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How To Set Up GenyMotion on a Mac

When using Titanium 3.2 there are a few extra steps necessary to set up GenyMotion on a Mac

Installing Primary Tools

  1. Install Genymotion and complete registration
  • Install your Genymotion emulator

    1. If there is an error associated with the ova file while you're downloading/installing the emulator, navigate to: Finder > Go > Go To Folder > ~/.Genymobile/Genymotion/
    • Remove the contents of the "ova" folder and the folder from "deployed" with the same name as the emulator you were trying to install
  • Install Homebrew

    1. Run the following command in the terminal and follow the prompts to complete the installation.

       $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Install the Android SDK and NDK using the following commands:

      $ brew install android-sdk
      $ brew install android-ndk

Set The Machine's Path to the Android Tools

  1. Show invisible folders
    • The app runs a set of commands to show and hide invisible files. This can also be done via command line:

        $ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE 
        $ killall Finder
    • Alternately, you can install the inVisible tool by NorthernSpy Software

  • Navigate to: Finder > Go > Go To Folder > ~/.bash_profile And add the following:

      ## Android SDK
      export ANDROID_SDK=/usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk/23.0.2
      export ANDROID_NDK=/usr/local/Cellar/android-ndk/r7b
    1. You may need to change the above paths depending on the current version of the SDK/NDK. The above code uses SDK Version 23.0.2 and NDK version r7b
    • As new Android SDK and NDK's are released, run this in Terminal:

        $ brew upgrade
    • Edit your ".bash_profile" and Titanium Studio settings for each release.

Install Remaining SDK Components

  • Start the Android SDK Manager
    1. Run this in Terminal:

       $ android
    • Install the appropriate files based on platform **Alex
    • To install required SDK components refer to this Appcelerator Wiki

Set Titanium Paths for Android Tools##

  1. Open Titanium Studio and navigate to: Titanium Studio > Preferences > Studio > Platforms > Android
  • Set "Android SDK Home" to the version folder of your android sdk, which lives in: /usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk/

  • Set "Android NDK Home" to the version folder of your android ndk, which lives in: /usr/local/Cellar/android-ndk/

    • NOTE: just selecting the "android-sdk" or "android-ndk" folders will not work, you must highlight the version folder within these
  • Select your default Emulator

At this point you should be done!


General Troubleshooting

Run this in Terminal as a point of reference:

ti info -t android -o json

For the following steps, try and find the appropriate file. If "null" appears for any of them, this is most likely the problem.

Common Issues

ZipAlign = "null"

  1. Navigate to usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk/[your version number]/build-tools/
  • Select the latest build and copy the "ZipAlign" file
  • Paste ZipAlign to usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk/[your version number]/tools/

ndk = "null"

  1. Try redownloading the ndk file from
  • Run this in Terminal to update the location of the ndk: titanium config android.ndkPath /your/ndk/path/

(mostly taken from: