The plastic parts are bearing quite some load, so printing them accurately key to a succeessful setup.
ASA is the preferred filament right now, providing generally better rigidity than ABS, especially when kept under load. I have had good success with Prusament ASA.
CF-ASA is also fine. I did not see significnant delta from plain ASA however.
PC-ABS is an option, drop me a line if you have success with that.
Use usual Voron print settings, plus:
- 80% infill.
- Supports on bed plate only.
- external layers first, or second if your slicer has it.
- (optional) Enable ironing.
- support interface layers: 2
- support interface spacing: 0.12
- I'm printing with organic suppots on build plate only, but anything goes
You will need to clean up some supports. Flush cut pliers will get them removed just fine.
Optionally can print with PETG or soluable supports, but I would not bother.
SLS printining the shuttle from aluminium is expensive but adds significant stiffness bonus.