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File metadata and controls

226 lines (170 loc) · 6.97 KB

04/07/2024 13:00

Quarto Guide

Quarto documentation:
Pandoc documentation:

LaTeX Styling

You can style PDF documents in Quarto with custom TEX template files and/or entries in _quarto.yml.

These are the files you need in order to change the PDF format:

  • _quarto.yml
  • in-header.tex
  • before-body.tex
  • _titlepage.tex
  • optional: index.qmd

The full _quarto.yml and TEX files can be found here.

Parts of this were derived from Quarto Titlepages V1; their documentation might be helpful.


entire file


To add authors and their details, go to _quarto.yml and add/change the following:

	- name: Jane Doe  
			- name: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources  
			address: 500 Lafayette Road Saint Paul, MN 55155  
	- name: Neptune III.
			- name: University of Somewhere
			department: Department of Marine Biology  

You can repeat this for as many authors as you need.


To have an abstract on your cover page, add this to _quarto.yml:

abstract: "This is an abstract. :) You can write a few sentences here and they will appear on the cover page."

PDF Layout/Styling

You can style the PDF file in various ways. All the following options can be found under format: pdf::

		pagestyle: plain  
			- top=35mm  
			- right=25mm  
			- bottom=35mm  
			- left=25mm  
			- heightrounded  
		classoption: openany  
		fontsize: 11pt  
		toc-title: Inhaltsverzeichnis  
		urlcolor: cyan  

To change the page margins, use geometry.

To change the style of the page numbers, use pagestyle. Valid options are: plain (page numbers only), empty, headings (running headings on each page).

classoption determines whether the chapters open only on even pages or on even and odd pages. Openright opens them on even pages, openany uses both.

Standard fontsize values in LaTeX are 10pt, 11pt, and 12pt.

Set a custom heading for the table of contents with toc-title.

urlcolor changes only the color of URLs but not the color of links within the PDF (like in the table of contents). Check here for available colors.

Cover Image

		title-bg-image: "images/cover.jpg"  
		title-bg-location: "UL"  
		title-bg-size: 1  

The last three options title-bg-image, title-bg-location and title-bg-size change the cover picture.

Upload your picture to the images folder in your Codespace. You can use JPG or PNG format. Ideally the resolution of your picture should be 2480 x 3508 pixels for A4 format (300dpi).

If you do not want your image to cover your entire title page, you can use title-bg-size and set it to how much of the page width your image should use, like 0.5 or 0.75. You can then use title-bg-size to adjust the placement. The options are "UL" (upper left), "UR" (upper right), "LR" (lower right), and "LL" (lower left).

Template Partials

In order to use custom TEX files for PDF styling they have to be linked in _quarto.yml:

	- "_titlepage.tex"
	- "before-body.tex"  
include-in-header: "in-header.tex"  

See the next section for details about TEX files.

Custom TEX Files

Quarto uses so-called "partials" to format PDF files. There are different partials for different parts of a document and they can define the content as well as the formatting.


entire file

This file contains all packages and format settings that are used in the other TEX files.

\usepackage{hyphenat} % auto hyphenation
\usepackage{graphicx} % colors 
\usepackage{wallpaper} % for the background image on title page
\usepackage{geometry} % for margins
\usepackage{babel} % language support
\usepackage{libertine} % font
\usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} % boxes behind cover page text
\usepackage{setspace} % line spacing
\usepackage{parskip} % paragraph spacing

\onehalfspacing % line spacing
\setlength{\parskip}{1.5em} % paragraph spacing
\setlength\parindent{0pt} % paragraph indent


entire file

This file loads the title page (and optionally front matter) before the body of the text.


{\let\newpage\relax} % don't add an empty page 


entire file

This TEX file directs how the information on the cover page is shown and formatted. It takes the information you entered in _quarto.yml (title, subtitle, author, background image etc) and brings it together as a title page.

The linked version contains:

  • title and subtitle
  • authors and their details (workplace/university, mail adresses)
  • abstract
  • background image
  • tagline at the bottom
  • settings for the title/subtitle font and color and the background

This part determines the color and shape of the background boxes:

\tcbset{ % parameters for text background 
	frame code={},
	left=0pt, % margins
	colback=gray!10!black, % box color
	width=\dimexpr\textwidth\relax, % box width
	boxsep=15pt, % spacing between boxes
	arc=0pt, % no rounded edges
	opacityback=0.35, % translucent-ish background
	fontupper=\color{white}, % fontcolor

This part contains the formatting of title and subtitle:


And this part is for a tagline at the bottom of a page:

  Open Science Lab

Optional: Chapter 1 (index.qmd) without Heading Number

To leave chapter 1 unnumbered in the table of content, add {.unnumbered} after # the first heading in index.qmd.

Other Changes


  • github gist
  • text = str(r.text) #changed from r.content to get UTF-8 encoded text -> can handle umlauts and other special characters
  • added markdownify to get markdown in get_text() instead of html -> makes converting to PDF/LaTeX more reliable

in _quarto.yml

  • added favicon to book: (favicon: path/to/favicon.ico)