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Lorenzo Tessiore edited this page Jun 28, 2015 · 32 revisions

Setup and Build Instructions



  1. Visual Studio 2013
  2. LLVM 3.5
  3. Python 2.7.4 installed and added to PATH
  4. ARM GCC installed and added to PATH
  5. Make for Windows to build with GCC

To build LLVM, one needs to install CMake and add it to the path. To build LLVM, you may follow instructions here or here, but it is best to use the .zip file and script mentioned below. (some LLVM C++11 constructs do not work well with our managed C++ wrapper...)

The instructions below will refer to the mandatory as well optional steps. Optional steps are marked clearly and refer to, for example, how to build/install LLVM, should one not have done that yet.

  • Clone the entire repo with: git clone into directory <repo>, e.g. c:\src\zelig-pr\>"
  • [OPTIONAL] Open a VS2013 CMD prompt and move to directory <repo>\external and install LLVM using the script located in that directory. You will need CMake to complete this step.
  • Change LLVM header file IRbuilder.h. line 74, from InsertPt = nullptr; to InsertPt = BasicBlock::iterator(nullptr);
  • Install GCC from link above and define a GCC_BIN environment variable to point to the arm-none-eabi-xxx tools, e.g. set GCC_BIN=e:\tools\compilers\gcc\4_9_2015q2\bin
  • Open a new CMD shell, and run setenv.cmd in <repo> root (this will set LLVM environment variables to point to the external\LLVM directory; if you installed LLVM elsewhere, please customize this step)
  • In the same CMD shell, move to directory <repo>\Zelig\Zelig and open Zelig solution Zelig.sln, e.g. with c:\src\zelig-pr\zelig\Zelig>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" Zelig.sln
    • Build LLVMIR project first under code transformations; it will take a while.
    • Build the rest of the solution.
  • You are now ready to try the system on a real device!

Go to Build and Run Test Demo

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