This guide will walk you through HOW to create MongoDB and RabbitMQ in Azure.
Make your own copy of the setup environment variables bash script:
cp .scripts/ .scripts/
Prep the dev environment by populating environment variables in
bash script:
# ====== Piggy Metrics Azure Coordinates
export RESOURCE_GROUP=INSERT-your-resource-group-name
export REGION=westus2
export AKS_CLUSTER=INSERT-your-AKS-cluster-name
export CONTAINER_REGISTRY=INSERT-your-Azure-Container-Registry-name
## ===== Mongo DB
export MONGODB_DATABASE=INSERT-your-mongodb-database-name
export MONGODB_USER=INSERT-your-cosmosdb-account-name
## ===== Rabbit MQ
export RABBITMQ_RESOURCE_GROUP=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-resource-group-name
export RABBITMQ_VM_NAME=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-virtual-machine-name
export RABBITMQ_VM_ADMIN_USERNAME=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-admin-user-name
Then export these environment variables from the `java-on-aks' directory:
source .scripts/
Create an instance of MongoDB:
# Change directory
cd java-on-aks
# Login into Azure
az login
# Create a Resource Group
az group create --name ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--location ${REGION}
# Create a Cosmos DB account
az cosmosdb create --kind MongoDB \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--name ${MONGODB_USER}
Cut and paste the resource 'id'
value from Azure CLI response into
, say for example:
"id": "/subscriptions/685ba005-af8d-4b04-8f16-a7bf38b2eb5a/resourceGroups/spring-cloud-0918/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/ ...
# Get Cosmos DB connection strings
az cosmosdb list-connection-strings --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--name ${MONGODB_USER}
Cut and paste the primary connection string as MONGODB_URI
bash file.
Create an instance of Bitnami RabbitMQ Stack For Microsoft Azure, go to and start:
Fill in the form, use the same value as RABBITMQ_RESOURCE_GROUP
, and choose SSH. Select 'Standard DS3 v2' as
the size:
Accept defaults in all subsequent screens, and proceed to create:
Open RabbitMQ client and administration ports:
az vm open-port --port 5672 --name ${RABBITMQ_VM_NAME} \
--resource-group ${RABBITMQ_RESOURCE_GROUP}
az vm open-port --port 15672 --name ${RABBITMQ_VM_NAME} \
--resource-group ${RABBITMQ_RESOURCE_GROUP} --priority 1100
Find the public IP address of the Linux virtual machine where RabbitMQ is running and
and set the RABBITMQ_HOST
environment variable in
# Open an SSH connection, say
# First, export the environment variables
source .scripts/
# Open an SSH connection
ssh selvasingh@${RABBITMQ_HOST}
You can adjust RabbitMQ to connect with clients from a different machine:
sudo /opt/bitnami/ status
# Stop RabbitMQ
sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop
# Edit RabbitMQ configurtion file
sudo nano /opt/bitnami/rabbitmq/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
# Particularly, change line 4 from
{tcp_listeners, [{"", 5672}, {"::1", 5672}]},
# TO
{tcp_listeners, [{"", 5672}, {"::1", 5672}]},
# Start RabbitMQ
sudo /opt/bitnami/ start
You can get your RabbitMQ admin credentials by following the steps in Particularly, open a file in the SSH terminal
cat ./bitnami_credentials
Note down the credentials and close the SSH connections. Onto your local development machine ...
From the bitnami_credentials
file, populate the credentials in
the piggymetrics/.scripts/
and export them to the environment:
# Rabbit MQ
export RABBITMQ_USERNAME=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-username
export RABBITMQ_PASSWORD=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-password
# export them
source .scripts/
You should be able to reach the RabbitMQ admin console at:
open http://${RABBITMQ_HOST}:15672
Re-prep the dev environment by populating environment variables in
bash scripts and export them to
your dev environment:
# ====== Piggy Metrics Azure Coordinates
export RESOURCE_GROUP=INSERT-your-resource-group-name
export REGION=westus2
export AKS_CLUSTER=INSERT-your-AKS-cluster-name
export CONTAINER_REGISTRY=INSERT-your-Azure-Container-Registry-name
## ===== Mongo DB
export MONGODB_DATABASE=INSERT-your-mongodb-database-name
export MONGODB_USER=INSERT-your-cosmosdb-account-name
export MONGODB_URI="INSERT-your-mongodb-connection-string"
export MONGODB_RESOURCE_ID=INSERT-your-mongodb-resource-id
## ===== Rabbit MQ
export RABBITMQ_RESOURCE_GROUP=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-resource-group-name
export RABBITMQ_VM_NAME=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-virtual-machine-name
export RABBITMQ_VM_ADMIN_USERNAME=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-admin-user-name
# Rabbit MQ
export RABBITMQ_HOST=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-host-public-ip-address
export RABBITMQ_PORT=5672
export RABBITMQ_USERNAME=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-username
export RABBITMQ_PASSWORD=INSERT-your-rabbitmq-password
Go back to How to use AKS end-to-end for Java apps?