###(The hackable IDE)
Please ensure you've got Mono 4.0.1 or later installed if you're on OS X/Linux. Or .NET 4.5.1 on Windows.
If you want to work on a DNX application then you will also need to have dnvm installed. Please refer to the instructions detailed in the aspnet/home repository.
From the packages settings inside Atom:
- install omnisharp-atom
From the command-line:
apm install omnisharp-atom
Open a c# file
or open a scriptcs file
When the flame icon in the bottom left corner turns green, the server has started!
Go to definition - can also ctrl-click or cmd-clickshift-alt-t
Find typectrl-F12
Go to implementationshift-F12
Find usagesF8, shift-F8
Go to next/previous usagectrl-k, ctrl-d
Format documentctrl-k ctrl-c
Comment selectionf2
Navigate downwards through methodsctrl-alt-up
Navigate upwards through methods- Completions appear as you type. To select an item, press Return or the TAB key.
- Type lookup on mouse over or from cursor (
). - Editor adornments (squigglies) appear for errors and code hints as you type.
- Automatic Package restore for DNX applications when you save
files - Enjoy!
- ctrl-r ctrl-a Run all tests
- ctrl-r ctrl-f Run all fixture tests
- ctrl-r ctrl-t Run single test
- ctrl-r ctrl-l Run last test