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Built in Panels

martinghunt edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 5 revisions

This page describes the panels included with mykrobe, and the command mykrobe panels.

For the origin of each built in panel, and links to the publications, please see the citing mykrobe page.

tl; dr

After installing mykrobe, run:

mykrobe panels update_metadata
mykrobe panels update_species all

and you will have the built-in panels installed and can use them with mykrobe predict.

Keep reading if you want to know more details...


At the time or writing, mykrobe supports AMR calling for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella sonnei, Salmonella enterica serotype Paratyphi B, and Salmonella Typhi. The panel data are not included in with the source code. They must be downloaded after installation. Mykrobe allows for panel data updates without needing to install the code again.

Download/Update the panels

Run these two commands to get (or update) all supported panels:

mykrobe panels update_metadata
mykrobe panels update_species all

The panel files are by default stored in the same location where mykrobe itself is installed. This location can be changed using the option --panels_dir (this option is available for all mykrobe panels commands and when running mykrobe predict). For ease of use it is recommended to use the default, unless for some reason this is not possible.

Example putting the panel data in a directory called panel_data:

mykrobe panels --panel_dir panel_data update_metadata
mykrobe panels --panel_dir panel_data update_species all

Panel information

Obtain information on the currently installed panels by running:

mykrobe panels describe

If no panels are installed, the output will look like this:

Gathering data from /your/install/directory/mykrobe/data
No data

If panels are available, but not installed (ie you ran mykrobe panels update_metadata only) the output will look like this:

Gathering data from /your/install/directory/mykrobe/data

Species summary:

Species	Update_available	Installed_version	Installed_url	Latest_version	Latest_url
paratyphiB	yes	None	NA	20230627
sonnei	yes	None	NA	20201012
staph	yes	None	NA	20201001
tb	yes	None	NA	20201014
typhi	yes	None	NA	20221208

No panels are installed

Running mykrobe panels update_species all will install all available updates. Then the output of mykrobe panels describe will look something like this:

Gathering data from /your/install/directory/mykrobe/data

Species summary:

Species	Update_available	Installed_version	Installed_url	Latest_version	Latest_url
paratyphiB	no	20230627	20230627
sonnei	no	20210201	20210201
staph	no	20201001	20201001
tb	no	20230928	20230928
typhi	no	20221208	20221208

paratyphiB default panel: 20230627
paratyphiB panels:
Panel	Reference	Description
20230627	CIP54_115	Genotyping scheme for Salmonella enterica serovar Paratphi B PG1

... and then descriptions of the other species ...

Panel choice and running mykrobe predict

We recommend to run mykrobe predict using the default panel (in fact for sonnei and staph there is currently only one panel). For tb there is a choice of several panels. To run predict using a different panel, use the --panel option, for example to use the older walker-2015 panel instead of the default panel 202010, run:

mykrobe predict --sample sample_name --species tb --panel walker-2015 --seq reads.fastq
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