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227 lines (171 loc) · 7.62 KB

File metadata and controls

227 lines (171 loc) · 7.62 KB


Please also read the

Dev requirements

  • Node >= 14 (Development/Building only)
    • Including npm
  • Yarn (Development/Building only)
  • PHP Composer (Development/Building only)

Code style

Please ensure that your pull requests follow the PSR-12 coding style guide. You can check that by running

composer run phpcs
# with docker
docker exec engelsystem_dev-es_workspace-1 composer run phpcs

You may auto fix reported issues by running

composer run phpcbf
# with docker
docker exec engelsystem_dev-es_workspace-1 composer run phpcbf

Pre-commit hooks

You should set up the pre-commit hook to check the code style and run tests on commit:

Docker (recommended):

echo "docker exec engelsystem_dev-es_workspace-1 bin/pre-commit" > .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod u+x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Host machine:

ln -s ../../bin/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit



We suggest using Docker for the Development local build.
This repo ships a docker setup for a quick development start.
If you use another uid/gid than 1000 on your machine you have to adjust it in docker/dev/.env.

Make sure you're in the docker/dev subfolder:

cd docker/dev

Then, run

docker compose up

Run these commands once initially and then as required after changes

# Install composer dependencies
docker compose exec es_workspace composer i

# Install node packages
docker compose exec es_workspace yarn install

# Run a full front-end build
docker compose exec es_workspace yarn build

# Or run a front-end build for specific themes only, e.g.
docker compose exec -e THEMES=0,1 es_workspace yarn build

# Update the translation files
docker compose exec es_workspace find /var/www/resources/lang -type f -name '*.po' -exec sh -c 'msgfmt "${1%.*}.po" -o"${1%.*}.mo"' shell {} \;

# Run the migrations
docker compose exec es_workspace bin/migrate

While developing you may use the watch mode to rebuild the system on changes

# Run a front-end build and update on change
docker compose exec es_workspace yarn build:watch

# Or run a front-end build and update on change for specific themes only, e.g.
docker compose exec -e THEMES=0,1 es_workspace yarn build:watch

It might also be useful to have an interactive database interface for which a phpMyAdmin instance can be startet at http://localhost:8888.

docker compose --profile dev up


You can find your local Engelsystem on http://localhost:5080.

Local build without Docker

The following instructions explain how to get, build and run the latest Engelsystem version directly from the git main branch (may be unstable!).

  • Clone the main branch: git clone
  • Install Composer and Yarn (which requires Node.js)
  • Install project dependencies:
    composer install
    On production systems it is recommended to use
    composer install --no-dev
    composer dump-autoload --optimize
    to install the Engelsystem
  • Build the frontend assets
    • All
      yarn build
    • Specific themes only by providing the THEMES environment variable, e.g.
      THEMES=0,1 yarn build
  • Generate translation files
    find resources/lang/ -type f -name '*.po' -exec sh -c 'msgfmt "${1%.*}.po" -o"${1%.*}.mo"' shell {} \;


To run only unit tests (tests that should not change the Engelsystem state) use

vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Unit

If a database is configured and the Engelsystem is allowed to mess around with some files, you can run feature tests. The tests can potentially delete some database entries, so they should never be run on a production system!

vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Feature

When you want to run unit and feature tests at once:


To generate code coverage reports it's highly recommended to use pcov or at least phpdbg -qrr(which has problems with switch case statements) as using Xdebug slows down execution.

php -d pcov.enabled=1 -d vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text

For better debug output, adding -vvv might be helpful. Adding --coverage-html public/coverage/ exports the coverage reports to the public/ dir which then can be viewed at localhost:5080/coverage/index.html.


If using the Docker-based development environment you can run the following script to retrieve a coverage report.

docker compose exec es_workspace composer phpunit:coverage

A browsable HTML version is available at http://localhost:5080/coverage/index.html .

Var Dump server

Symfony Var Dump server is configured to allow for easier debugging. It is not meant as a replacement for xdebug but can actually be used together with xdebug. The Var Dump Server is especially useful if you want to debug a request without messing up the output e.g. of API calls or the HTML layout.

To use simply call the method dump and pass the arguments in exactly the same way you would when using var_dump.

This will send the output to the Var Dump server which can be viewed in the terminal. This does however require that you start the var-dump-server otherwise the output will be printed in your browser

You can also dump and die if you wish to not let your code continue any further by calling the dd method

To view the output of dump call the following commands:

# or for running in docker
docker compose exec es_server vendor/bin/var-dump-server

For more information check out the Var Dump Server documentation: Symfony VarDumper


We use gettext. You may use POEdit to extract new texts from the sourcecode. Please config POEdit to extract also the twig template files using the following settings:

CI & Build Pipeline

The Engelsystem can be tested and automatically deployed to a testing/staging/production environment. This functionality requires a GitLab server with a working docker runner.

To use the deployment features the following secret variables need to be defined (if undefined the step will be skipped):

SSH_PRIVATE_KEY         # The ssh private key
STAGING_REMOTE          # The staging server, e.g.
STAGING_REMOTE_PATH     # The path on the remote server, e.g. /var/www/engelsystem
PRODUCTION_REMOTE       # Same as STAGING_REMOTE but for the production environment
PRODUCTION_REMOTE_PATH  # Same as STAGING_REMOTE_PATH but for the production environment

Static code analysis

You can run a static code analysis with this command:

composer phpstan

Hint for using Xdebug with PhpStorm

For some reason PhpStorm is unable to detect the server name. But without a server name it's impossible to set up path mappings. Because of that the docker setup sets the server name engelsystem. To get Xdebug working you have to create a server with the name engelsystem manually.


Docker version

If unspecific issues appear try using Docker version >= 20.10.14.

service "es_workspace" is not running

Make sure you're running your docker commands from the docker/dev directory, not from docker