, sum} = i_a + i_b;
adder.sv:11:18: note: variable sum read from
assign o_sum = sum;
adder.sv:11:10: note: variable o_sum assigned to
assign o_sum = sum;