Requirements for setting up MobSF locally.
System Requirements: 8GB+ RAM, 3GHz CPU, 80GB+ Free Disk Space
Operating Systems: Mac, Linux, Windows
Install Git
brew install git
Install Python 3.10+
Install OpenJDK 21+ and configure
environment variable -
Install command line tools
xcode-select --install sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
Install wkhtmltopdf as per the wiki instructions
Windows App Static analysis requires a Windows Host or Windows VM for Mac and Linux. More Info
Ubuntu/Debian based Linux
Install Git
sudo apt install git -y
Install Python 3.10+
Install OpenJDK 21+ and configure
environment variable.sudo apt install openjdk-21-jdk -y
Install the following dependencies:
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-venv python3-pip build-essential \ libffi-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev \ libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev wkhtmltopdf -y
Windows App Static analysis requires a Windows Host or Windows VM for Mac and Linux. More Info
- Install Git
- Install Python 3.10+
- Install OpenJDK 21+ and configure
environment variable. - Install Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools
- Install OpenSSL (non-light)
- Download & Install wkhtmltopdf as per the wiki instructions
- Add the folder that contains
binary to environment variable PATH.
?> IMPORTANT: iOS IPA Analysis works only on Mac, Linux and Docker containers.
Tested on Windows 10, Ubuntu 22.04 , macOS 14.3 (M3)
!> Please make sure that all the requirements mentioned are installed first.
# Clone the MobSF repo
git clone
cd Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF
# Linux or Mac
# Windows
?> Windows users, before running setup.bat
close any opened folders of MobSF or text editors with MobSF opened. Either of these can interrupt the setup by causing permission errors.
# Linux or Mac
# Windows
!> MobSF server will listen on
if you use the run script without arguments.
In your web browser, navigate to http://localhost:8000/
to access MobSF web interface. The default credentials are mobsf/mobsf
MobSF also supports asynchronous task queues.
# Linux or Mac
# Windows
# Run DjangoQ2 cluster to accept scan jobs.
poetry run python qcluster
You need one of the following Android/iOS virtual device for Dynamic Analysis.
!> Dynamic analysis using real mobile device is possible for Android, but not supported by us.
?> Supports arm64, x86, x86_64 architecture Android 4.1 - 11.0, upto API 30
Genymotion is the preferred dynamic analysis environment that you can setup with the least friction. Run a Genymotion Android VM before starting MobSF. Everything will be configured automatically at runtime. We recommend using Android 7.0 and above.
- Android 5.0 - 11.0 - These versions uses Frida and works out of the box with zero configuration or setup.
- Android 4.1 - 4.4 - These versions uses Xposed Framework and requires that you should MobSFy the runtime prior to Dynamic Analysis for the first time. These versions also require VM reboot after installing Xposed Modules.
Click MobSFy Android Runtime button in Android Dynamic Analyzer page to MobSFy the android runtime environment.
- For Android versions 4.4 - 11.0, global proxy settings are automatically applied at runtime.
- For Android version 4.1 - 4.3, set Android VM proxy as displayed in Dynamic Analyzer page.
If MobSF Dynamic Analyzer doesn't detect your android device, set the device identifier via the environment variable MOBSF_ANALYZER_IDENTIFIER
before running MobSF.
You can find the Android Device IP from the Genymotion title bar and the default port is 5555
?> Supports arm, arm64, x86 and x86_64 architecture Android 5.0 - 11.0, upto API 30
Install or upgrade your Android Studio to the latest. Android Emulator image with Google Play Store is considered as production image and you cannot use that with MobSF.
Create an Android Virtual Device (AVD) without Google Play Store.
!> You must not choose non-rooted production images. MobSF requires rooted images without Google Playstore pre-installed.
After creating the AVD, run it once and make sure everything is alright. Close it along with Android Studio if it's running.
Run Android Virtual Device (AVD)
Run an AVD before starting MobSF using scripts/
or scripts/start_avd.ps1
# Run the script to list out available AVDs
Available AVDs:
Use any Android AVD 5.0 - 11.0, up to API 30 without Google Play (production image).
Usage: scripts/ AVD_NAME [START_PORT] [ path]
Example: scripts/ Pixel_6_Pro_API_28 5554 /path/to/
# Choose the AVD you created, make sure it is a non-production AVD.
# MobSF will not work with production AVDs.
sscripts/ Pixel_5_API_30
Everything will be configured automatically at runtime. MobSF requires AVD version 5.0 to 11.0 for dynamic analysis.
- For Android versions 5.0 - 8.0, MobSF attempts to set global proxy, but might fail due to a bug in adb. Configure proxy settings manually in such cases.
- For Android version 9.0 and above, global proxy settings are automatically applied at runtime.
GApps on AVD (Optional)
If you need Google Playstore, download the appropriate package from
Run the start_avd
script with path to the GApps zip file. This is currently not supported in Windows. You will have to manually do the necessary steps.
scripts/ Pixel_6a_API_29 5554 ~/Downloads/
If MobSF Dynamic Analyzer doesn't detect your android device, idenify the emulator serial number.
You can set the device identifier via the environment variable MOBSF_ANALYZER_IDENTIFIER
before running MobSF.
Example: MOBSF_ANALYZER_IDENTIFIER='emulator-5554'
?> Supports arm64, x86, x86_64 architecture Android 5.1 - 11.0, upto API 30
Run a Genymotion Android VM in cloud and connect to it via adb before starting MobSF. Everything will be configured automatically at runtime. We recommend using Android 7.0 and above.
This documentation uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) as an example. You need to follow similar steps in Genymotion Cloud SaaS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, or Alibaba Cloud.
- Launch an EC2 instance with Genymotion AMI
- Modify the Security Group of the AMI to allow inbound TCP connections to port 5555. This is required for remote adb connection to Genymotion Cloud VM.
Access Genymotion Cloud VM by navigating to it's Public IP. The default username is
and the password is EC2 instance id. More Info -
Go to Configuration and Enable ADB
- From your local machine, ensure that you can connect to Genymotion Cloud VM via adb.
adb connect <public_ip>:5555
adb devices
- You can now perform MobSF Dynamic Analysis with Genymotion Cloud VM in AWS.
If MobSF Dynamic Analyzer doesn't detect your Cloud VM, set the device identifier via the environment variable MOBSF_ANALYZER_IDENTIFIER
before running MobSF.
Example: MOBSF_ANALYZER_IDENTIFIER='<public_ip>:5555'
If MobSF cannot detect adb, you need to configure ADB_BINARY
in <user_home_dir>/.MobSF/
Example: ADB_BINARY='/Applications/'
?> Supports rooted userdebug builds, arm64 architecture Android 7.1.2 - 11.0, upto API 30
!> You must not choose non-rooted user builds. MobSF requires rooted userdebug builds.
- After creating a supported rooted userdebug Android device, Follow Corellium's
Connect via VPN
Do connect to Corellium network using provided VPN configuration.
adb connect
locally to ensure that the connection is working from your host.
- Set the environment variable
of Corellium Android device before running MobSF. (Example:
Supports jailbroken Corellium iOS VMs from MobSF v3.8.0 onwards.
!> Non jailbroken devices cannot be used with MobSF. Real devices are not supported at this time.
- After setting up Corellium account, create an API key from
Set the API key in the environment variable
. If you are using enterprise version of Corellium using a different domain. You must also supply the environment variableMOBSF_CORELLIUM_API_DOMAIN
with the correct domain value. -
To enable MobSF HTTPs proxying, You will have to configure the proxy settings in the iOS VM. Go to iPhone
-> Choose theCorellium
WiFi -> Scroll down and chooseConfigure Proxy
-> ChooseManual configuration
-> Set theServer
-> ClickSave
- Run MobSF and now you can create or manage jailbroken iOS VMs with Corellium for Dynamic Analysis.
cd Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF/
git pull origin master
poetry update
poetry run python makemigrations
poetry run python makemigrations StaticAnalyzer
poetry run python migrate
poetry run python create_roles
# For Linux/Mac
poetry run python mobsf/MobSF/ ~/.MobSF
DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=mobsf poetry run python createsuperuser --noinput --username "mobsf" --email ""
# For Windows
poetry run python mobsf/MobSF/ %USERPROFILE%\.MobSF
set DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=mobsf && poetry run python createsuperuser --noinput --username "mobsf" --email ""
!> If database migration fails, delete the MobSF directory (~/.MobSF
on Linux & Mac, C:\Users\<user>\.MobSF
on Windows) and rerun the setup script (
for Linux & Mac or setup.bat
for Windows). Note that this will remove all previous scan results and data.
We use tox for running tests.
pip install tox
#For linting
tox -e lint
# For running lint + test
tox -e lint,test