Use any local hypervisor like Virtual Box, VMware and KVM or if you need a global Internet access we suggest any Cloud Service Provicer (CSP) like AWS, Azure or Google.
Minimum server configuration: 1 vCPU, 1GB RAM and 16GB HDD or SSD.
Compatible with most Linux distribution, but Ubuntu Server 18.04.5 LTS has been validated exhaustively for us.
You need to open all the ports below in the firewall settings at your CSP:
Port Transport Protocol
5000 TCP Helix Web Interface
3030 TCP Helix Orchestrator
22443 TCP Helix Hardware Monitor
1026 TCP CEF Context Broker
27000 TCP MongoDB
5050 TCP Cygnus
1883 TCP Eclipse-Mosquitto
4041 TCP IoT Agent MQTT
Connect to the server via SSH and follow the instructions below
git clone
cd Sandbox-NG