An efficient instrumentation and profiling framework for Graal.js.
Get the mx build tool:
git clone
Use mx to download a JDK for building GraalVM and set the JAVA_HOME environment variable accordingly:
mx fetch-jdk --java-distribution labsjdk-ce-11
Get dependent projects and build:
mkdir workspace-nodeprof
cd workspace-nodeprof
git clone
cd nodeprof.js
mx sforceimports
mx build
Run tests:
mx test-all
Detailed explanation can be found in the Tutorial;
The goals of NodeProf are:
- Use AST-level instrumentation which can benefit from the partial evaluation of the Graal compiler and have a much lower overhead compared to source-code instrumentation framework such as Jalangi
- Compatible to analysis written in Jalangi detail.
- Comprehensive coverage for NPM modules and Node.js libraries.
- Compliant to the latest ECMAScript specification (thanks to Graal.js)
- Haiyang Sun
- Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Lugano, Switzerland
- Efficient dynamic analysis for Node.js link
NodeProf is available under the following license:
Thanks to Daniele Bonetta, Alexander Jordan, and Christian Humer from Oracle Labs for the help during the implementation.