Submitting January 2015.
This submission marks the extension beyond the historical data available for this compset.
We are using 'best guess' SSP forcings for CAM and CLM where possible. Some tracers for
CAM are set to use the last available year (2014) for the remainder of the reanalysis.
Submitting December 2014
v2014.12 Merge pull request #18 from kdraeder/f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assi…
Submitting November 2014
v2014.11 Merge pull request #17 from kdraeder/f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assi…
Submitting October 2014
v2014.10 Merge pull request #16 from kdraeder/f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assi…
Submitting September 2014
v2014.09 Merge pull request #15 from kdraeder/f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assi…
Submitting August of 2014
v2014.08 Merge pull request #14 from kdraeder/f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assi…
Submitting July 2014
v2014.07 Merge pull request #13 from kdraeder/f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assi…
Submitted May of 2014
v2014.05 Merge pull request #11 from kdraeder/f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_025.CAM6assi…
Submitting April of 2014.
The job failure rate for March was 33% and simply resubmitting was the solution.
Some jobs simply hung and consumed CPU-hours without doing anything useful.
We are submitting shorter jobs so as not to hang for inordinate amounts of time.
Submitted February of 2014
First total github-recorded extension of the CAM 6 reanalysis.
Using same SST offset as for 2011 -> 2013
Some CAM atmospheric support data ends at the end of 2014 and we will have to switch to
other support files.