An Advanced ScoreBoard Library that was built and designed by following critical OOP principles and modern design patterns.
This library's purpose is to make your life easier by eliminating the much work that you have to put in to make a normal scoreboard using the old plain bukkit's api
If you're using a dependency manager software like maven or gradle then just follow the steps below to setup your project and allow it to use the power of mBoard ! otherwise, just Download the jar and add it as an artifact dependency
repositories {
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.mqzn:mBoard:<VERSION>'
<!-- Replace 'com.yourpackage' with the package of your plugin ! -->
Dont forget to add the shadow jar plugin in your build.gradle. It should be above at the top of the build.gradle file.
plugins {
id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '7.1.2'
Now let's configure the shadow jar plugin to relocate the mBoard dependency into your project.
shadowJar {
// Replace 'com.yourpackage' with the package of your plugin
relocate 'dev.mqzen.boards', 'com.yourpackage.boards'
This is how you can stop wasting time on creating scoreboards using bukkit's api
It's a class that returns some information that are needed to be obtained in order to construct a scoreboard. Such as e.g: Title or Lines
//This is mainly for legacy minecraft servers (1.8.8 to 1.17)
public final class LegacyTestAdapter implements BoardAdapter {
public @NonNull Title<?> title(Player player) {
return Title.legacy().ofText("test");
public @NonNull Body<?> getBody(Player player) {
return Body.legacy(
"&8> &eThis is mBoard,say Hello",
//for minecraft 1.18+, uses KyoriAdventure
public final class AdventureTestAdapter implements BoardAdapter {
public @NonNull Title<?> title(Player player) {
return Title.adventure().ofComponent("test");
public @NonNull Body<?> getBody(Player player) {
return Body.adventure(
Component.text("&8> &eThis is mBoard,say Hello"),
Animated Lines are basically dynamic lines that change every x tick
where x is the update interval that can be modified using BoardManager#setUpdateInterval
There are several types of animations and there are some common animations that requires advanced processing to the lines contents such as Highlighting a line or even making a scrolling line
public class TestAdapter implements BoardAdapter {
* Fetches the title to be represented
* on the board that has this adapter instance;
* @param player the player who will view the title
* @return the title of the scoreboard
public @NonNull Title title(Player player) {
return Title.builder()
.withAnimation(ScrollAnimation.of("&eHello", 32/*width of the scrolling*/, 1/*the distance that's moved*/))
* Gets the body to be represented
* as the body of the scoreboard
* which will occupy this adapter as it's
* model or template to take data from.
* @param player the player who will view the lines
* @return the body of the scoreboard
public @NonNull Body getBody(Player player) {
Body body = Body.of("&7&l&m+----------------+");
body.addNewLine(HighlightingAnimation.of("Test&Hello", ChatColor.GOLD, ChatColor.YELLOW));
return body;
Sometimes there's a situation where you want to implement your own type of change phases to create your own animation the way you just want so, you will have to do it manually by specifying each change phase in the form of a string
public class TestAdapter implements BoardAdapter {
private final Animation<String> titleAnimation = new Animation<>("&4mBoard &7| &cA lib" /*message*/,
"&4mBoard ",
"&4mBoard &fT",
"&4mBoard &fTh",
"&4mBoard &fThe",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 ",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cL",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cLi",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cLib",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cLib",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cLib",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cLib",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cLib",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cLib",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cLib",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cLib",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cLi",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 &cL",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#1 ",
"&4mBoard &fThe &7#",
"&4mBoard &fThe",
"&4mBoard &fTh",
"&4mBoard &fT",
"&4mBoard ",
"&4mBoard ");
* Fetches the title to be represented
* on the board that has this adapter instance;
* @param player the player who will view the title
* @return the title of the scoreboard
public @NonNull Title title(Player player) {
return Title.builder()
.withText("&4mBoard &7| &cA lib")
* Gets the body to be represented
* as the body of the scoreboard
* which will occupy this adapter as it's
* model or template to take data from.
* @param player the player who will view the lines
* @return the body of the scoreboard
public @NonNull Body getBody(Player player) {
Body body = Body.of("&7&l&m+----------------+");
body.addNewLine(HighlightingAnimation.of("Test Highlighted", ChatColor.GOLD, ChatColor.YELLOW));
return body;
public class ExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
public void onEnable() {
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
BoardManager.getInstance().setUpdateInterval(4L); //default is 2L
public void onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) {
BoardManager.getInstance().setupNewBoard(e.getPlayer(), new TestAdapter());
public void onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent e) {
- To MrMicky for creating FastBoard, because originally this is a fork of it.
- To me of course for spending 3 days on this awesome library