Location: NEFSCDB1
Schema: SVDBS SVDBS contains information from the fishery independent surveys.
Most of the information there has been processed to some degree.
For access, email paul.kostovick@noaa.gov
The survey uses the svspp set of species codes. This is different from the nespp3/4 codes. The best way to match to dealer data appears to be through using the itis codes, using data from these two tables:
select * from svdbs.itis_lookup
select nespp4, species_itis, common_name, scientific_name from cfdbs.species_itis_ne
Code to extract GOM cod ages and lengths from the bottom trawl and MADMF survey
select cruise6, stratum, svspp,length, age, count(age) as count from SVDBS.UNION_FSCS_SVBIO
where cruise6 in
(select distinct cruise6 from svdbs_cruises where purpose_code in(10,11) and status_code=10 and Season in ( 'SPRING', 'FALL')) and
svspp in (73) and cruise6>=201201 and age is not null and ((stratum between 01260 and 01300) or (stratum between 01360 and 01400))
group by svspp, length, age, cruise6, stratum;
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- Succeeded by: ?