Please use and help to improve the testing, including this documentation.
You are responsible for your code passing these tests on multiple domains, you should use it on machines where you run, not just via Travis CI.
- Protect production code
- Distribute responsibility
- Reproducibility and communication: log files, common tests
- Support your development: boost confidence, find bugs faster
The mantra is: Test with every compile on small domains (... and then test CONUS with PRs).
- Candidate: The repository state to be merged with the reference.
- Reference: The accepted target for merging the candidate.
A candidate takes a test. When a candidate "passes" all its tests, it generally becomes the new reference for the next candidate.
The reference is commonly known as 'upstream' in git parlance, at least when testing is applied for merging code to upstream. But the tests can compare any two repo states, including uncommitted states.
In most cases the candidate will not change the output of model relative to the reference. In some cases the candidate will change the output of the model relative to the reference, that is the candidate does not pass regression testing. When this happens, evidence, justification, discussion, and sound judgement are required to accept such changes as the new reference.
Regression is optional, the other tests are not.
- Compile: does the candidate compile?
- Run: does the candidate run?
- N-cores test: are the results independent of the number of proceses used by MPI?
- Perfect restart: Can candidate model state written to and retrieved from disk without affecting the model state at a later time? Illustration:
state1 -> state2 -> state3
\ =?
(restart)-> state3'
- Regression: Does the candidate output match that of the reference?
- Metadata Regression: Does the candidate metadata match that of the reference?
- NaN Check: Check for NaNs in output.
Core: pytest
& wrfhydropy
User Interface: tests/local/
is the engine which carries out testing. You can call pytest directly
in tests/
but it is not the easiest thing to interact with directly, at least
not for the testing in this repo which is not directly on python code. Calls
to pytest
is generated and printed prior to calling it by the standard user
interface explained below tests/local/
, this provides hints for
when tweaking direct calls to pytest are necessary (not normal).
The python API for wrf-hydro, facilitates building objects/classes like
"simulations", "jobs", and "schedulers" which can be reused. Classes also
provide methods for evaluation and comparing outputs. The model-side and
domain-side JSON namelist files used by wrfhydropy
are key to establishing
model "configurations" which can be applied to any domain. These are key
capabilities for flexible testing.
TODO: Explain the JSON namelists.
This is the main user interface to the testing, to be called directly by users.
Examples are provided in tests/local/examples
At this time:
$ python --help
usage: [-h] --config CONFIG [CONFIG ...] --compiler COMPILER
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --candidate_dir CANDIDATE_DIR
--reference_dir REFERENCE_DIR [--domain_dir DOMAIN_DIR]
[--domain_tag DOMAIN_TAG] [--exe_cmd EXE_CMD]
[--ncores NCORES] [--scheduler] [--nnodes NNODES]
[--account ACCOUNT] [--walltime WALLTIME] [--queue QUEUE]
[--print] [--pdb] [-x] [--use_existing_test_dir]
[--xrcmp_n_cores XRCMP_N_CORES]
Run WRF-Hydro test suite locally
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG [CONFIG ...]
<Required> The configuration(s) to test, must be one
listed in src/hydro_namelist.json keys.
--compiler COMPILER <Required> compiler, options are intel or gfort
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
<Required> test output directory
--candidate_dir CANDIDATE_DIR
<Required> candidate model directory
--reference_dir REFERENCE_DIR
<Required> reference model directory
--domain_dir DOMAIN_DIR
optional domain directory
--domain_tag DOMAIN_TAG
The release tag of the domain to retrieve, e.g.
v5.0.1. or dev. If specified, a small test domain will
be retrieved and placed in the specified output_dir
and used for the testing domain
--exe_cmd EXE_CMD The MPI-dependent model execution command. Default is
best guess. The first/zeroth variable is set to the
total number of cores (ncores). The wrf_hydro_py
convention is that the exe is always named
--ncores NCORES Number of cores to use for testing
--scheduler Scheduler to use for testing, options are PBSDerecho
or do not specify for no scheduler
--nnodes NNODES Number of nodes to use for testing if running on
--account ACCOUNT Account number to use if using a scheduler.
--walltime WALLTIME Account number to use if using a scheduler.
--queue QUEUE Queue to use if running on NCAR Derecho, options are
regular, premium, or shared
--print Print log to stdout instead of html
--pdb pdb (debug) in pytest
-x Exit pdb on first failure.
Use existing compiles and runs, only perform output
--xrcmp_n_cores XRCMP_N_CORES
Use xrcmp if > 0, and how many cores if so?
Many docker-related details aside, this is essentially how the Croton Continuous-Inegration domain is run inside a docker container:
$ cd ~/wrf_hydro_nwm_public/tests/local
$ python \
--config nwm_ana nwm_long_range reach gridded
--compiler gfort \
--output_dir /home/docker/test_out \
--candidate_dir /home/docker/wrf_hydro_nwm_public \
--reference_dir /home/docker/wrf_hydro_nwm_public_upstream \
--domain_dir /croton_NY
This can be adapted to other platorms....
In addition to needing to compile and run the model, python3 is needed with
specific libraries which are encapsulated in tests/local/requirements.txt
. One
notable piece of software used specifically for comparing output files is
. For large domains, we rolled a
version of this tool using xarray
, another
notable piece in the testing stack.
The following two envionments come "ready to go":
The two containers wrfhydro/dev:conda
and wrfhydro/dev:modeltesting
contain the full software stack required to run testing.
To activate a common python virtual envionment for model testing on Derecho:
$ deactivate
$ source /glade/p/cisl/nwc/model_testing_env/wrf_hydro_nwm_test/bin/activate
Because Whole new levels of testing complexity open up on Derecho, there is a
special script to handle this with minimal pain:
. This script provides flexibility to
switch compilers, MPI distributions, and domains. With MPI distributions,
different model execution commands may be required. Furthermore, output
comparison on large domains is better handled by xrcmp
in wrfhydropy
A lovely watershed with some very lovely lakes, I am sure as I hope to visit it some day. As a test domain, it has served us marvelously. To pull the domain from the WRF-Hydro release:
$ wget
$ tar zxf croton_NY_training_example_v5.4.tar.gz
$ mv example_case croton_NY ## we thought the generic name would be useful.