GDL (GNU Data Language) is a free / libre open-source program that runs most IDL code. Specifically, GDL claims to be completely IDL 7.x compatible, and has many features from IDL 8. GDL is actively developed on GitHub.
Install XQuartz
Install the Apple Command Line Tools:
xcode-select --install
Install Homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install required packages:
brew install wget curl cmake libffi gdbm mpdecimal sqlite glib libpthread-stubs xorgproto libxau libxdmcp libxcb libx11 libxext libxrender cairo eigen isl libmpc gcc hwloc open-mpi fftw jasper little-cms2 graphicsmagick gsl hdf5 netcdf icu4c harfbuzz pango udunits readline
Build and install GDL:
# clone
git clone
cd gdl
# checkout latest tag
git checkout tags/$tag -b $tag
# create build dir
mkdir build
cd build
# configure
cmake .. \
-Wno-dev \
-DREADLINEDIR=/usr/local/opt/readline \
# build
make -j 4
# run tests
make check
# install
sudo make install
Test your installation:
You should see promt similar to this:
GDL - GNU Data Language, Version 1.0.0-rc.3
- For basic information type HELP,/INFO
- Default library routine search path used (GDL_PATH/IDL_PATH env. var. not set): /usr/local/share/gnudatalanguage/lib
- No startup file read (GDL_STARTUP/IDL_STARTUP env. var. not set).
- Please report bugs, feature or help requests and patches at:
sudo apt install gnudatalanguage