Ain Shams University - Faculty of Computers and Information Science , @7P-Marketing-Software
- Cairo
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohamad-sami/
- Pro
A simple data stream simulation with various anomaly detection algorithms
An infrastructure for sensitive governmental services and identifying civilians using NFTs
FCIS-Operating-System-FOS.V3 Public
A light weight Operating system with new self-contained development environment
C UpdatedDec 21, 2023 -
Design Patterns Summer training of FCIS ASU 2023
Tech-Store-Frontend Public
Online mobile web store
An implementation of Scanner and Parser for Tiny programming language
React-My-Reads Public
Web based book reading managment application with responsive UI made using ReactJS
Machine learning based system that can predict service cancellation for a business based on its dataset using 5 models
Heart-diseases-prediction-ML Public
Machine learning system based on KNN , linear regression and CART decision Tree model that can predict infection of heart diseases for a patientl
BlackJack-Java-game Public
Classic Blackjack cards game made using Java and Swing UI
Muzify Public
Cross platform music player app that can also search and download music from youtube
MIPS-CPU-Architecture-VHDL Public
An implementation of Single Cycled MIPS Processor architecture using VHDL in Xillinx ISE 14.7
Carbon Public
A live text and video chat application built natively for android
Cpp-Custom-linked-list Public
Custom linked list implementation with undo() functionality to revert any edits done to the linked list in their specific order
Flappy-bird-Cpp-SFML Public
Remake for Flappy Bird game with custom made physics and 2 levels of difficulity
City wide smart suviellance system that can detect weapons and fires in real-time and report detailed information to the responsible authorities.