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Unit test

Step 1: Coppy the folder 04-deployment/streaming to 06-best-practice/code with cp -r 04-deployment/streaming 06-best-practice/code

Step 2: Install the env as that in Module 4 with pipenv install

Step 3: Install pytest with pipenv install --dev pytest

Step 4: Install python test environment in Pycharm. Go to Setting -> Tool -> Testing -> Default test runner: pytest, test pytest in terminal to see if it works, or pytest --version.

Step 5: Create a file, type assert 1 == 1 in the file, and then run pytest in the terminal. If it works, it should be as follows:


Testing if docker works

Step 6: Build the docker and check if the service works.

Build the docker with docker build -t stream-model-duration:v2 .

and run with

docker run -it --rm \
        -p 8080:8080 \
        -e PREDICTIONS_STREAM_NAME="ride_predictions" \
        -e RUN_ID="7c8bb75fadea44aa9337ec3de35c430e" \
        -e TEST_RUN="True" \
        -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="ca-central-1" \

then open another terminal, run python ), the result should be as below: docker.png

NOTE: Run each test by running pytest in the terminal

MODEL test

Step 7: Unit test (test_prepare_features()). Test if the model can take the raw data and returns the expected features.


Step 8: Unit test (test_base64_decode()). Test if it can read the base64 encoded data and decodes it as expected.

Predict function test

Step 9: Unit test (test_predict()). It creates a ModelService object with a ModelMock object, test if it predicts ride duration, and checks if it is as expected.

Lambda handler test

Step 10: Unit test (test_lambda_handler()). Test if it handles a Lambda function event and the results are as expected.

Integration test

Unit tests just test partial of the code, whole we still need to test the whole code with integration test by docker. (Turn into a test)

Capture the diffs between actual_response and expected_response

Step 1: Install deepdiff in dev with pipenv install --dev deepdiff and print the diffs of the data changes. diff.png

Load the model first from local env, remove the dependency in S3

Step 2: Add get_model_location() and modigy load_model() to load the model from local folder Step 3: Download the models from S3 to local model/ with aws s3 cp --recursive s3://zoomcamp-mlops/1/7c8bb75fadea44aa9337ec3de35c430e/artifacts/model/ model Step 4: Add the model local location and the address, then run python to test the model which has been downloaded in local env.

docker run -it --rm \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -e PREDICTIONS_STREAM_NAME="ride_preditions" \
    -e RUN_ID="Test123" \
    -e MODEL_LOCATION="/app/model" \
    -e TEST_RUN="True" \
    -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="ca-central-1" \
    -v $(pwd)/model:/app/model \

Test Automation

Step 1: Create a new file named under integration-test, and change the access permissions of it. Using the env utility of Shebang in Bash Scripts. Bash Shebang

chmod +x integration_test/

Step 2: Create docker-compose.yaml based on the format of Compose file reference. Step 3: Open a terminal in a non-virtual env, run ./ RUNBASH.png


#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

cd "$(firname "$0")"

LOCAL_TAG=`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M"`
export LOCAL_IMAGE_NAME="stream-model-duration:${LOCAL_TAG}"

docker build -t ${LOCAL_IMAGE_NAME} ..

docker compose up -d

sleep 1

pipenv run python


if [${ERROR_CODE} != 0]; then
  docker compose logs

docker compose down
exit ${ERROR_CODE}

  • set -e: bash script interrupted on error
  • cd "$(firname "$0")": get path of the script
  • LOCAL_TAG=date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M"export LOCAL_IMAGE_NAME="stream-model-duration:${LOCAL_TAG}": maintain the build version
  • docker build -t ${LOCAL_IMAGE_NAME} ..: build the image
  • docker compose up -d: start docker compose
  • ERROR_CODE=$?: reads the exit status of the last command executed
  • if [${ERROR_CODE} != 0]; then docker compose logs fi: if there is an error, print the docker logs
  • docker compose down: stops containers and removes containers


    image: ${LOCAL_IMAGE_NAME}
      - "8080:8080"
      - PREDICTIONS_STREAM_NAME=ride_preditions
      - TEST_RUN=True
      - RUN_ID=Test123
      - AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ca-central-1
      - MODEL_LOCATION=/app/model
      - "./model:/app/model"

Could service test with LocalStack (Kinesis CallBacks)

Test the Kinesis connection or the function that puts the responses to the Kinesis stream with LocalStack Step 1: Download localstack. Add kinesis: image: localstack/localstack ports: - "4566:4566" environment: - SERVICES=kinesis into docker-compose.yaml and run docker compose up kinesis Step 2: Create streams in localstack with

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 \
    kinesis create-stream \
    --stream-name ride_preditions \
    --shard-count 1

Step 3: Check the content in the stream. Export SHARD and PREDICTIONS_STREAM_NAME ahead of time.

 aws  --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 \
    kinesis     get-shard-iterator \
    --shard-id ${SHARD} \
    --shard-iterator-type TRIM_HORIZON \
    --stream-name ${PREDICTIONS_STREAM_NAME} \
    --query 'ShardIterator'

and get the results back.


then get the shard iterator and decode it.

 aws  --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 \
    kinesis get-records --shard-iterator "AAAAAAAAAAFWPQ+4NtNa8s85Qzsl/rDfUyuw9d9svafo+/IH7m4FgT6zIx0dxeAzqZV2s6SmJDcihSWsUHD48T+v2Y5rOHqeFQm/IAIcjMFOI+k4mGvyJbHcNGtTuy/9WP38ZjmmAH2xcDX9oMk/0Z/f8Jj2S4TmGRsBcXJMURHYD3NRNy95Jnb9opAa+OlSepTPaGfyp7OF3wBLVpx1OM0Nh7b4d0Dr"

check the streams in endpoint with aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 \ kinesis list-stream `

Step 4: Transform the above steps into

Step 5: Edit the logic in if does not work, then exit; or continue for the work.

pipenv run python


if [ ${ERROR_CODE} != 0 ]; then
    docker-compose logs
    docker-compose down
    exit ${ERROR_CODE}

pipenv run python


if [ ${ERROR_CODE} != 0 ]; then
    docker-compose logs
    docker-compose down
    exit ${ERROR_CODE}

docker-compose down

Step 6: Run python

Code quality Test with pylint

Step 1: Install pylint for code quality check with pipenv install --dev pylint Step 2: Check the code quality of a file with pylint, or all the files under the current folder with pylint **/*.py. Step 3: (Configuration of black and isort is also available in pyproject.toml)Code formatting with Black, sorting import with isort with pipenv install --dev black isort. Run black ./isort . for formatting/sorting the code/import and show differences after formatting/sorting with black --diff . | less/isort --diff . | less.

Git pre-commit

Step 1: Install pre-commit

git init
pipenv install --dev pre-commit

Step 2: Initial the ./code as a new git repo for pre-commit check. Get the sample-config as .pre-commit-config.yaml with pre-commit sample-config > ./pre-commit-config.yaml Step 3: Install pre-commit hooks pre-commit install

Step 4: Add the files to repo and commit for pre-commit check with

git add . 
git commit -m `YOUR_COMMIT`

The result should be as: precommit.png



  1. Mac already installed make
  2. Makefile must start with a tab

Arrange the Makefile with the requirement, and run it with make run. Run any of these targets by typing make <target> as make quality_checks.


  1. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'model' when run ANS: Insert into

    import os, sys

  3. Info of AWS S3 Check Run_id of the models in S3: aws s3 ls s3://{YOUR_S3_BUCKET}/1/ Check models of the models in S3: aws s3 ls s3://zoomcamp-mlops/1/7c8bb75fadea44aa9337ec3de35c430e/artifacts/model/ Download models from S3 to ./model folder: aws s3 cp --recursive s3://zoomcamp-mlops/1/7c8bb75fadea44aa9337ec3de35c430e/artifacts/model/ model

  4. Check the info of files in model folder: ls -lh model/

  5. mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException: The following failures occurred while downloading one or more artifacts from s3://zoomcamp-mlops/1/None/artifacts: {'model': "ClientError('An error occurred (404) when calling the HeadObject operation: Not Found')"}

    ANS: export RUN_ID=YOUR_RUN_ID

  6. Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint integration-test-backend-1 (64fec1e2d167699754312ba77a8a7da4dde1031372c81088e6f2201ff9340acd): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

    ANS: PORT 8080:8080 is already allocated, so docker ps and `docker stop CURRENT_8080_PID

  7. zsh: permission denied: ./

    ANS: chmod +x FILE_ADDRESS

  8. ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c pipenv install --system --deploy" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 when run bash file.

    ANS: Since pipenv installs the dependency from Pipfile.lock, here is expected to update Pipfile.lock with pipenv install Pipfile. and then re-run ./

  9. When redeploy the kinesis stream in localstack An error occurred (ResourceInUseException) when calling the CreateStream operation: Stream ride_preditions already exists

    ANS: Rename the current stream, or delete the existed stream at the endpoint.

    aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 \
    --region=ca-central-1 \
    kinesis delete-stream --stream-name ride_preditions
  10. Check the kinesis stream from AWS/LOCALSTACK:aws kinesis list-streams/aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 \ kinesis list-streams

  11. Pre-commit fails to install with error An unexpected error has occurred: CalledProcessError: command: ('/Users/amberm/.cache/pre-commit/reposbydn2wf/py_env-python3/bin/python', '-mpip', 'install', '.') return code: 1 ....... ANS: Check the version of the hooks for installation. (I upgraded isort to 5.12.0 while the demo was 5.10.1)