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Improve performance of hor_bnd_diffusion
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Build and store the HBD grid outside the tracer loop since the
same grid is used in all tracers. This makes this module
more computationaly efficient. A GMOM case run for 10 days and with
3 tracer is ~ 7.5 % faster.
gustavo-marques committed Nov 12, 2022
1 parent f666a67 commit c2a3083
Showing 1 changed file with 1,375 additions and 0 deletions.
1,375 changes: 1,375 additions & 0 deletions src/tracer/MOM_hor_bnd_diffusion.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,1375 @@
!> Calculates and applies diffusive fluxes as a parameterization of horizontal mixing (non-neutral) by
!! mesoscale eddies near the top and bottom (to be implemented) boundary layers of the ocean.

module MOM_hor_bnd_diffusion

! This file is part of MOM6. See for the license.

use MOM_cpu_clock, only : cpu_clock_id, cpu_clock_begin, cpu_clock_end
use MOM_cpu_clock, only : CLOCK_MODULE
use MOM_checksums, only : hchksum
use MOM_domains, only : pass_var
use MOM_diag_mediator, only : diag_ctrl, time_type
use MOM_diag_mediator, only : post_data, register_diag_field
use MOM_diag_vkernels, only : reintegrate_column
use MOM_error_handler, only : MOM_error, MOM_mesg, FATAL, is_root_pe
use MOM_file_parser, only : get_param, log_version, param_file_type
use MOM_grid, only : ocean_grid_type
use MOM_remapping, only : remapping_CS, initialize_remapping
use MOM_remapping, only : extract_member_remapping_CS, remapping_core_h
use MOM_remapping, only : remappingSchemesDoc, remappingDefaultScheme
use MOM_spatial_means, only : global_mass_integral
use MOM_tracer_registry, only : tracer_registry_type, tracer_type
use MOM_unit_scaling, only : unit_scale_type
use MOM_verticalGrid, only : verticalGrid_type
use MOM_CVMix_KPP, only : KPP_get_BLD, KPP_CS
use MOM_energetic_PBL, only : energetic_PBL_get_MLD, energetic_PBL_CS
use MOM_diabatic_driver, only : diabatic_CS, extract_diabatic_member
use MOM_io, only : stdout, stderr

implicit none ; private

public near_boundary_unit_tests, hor_bnd_diffusion, hor_bnd_diffusion_init
public boundary_k_range, hor_bnd_diffusion_end

! Private parameters to avoid doing string comparisons for bottom or top boundary layer
integer, public, parameter :: SURFACE = -1 !< Set a value that corresponds to the surface bopundary
integer, public, parameter :: BOTTOM = 1 !< Set a value that corresponds to the bottom boundary
#include <MOM_memory.h>

!> Sets parameters for lateral boundary mixing module.
type, public :: hbd_CS ; private
logical :: debug !< If true, write verbose checksums for debugging.
integer :: deg !< Degree of polynomial reconstruction.
integer :: hbd_nk !< Maximum number of levels in the HBD grid [nondim]
integer :: surface_boundary_scheme !< Which boundary layer scheme to use
!! 1. ePBL; 2. KPP
logical :: limiter !< Controls whether a flux limiter is applied in the
!! native grid (default is true).
logical :: limiter_remap !< Controls whether a flux limiter is applied in the
!! remapped grid (default is false).
logical :: linear !< If True, apply a linear transition at the base/top of the boundary.
!! The flux will be fully applied at k=k_min and zero at k=k_max.
real :: H_subroundoff !< A thickness that is so small that it can be added to a thickness of
!! Angstrom or larger without changing it at the bit level [H ~> m or kg m-2].
!! If Angstrom is 0 or exceedingly small, this is negligible compared to 1e-17 m.
! HBD dynamic grids
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: hbd_grd_u !< HBD thicknesses at t-points adjecent to
!! u-points [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: hbd_grd_v !< HBD thicknesses at t-points adjacent to
!! v-points (left and right) [H ~> m or kg m-2]
integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: hbd_u_kmax !< Maximum vertical index in hbd_grd_u [nondim]
integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: hbd_v_kmax !< Maximum vertical index in hbd_grd_v [nondim
type(remapping_CS) :: remap_CS !< Control structure to hold remapping configuration.
type(KPP_CS), pointer :: KPP_CSp => NULL() !< KPP control structure needed to get BLD.
type(energetic_PBL_CS), pointer :: energetic_PBL_CSp => NULL() !< ePBL control structure needed to get BLD.
type(diag_ctrl), pointer :: diag => NULL() !< A structure that is used to
!! regulate the timing of diagnostic output.
end type hbd_CS

! This include declares and sets the variable "version".
#include "version_variable.h"
character(len=40) :: mdl = "MOM_hor_bnd_diffusion" !< Name of this module
integer :: id_clock_hbd !< CPU clock for hbd


!> Initialization routine that reads runtime parameters and sets up pointers to other control structures that might be
!! needed for horizontal boundary diffusion.
logical function hor_bnd_diffusion_init(Time, G, GV, US, param_file, diag, diabatic_CSp, CS)
type(time_type), target, intent(in) :: Time !< Time structure
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: G !< Grid structure
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< ocean vertical grid structure
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
type(param_file_type), intent(in) :: param_file !< Parameter file structure
type(diag_ctrl), target, intent(inout) :: diag !< Diagnostics control structure
type(diabatic_CS), pointer :: diabatic_CSp !< KPP control structure needed to get BLD
type(hbd_CS), pointer :: CS !< Horizontal boundary mixing control structure

! local variables
character(len=80) :: string ! Temporary strings
logical :: boundary_extrap ! controls if boundary extrapolation is used in the HBD code

if (ASSOCIATED(CS)) then
call MOM_error(FATAL, "hor_bnd_diffusion_init called with associated control structure.")

! Log this module and master switch for turning it on/off
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "USE_HORIZONTAL_BOUNDARY_DIFFUSION", hor_bnd_diffusion_init, &
default=.false., do_not_log=.true.)
call log_version(param_file, mdl, version, &
"This module implements horizontal diffusion of tracers near boundaries", &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "USE_HORIZONTAL_BOUNDARY_DIFFUSION", hor_bnd_diffusion_init, &
"If true, enables the horizonal boundary tracer's diffusion module.", &
if (.not. hor_bnd_diffusion_init) return

CS%diag => diag
CS%H_subroundoff = GV%H_subroundoff
call extract_diabatic_member(diabatic_CSp, KPP_CSp=CS%KPP_CSp)
call extract_diabatic_member(diabatic_CSp, energetic_PBL_CSp=CS%energetic_PBL_CSp)

! max. number of vertical layers
CS%hbd_nk = 2 + (GV%ke*2)
! allocate the hbd grids and k_max
allocate(CS%hbd_grd_u(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),CS%hbd_nk), source=0.0)
allocate(CS%hbd_grd_v(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),CS%hbd_nk), source=0.0)
allocate(CS%hbd_u_kmax(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G)), source=0)
allocate(CS%hbd_v_kmax(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G)), source=0)

CS%surface_boundary_scheme = -1
if ( .not. ASSOCIATED(CS%energetic_PBL_CSp) .and. .not. ASSOCIATED(CS%KPP_CSp) ) then
call MOM_error(FATAL,"Lateral boundary diffusion is true, but no valid boundary layer scheme was found")

! Read all relevant parameters and write them to the model log.
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "HBD_LINEAR_TRANSITION", CS%linear, &
"If True, apply a linear transition at the base/top of the boundary. \n"//&
"The flux will be fully applied at k=k_min and zero at k=k_max.", default=.false.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "APPLY_LIMITER", CS%limiter, &
"If True, apply a flux limiter in the native grid.", default=.true.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "APPLY_LIMITER_REMAP", CS%limiter_remap, &
"If True, apply a flux limiter in the remapped grid.", default=.false.)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "HBD_BOUNDARY_EXTRAP", boundary_extrap, &
"Use boundary extrapolation in HBD code", &
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "HBD_REMAPPING_SCHEME", string, &
"This sets the reconstruction scheme used "//&
"for vertical remapping for all variables. "//&
"It can be one of the following schemes: "//&
trim(remappingSchemesDoc), default=remappingDefaultScheme)
!### Revisit this hard-coded answer_date.
call initialize_remapping( CS%remap_CS, string, boundary_extrapolation = boundary_extrap ,&
check_reconstruction=.false., check_remapping=.false., answer_date=20190101)
call extract_member_remapping_CS(CS%remap_CS, degree=CS%deg)
call get_param(param_file, mdl, "HBD_DEBUG", CS%debug, &
"If true, write out verbose debugging data in the HBD module.", &

id_clock_hbd = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean HBD)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)

end function hor_bnd_diffusion_init

!> Driver routine for calculating lateral diffusive fluxes near the top and bottom boundaries.
!! Diffusion is applied using only information from neighboring cells, as follows:
!! 1) remap tracer to a z* grid (HBD grid)
!! 2) calculate diffusive tracer fluxes (F) in the HBD grid using a layer by layer approach
!! 3) remap fluxes to the native grid
!! 4) update tracer by adding the divergence of F
subroutine hor_bnd_diffusion(G, GV, US, h, Coef_x, Coef_y, dt, Reg, CS)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< Grid type
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< ocean vertical grid structure
type(unit_scale_type), intent(in) :: US !< A dimensional unit scaling type
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), &
intent(in) :: h !< Layer thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G)), intent(in) :: Coef_x !< dt * Kh * dy / dx at u-points [L2 ~> m2]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G)), intent(in) :: Coef_y !< dt * Kh * dx / dy at v-points [L2 ~> m2]
real, intent(in) :: dt !< Tracer time step * I_numitts
!! (I_numitts in tracer_hordiff) [T ~> s]
type(tracer_registry_type), pointer :: Reg !< Tracer registry
type(hbd_CS), pointer :: CS !< Control structure for this module

! Local variables
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: hbl !< Boundary layer depth [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: uFlx !< Zonal flux of tracer [conc H L2 ~> conc m3 or conc kg]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: vFlx !< Meridional flux of tracer
!! [conc H L2 ~> conc m3 or conc kg]
real, dimension(SZIB_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: uwork_2d !< Layer summed u-flux transport
!! [conc H L2 ~> conc m3 or conc kg]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJB_(G)) :: vwork_2d !< Layer summed v-flux transport
!! [conc H L2 ~> conc m3 or conc kg]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: tendency !< tendency array for diagnostic [conc T-1 ~> conc s-1]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: tendency_2d !< depth integrated content tendency for diagn
type(tracer_type), pointer :: tracer => NULL() !< Pointer to the current tracer
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)) :: tracer_old !< local copy of the initial tracer concentration,
!! only used to compute tendencies.
real :: tracer_int_prev !< Globally integrated tracer before HBD is applied, in mks units [conc kg]
real :: tracer_int_end !< Integrated tracer after HBD is applied, in mks units [conc kg]
real :: Idt !< inverse of the time step [T-1 ~> s-1]
character(len=256) :: mesg !< Message for error messages.
integer :: i, j, k, m !< indices to loop over

call cpu_clock_begin(id_clock_hbd)
Idt = 1./dt
if (ASSOCIATED(CS%KPP_CSp)) call KPP_get_BLD(CS%KPP_CSp, hbl, G, US, m_to_BLD_units=GV%m_to_H)
if (ASSOCIATED(CS%energetic_PBL_CSp)) call energetic_PBL_get_MLD(CS%energetic_PBL_CSp, hbl, G, US, &
call pass_var(hbl,G%Domain)

! build HBD grid
call hbd_grid(SURFACE, G, GV, hbl, h, CS)

do m = 1,Reg%ntr
! current tracer
tracer => Reg%tr(m)

if (CS%debug) then
call hchksum(tracer%t, "before HBD "//tracer%name,G%HI)

! for diagnostics
if (tracer%id_hbdxy_conc > 0 .or. tracer%id_hbdxy_cont > 0 .or. tracer%id_hbdxy_cont_2d > 0 .or. CS%debug) then
tendency(:,:,:) = 0.0
tracer_old(:,:,:) = tracer%t(:,:,:)

! Diffusive fluxes in the i- and j-direction
uFlx(:,:,:) = 0.
vFlx(:,:,:) = 0.

! HBD layer by layer
do j=G%jsc,G%jec
do i=G%isc-1,G%iec
if (G%mask2dCu(I,j)>0.) then
call fluxes_layer_method(SURFACE, G%ke, hbl(I,j), hbl(I+1,j), &
h(I,j,:), h(I+1,j,:), tracer%t(I,j,:), tracer%t(I+1,j,:), &
Coef_x(I,j), uFlx(I,j,:), G%areaT(I,j), G%areaT(I+1,j), CS%hbd_u_kmax(I,j), &
CS%hbd_grd_u(I,j,:), CS)
! call fluxes_layer_method_old(SURFACE, G%ke, hbl(I,j), hbl(I+1,j), &
! h(I,j,:), h(I+1,j,:), tracer%t(I,j,:), tracer%t(I+1,j,:), &
! Coef_x(I,j), uFlx(I,j,:), G%areaT(I,j), G%areaT(I+1,j), CS)
do J=G%jsc-1,G%jec
do i=G%isc,G%iec
if (G%mask2dCv(i,J)>0.) then
call fluxes_layer_method(SURFACE, GV%ke, hbl(i,J), hbl(i,J+1), &
h(i,J,:), h(i,J+1,:), tracer%t(i,J,:), tracer%t(i,J+1,:), &
Coef_y(i,J), vFlx(i,J,:), G%areaT(i,J), G%areaT(i,J+1), CS%hbd_v_kmax(i,J), &
CS%hbd_grd_v(i,J,:), CS)
!call fluxes_layer_method_old(SURFACE, GV%ke, hbl(i,J), hbl(i,J+1), &
! h(i,J,:), h(i,J+1,:), tracer%t(i,J,:), tracer%t(i,J+1,:), &
! Coef_y(i,J), vFlx(i,J,:), G%areaT(i,J), G%areaT(i,J+1), CS)

! Update the tracer fluxes
do k=1,GV%ke ; do j=G%jsc,G%jec ; do i=G%isc,G%iec
if (G%mask2dT(i,j)>0.) then
tracer%t(i,j,k) = tracer%t(i,j,k) + (( (uFlx(I-1,j,k)-uFlx(I,j,k)) ) + ( (vFlx(i,J-1,k)-vFlx(i,J,k) ) ))* &
G%IareaT(i,j) / ( h(i,j,k) + GV%H_subroundoff )

if (tracer%id_hbdxy_conc > 0 .or. tracer%id_hbdxy_cont > 0 .or. tracer%id_hbdxy_cont_2d > 0 ) then
tendency(i,j,k) = ((uFlx(I-1,j,k)-uFlx(I,j,k)) + (vFlx(i,J-1,k)-vFlx(i,J,k))) * &
G%IareaT(i,j) * Idt
enddo ; enddo ; enddo

! Do user controlled underflow of the tracer concentrations.
if (tracer%conc_underflow > 0.0) then
do k=1,GV%ke ; do j=G%jsc,G%jec ; do i=G%isc,G%iec
if (abs(tracer%t(i,j,k)) < tracer%conc_underflow) tracer%t(i,j,k) = 0.0
enddo ; enddo ; enddo

if (CS%debug) then
call hchksum(tracer%t, "after HBD "//tracer%name,G%HI)
! tracer (native grid) integrated tracer amounts before and after HBD
tracer_int_prev = global_mass_integral(h, G, GV, tracer_old)
tracer_int_end = global_mass_integral(h, G, GV, tracer%t)
write(mesg,*) 'Total '//tracer%name//' before/after HBD:', tracer_int_prev, tracer_int_end
call MOM_mesg(mesg)

! Post the tracer diagnostics
if (tracer%id_hbd_dfx>0) call post_data(tracer%id_hbd_dfx, uFlx(:,:,:)*Idt, CS%diag)
if (tracer%id_hbd_dfy>0) call post_data(tracer%id_hbd_dfy, vFlx(:,:,:)*Idt, CS%diag)
if (tracer%id_hbd_dfx_2d>0) then
uwork_2d(:,:) = 0.
do k=1,GV%ke ; do j=G%jsc,G%jec ; do I=G%isc-1,G%iec
uwork_2d(I,j) = uwork_2d(I,j) + (uFlx(I,j,k) * Idt)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
call post_data(tracer%id_hbd_dfx_2d, uwork_2d, CS%diag)

if (tracer%id_hbd_dfy_2d>0) then
vwork_2d(:,:) = 0.
do k=1,GV%ke ; do J=G%jsc-1,G%jec ; do i=G%isc,G%iec
vwork_2d(i,J) = vwork_2d(i,J) + (vFlx(i,J,k) * Idt)
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
call post_data(tracer%id_hbd_dfy_2d, vwork_2d, CS%diag)

! post tendency of tracer content
if (tracer%id_hbdxy_cont > 0) then
call post_data(tracer%id_hbdxy_cont, tendency, CS%diag)

! post depth summed tendency for tracer content
if (tracer%id_hbdxy_cont_2d > 0) then
tendency_2d(:,:) = 0.
do j=G%jsc,G%jec ; do i=G%isc,G%iec
do k=1,GV%ke
tendency_2d(i,j) = tendency_2d(i,j) + tendency(i,j,k)
enddo ; enddo
call post_data(tracer%id_hbdxy_cont_2d, tendency_2d, CS%diag)

! post tendency of tracer concentration; this step must be
! done after posting tracer content tendency, since we alter
! the tendency array and its units.
if (tracer%id_hbdxy_conc > 0) then
do k=1,GV%ke ; do j=G%jsc,G%jec ; do i=G%isc,G%iec
tendency(i,j,k) = tendency(i,j,k) / ( h(i,j,k) + CS%H_subroundoff )
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
call post_data(tracer%id_hbdxy_conc, tendency, CS%diag)


call cpu_clock_end(id_clock_hbd)

end subroutine hor_bnd_diffusion

!> Build the HBD grid where tracers will be rammaped to.
subroutine hbd_grid(boundary, G, GV, hbl, h, CS)
integer, intent(in ) :: boundary !< Which boundary layer SURFACE or BOTTOM [nondim]
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: G !< Grid type
type(verticalGrid_type), intent(in) :: GV !< ocean vertical grid structure
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G)) :: hbl !< Boundary layer depth [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(SZI_(G),SZJ_(G),SZK_(GV)), &
intent(in) :: h !< Layer thickness in the native grid [H ~> m or kg m-2]
type(hbd_CS), pointer :: CS !< Horizontal diffusion control structure

! Local variables
real, allocatable :: dz_top(:) !< temporary HBD grid given by merge_interfaces [H ~> m or kg m-2]
integer :: k_bot_min, k_bot_max !< k-indices min and max, respectively.
integer :: k_bot_L, k_bot_R !< k-indices for left and right columns, respectively.
integer :: k_bot_diff !< different between left and right k-indices.
integer :: k_top, k_bot !< indices used to store position of maximum isopycnal slope.
real :: zeta_top !< distance from the top of a layer to the boundary
!! layer depth in the native grid [nondim]
real :: zeta_bot !< distance from the bottom of a layer to the boundary
!! layer depth in the native grid [nondim]
integer :: nk, i, j, k !< number of layers in the HBD grid, and integers used in do-loops

! reset arrays
CS%hbd_grd_u(:,:,:) = 0.0 !CS%H_subroundoff
CS%hbd_grd_v(:,:,:) = 0.0 !CS%H_subroundoff
CS%hbd_u_kmax(:,:) = 0
CS%hbd_v_kmax(:,:) = 0

do j=G%jsc,G%jec
do I=G%isc-1,G%iec
if (G%mask2dCu(I,j)>0.) then
call merge_interfaces(GV%ke, h(I,j,:), h(I+1,j,:), hbl(I,j), hbl(I+1,j), &
CS%H_subroundoff, dz_top)
nk = SIZE(dz_top)
if (nk > CS%hbd_nk) then
write(*,*)'nk, CS%hbd_nk', nk, CS%hbd_nk
call MOM_error(FATAL,"Houston, we've had a problem in hbd_grid, u-points (nk cannot be > CS%hbd_nk)")

CS%hbd_u_kmax(I,j) = nk
!CS%hbd_u_kmax(I,j) = CS%hbd_nk

! set the HBD grid to dz_top
do k=1,nk
CS%hbd_grd_u(I,j,k) = dz_top(k)

do J=G%jsc-1,G%jec
do i=G%isc,G%iec
if (G%mask2dCv(i,J)>0.) then
call merge_interfaces(GV%ke, h(i,J,:), h(i,J+1,:), hbl(i,J), hbl(i,J+1), &
CS%H_subroundoff, dz_top)

nk = SIZE(dz_top)
if (nk > CS%hbd_nk) then
write(*,*)'nk, CS%hbd_nk', nk, CS%hbd_nk
call MOM_error(FATAL,"Houston, we've had a problem in hbd_grid, v-points (nk cannot be > CS%hbd_nk)")

CS%hbd_v_kmax(i,J) = nk
!CS%hbd_v_kmax(i,J) = CS%hbd_nk

! set the HBD grid to dz_top
do k=1,nk
CS%hbd_grd_v(i,J,k) = dz_top(k)

end subroutine hbd_grid

!> Calculate the harmonic mean of two quantities
!! See \ref section_harmonic_mean.
real function harmonic_mean(h1,h2)
real :: h1 !< Scalar quantity
real :: h2 !< Scalar quantity
if (h1 + h2 == 0.) then
harmonic_mean = 0.
harmonic_mean = 2.*(h1*h2)/(h1+h2)
end function harmonic_mean

!> Returns the location of the minimum value in a 1D array
!! between indices s and e.
integer function find_minimum(x, s, e)
integer, intent(in) :: s !< start index
integer, intent(in) :: e !< end index
real, dimension(e), intent(in) :: x !< 1D array to be checked

! local variables
real :: minimum
integer :: location
integer :: i

minimum = x(s) ! assume the first is the min
location = s ! record its position
do i = s+1, e ! start with next elements
if (x(i) < minimum) then ! if x(i) less than the min?
minimum = x(i) ! Yes, a new minimum found
location = i ! record its position
end if
find_minimum = location ! return the position
end function find_minimum

!> Swaps the values of its two formal arguments.
subroutine swap(a, b)
real, intent(inout) :: a !< First value to be swaped
real, intent(inout) :: b !< Second value to be swaped

! local variables
real :: tmp

tmp = a
a = b
b = tmp
end subroutine swap

!> Receives a 1D array x and sorts it into ascending order.
subroutine sort(x, n)
integer, intent(in ) :: n !< # of pts in the array
real, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: x !< 1D array to be sorted

! local variables
integer :: i, location

do i = 1, n-1
location = find_minimum(x, i, n) ! find min from this to last
call swap(x(i), x(location)) ! swap this and the minimum
end subroutine sort

!> Returns the unique values in a 1D array.
subroutine unique(val, n, val_unique, val_max)
integer, intent(in ) :: n !< # of pts in the array.
real, dimension(n), intent(in ) :: val !< 1D array to be checked.
real, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: val_unique !< Returned 1D array with unique values.
real, optional, intent(in ) :: val_max !< sets the maximum value in val_unique to
!! this value.
! local variables
real, dimension(n) :: tmp
integer :: i, j, ii
real :: min_val, max_val
logical :: limit

limit = .false.
if (present(val_max)) then
limit = .true.
if (val_max > MAXVAL(val)) then
if (is_root_pe()) write(*,*)'val_max, MAXVAL(val)',val_max, MAXVAL(val)
call MOM_error(FATAL,"Houston, we've had a problem in unique (val_max cannot be > MAXVAL(val))")

tmp(:) = 0.
min_val = MINVAL(val)-1
max_val = MAXVAL(val)
i = 0
do while (min_val<max_val)
i = i+1
min_val = MINVAL(val, mask=val>min_val)
tmp(i) = min_val
ii = i
if (limit) then
do j=1,ii
if (tmp(j) <= val_max) i = j
allocate(val_unique(i), source=tmp(1:i))
end subroutine unique

!> Given layer thicknesses (and corresponding interfaces) and BLDs in two adjacent columns,
!! return a set of 1-d layer thicknesses whose interfaces cover all interfaces in the left
!! and right columns plus the two BLDs. This can be used to accurately remap tracer tendencies
!! in both columns.
subroutine merge_interfaces(nk, h_L, h_R, hbl_L, hbl_R, H_subroundoff, h)
integer, intent(in ) :: nk !< Number of layers [nondim]
real, dimension(nk), intent(in ) :: h_L !< Layer thicknesses in the left column [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(nk), intent(in ) :: h_R !< Layer thicknesses in the right column [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, intent(in ) :: hbl_L !< Thickness of the boundary layer in the left column
!! [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, intent(in ) :: hbl_R !< Thickness of the boundary layer in the right column
!! [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, intent(in ) :: H_subroundoff !< GV%H_subroundoff [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: h !< Combined thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]

! Local variables
integer :: n !< Number of layers in eta_all
real, dimension(nk+1) :: eta_L, eta_R!< Interfaces in the left and right coloumns
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: eta_all !< Combined interfaces in the left/right columns + hbl_L and hbl_R
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: eta_unique !< Combined interfaces (eta_L, eta_R), possibly hbl_L and hbl_R
real :: min_depth !< Minimum depth
real :: max_depth !< Maximum depth
real :: max_bld !< Deepest BLD
integer :: k, kk, nk1 !< loop indices (k and kk) and array size (nk1)

n = (2*nk)+3
! compute and merge interfaces
eta_L(:) = 0.0; eta_R(:) = 0.0; eta_all(:) = 0.0
kk = 0
do k=2,nk+1
eta_L(k) = eta_L(k-1) + h_L(k-1)
eta_R(k) = eta_R(k-1) + h_R(k-1)
kk = kk + 2
eta_all(kk) = eta_L(k)
eta_all(kk+1) = eta_R(k)

! add hbl_L and hbl_R into eta_all
eta_all(kk+2) = hbl_L
eta_all(kk+3) = hbl_R

! find maximum depth
min_depth = MIN(MAXVAL(eta_L), MAXVAL(eta_R))
max_bld = MAX(hbl_L, hbl_R)
max_depth = MIN(min_depth, max_bld)

! sort eta_all
call sort(eta_all, n)
! remove duplicates from eta_all and sets maximum depth
call unique(eta_all, n, eta_unique, max_depth)

nk1 = SIZE(eta_unique)
do k=1,nk1-1
h(k) = (eta_unique(k+1) - eta_unique(k)) + H_subroundoff
end subroutine merge_interfaces

!> Calculates the maximum flux that can leave a cell and uses that to apply a
!! limiter to F_layer.
subroutine flux_limiter(F_layer, area_L, area_R, phi_L, phi_R, h_L, h_R)
real, intent(inout) :: F_layer !< Tracer flux to be checked [H L2 conc ~> m3 conc]
real, intent(in) :: area_L !< Area of left cell [L2 ~> m2]
real, intent(in) :: area_R !< Area of right cell [L2 ~> m2]
real, intent(in) :: h_L !< Thickness of left cell [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, intent(in) :: h_R !< Thickness of right cell [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, intent(in) :: phi_L !< Tracer concentration in the left cell [conc]
real, intent(in) :: phi_R !< Tracer concentration in the right cell [conc]

! local variables
real :: F_max !< maximum flux allowed
! limit the flux to 0.2 of the tracer *gradient*
! Why 0.2?
! t=0 t=inf
! 0 .2
! 0 1 0 .2.2.2
! 0 .2
F_max = -0.2 * ((area_R*(phi_R*h_R))-(area_L*(phi_L*h_L)))

if ( SIGN(1.,F_layer) == SIGN(1., F_max)) then
! Apply flux limiter calculated above
if (F_max >= 0.) then
F_layer = MIN(F_layer,F_max)
F_layer = MAX(F_layer,F_max)
F_layer = 0.0
end subroutine flux_limiter

!> Find the k-index range corresponding to the layers that are within the boundary-layer region
subroutine boundary_k_range(boundary, nk, h, hbl, k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot)
integer, intent(in ) :: boundary !< SURFACE or BOTTOM [nondim]
integer, intent(in ) :: nk !< Number of layers [nondim]
real, dimension(nk), intent(in ) :: h !< Layer thicknesses of the column [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, intent(in ) :: hbl !< Thickness of the boundary layer [H ~> m or kg m-2]
!! If surface, with respect to zbl_ref = 0.
!! If bottom, with respect to zbl_ref = SUM(h)
integer, intent( out) :: k_top !< Index of the first layer within the boundary
real, intent( out) :: zeta_top !< Distance from the top of a layer to the intersection of the
!! top extent of the boundary layer (0 at top, 1 at bottom) [nondim]
integer, intent( out) :: k_bot !< Index of the last layer within the boundary
real, intent( out) :: zeta_bot !< Distance of the lower layer to the boundary layer depth
!! (0 at top, 1 at bottom) [nondim]
! Local variables
real :: htot ! Summed thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
integer :: k
! Surface boundary layer
if ( boundary == SURFACE ) then
k_top = 1
zeta_top = 0.
htot = 0.
k_bot = 1
zeta_bot = 0.
if (hbl == 0.) return
if (hbl >= SUM(h(:))) then
k_bot = nk
zeta_bot = 1.
do k=1,nk
htot = htot + h(k)
if ( htot >= hbl) then
k_bot = k
zeta_bot = 1 - (htot - hbl)/h(k)
! Bottom boundary layer
elseif ( boundary == BOTTOM ) then
k_top = nk
zeta_top = 1.
k_bot = nk
zeta_bot = 0.
htot = 0.
if (hbl == 0.) return
if (hbl >= SUM(h(:))) then
k_top = 1
zeta_top = 1.
do k=nk,1,-1
htot = htot + h(k)
if (htot >= hbl) then
k_top = k
zeta_top = 1 - (htot - hbl)/h(k)
call MOM_error(FATAL,"Houston, we've had a problem in boundary_k_range")

end subroutine boundary_k_range

!> Calculate the lateral boundary diffusive fluxes using the layer by layer method.
!! See \ref section_method
subroutine fluxes_layer_method(boundary, ke, hbl_L, hbl_R, h_L, h_R, phi_L, phi_R, &
khtr_u, F_layer, area_L, area_R, nk, dz_top, CS)

integer, intent(in ) :: boundary !< Which boundary layer SURFACE or BOTTOM [nondim]
integer, intent(in ) :: ke !< Number of layers in the native grid [nondim]
real, intent(in ) :: hbl_L !< Thickness of the boundary boundary
!! layer (left) [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, intent(in ) :: hbl_R !< Thickness of the boundary boundary
!! layer (right) [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(ke), intent(in ) :: h_L !< Thicknesses in the native grid (left) [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(ke), intent(in ) :: h_R !< Thicknesses in the native grid (right) [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(ke), intent(in ) :: phi_L !< Tracer values in the native grid (left) [conc]
real, dimension(ke), intent(in ) :: phi_R !< Tracer values in the native grid (right) [conc]
real, intent(in ) :: khtr_u !< Horizontal diffusivities times the time step
!! at a velocity point [L2 ~> m2]
real, dimension(ke), intent( out) :: F_layer !< Layerwise diffusive flux at U- or V-point
!! in the native grid [H L2 conc ~> m3 conc]
real, intent(in ) :: area_L !< Area of the horizontal grid (left) [L2 ~> m2]
real, intent(in ) :: area_R !< Area of the horizontal grid (right) [L2 ~> m2]
integer, intent(in ) :: nk !< Number of layers in the HBD grid [nondim]
real, dimension(nk), intent(in ) :: dz_top !< The HBD z grid [H ~> m or kg m-2]
type(hbd_CS), pointer :: CS !< Lateral diffusion control structure

! Local variables
real, allocatable :: phi_L_z(:) !< Tracer values in the ztop grid (left) [conc]
real, allocatable :: phi_R_z(:) !< Tracer values in the ztop grid (right) [conc]
real, allocatable :: F_layer_z(:) !< Diffusive flux at U/V-point in the ztop grid [H L2 conc ~> m3 conc]
real :: h_vel(ke) !< Thicknesses at u- and v-points in the native grid
!! The harmonic mean is used to avoid zero values [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: htot !< Total column thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
integer :: k
integer :: k_bot_min !< Minimum k-index for the bottom
integer :: k_bot_max !< Maximum k-index for the bottom
integer :: k_bot_diff !< Difference between bottom left and right k-indices
!integer :: k_top_max !< Minimum k-index for the top
!integer :: k_top_min !< Maximum k-index for the top
!integer :: k_top_diff !< Difference between top left and right k-indices
integer :: k_top_L, k_bot_L !< k-indices left native grid
integer :: k_top_R, k_bot_R !< k-indices right native grid
real :: zeta_top_L, zeta_top_R !< distance from the top of a layer to the boundary
!! layer depth in the native grid [nondim]
real :: zeta_bot_L, zeta_bot_R !< distance from the bottom of a layer to the boundary
!! layer depth in the native grid [nondim]
real :: wgt !< weight to be used in the linear transition to the interior [nondim]
real :: a !< coefficient to be used in the linear transition to the interior [nondim]
real :: tmp1, tmp2 !< dummy variables [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: htot_max !< depth below which no fluxes should be applied [H ~> m or kg m-2]

F_layer(:) = 0.0
if (hbl_L == 0. .or. hbl_R == 0.) then

! allocate arrays
allocate(phi_L_z(nk), source=0.0)
allocate(phi_R_z(nk), source=0.0)
allocate(F_layer_z(nk), source=0.0)

! remap tracer to dz_top
call remapping_core_h(CS%remap_cs, ke, h_L(:), phi_L(:), nk, dz_top(:), phi_L_z(:), &
CS%H_subroundoff, CS%H_subroundoff)
call remapping_core_h(CS%remap_cs, ke, h_R(:), phi_R(:), nk, dz_top(:), phi_R_z(:), &
CS%H_subroundoff, CS%H_subroundoff)

! Calculate vertical indices containing the boundary layer in dz_top
call boundary_k_range(boundary, nk, dz_top, hbl_L, k_top_L, zeta_top_L, k_bot_L, zeta_bot_L)
call boundary_k_range(boundary, nk, dz_top, hbl_R, k_top_R, zeta_top_R, k_bot_R, zeta_bot_R)

if (boundary == SURFACE) then
k_bot_min = MIN(k_bot_L, k_bot_R)
k_bot_max = MAX(k_bot_L, k_bot_R)
k_bot_diff = (k_bot_max - k_bot_min)

! tracer flux where the minimum BLD intersets layer
if ((CS%linear) .and. (k_bot_diff > 1)) then
! apply linear decay at the base of hbl
do k = k_bot_min,1,-1
F_layer_z(k) = -(dz_top(k) * khtr_u) * (phi_R_z(k) - phi_L_z(k))
if (CS%limiter_remap) call flux_limiter(F_layer_z(k), area_L, area_R, phi_L_z(k), &
phi_R_z(k), dz_top(k), dz_top(k))
htot = 0.0
do k = k_bot_min+1,k_bot_max, 1
htot = htot + dz_top(k)

a = -1.0/htot
htot = 0.
do k = k_bot_min+1,k_bot_max, 1
wgt = (a*(htot + (dz_top(k) * 0.5))) + 1.0
F_layer_z(k) = -(dz_top(k) * khtr_u) * (phi_R_z(k) - phi_L_z(k)) * wgt
htot = htot + dz_top(k)
if (CS%limiter_remap) call flux_limiter(F_layer_z(k), area_L, area_R, phi_L_z(k), &
phi_R_z(k), dz_top(k), dz_top(k))
do k = k_bot_min,1,-1
F_layer_z(k) = -(dz_top(k) * khtr_u) * (phi_R_z(k) - phi_L_z(k))
if (CS%limiter_remap) call flux_limiter(F_layer_z(k), area_L, area_R, phi_L_z(k), &
phi_R_z(k), dz_top(k), dz_top(k))

! TODO, boundary == BOTTOM
! if (boundary == BOTTOM) then
! ! TODO: GMM add option to apply linear decay
! k_top_max = MAX(k_top_L, k_top_R)
! ! make sure left and right k indices span same range
! if (k_top_max /= k_top_L) then
! k_top_L = k_top_max
! zeta_top_L = 1.0
! endif
! if (k_top_max /= k_top_R) then
! k_top_R= k_top_max
! zeta_top_R = 1.0
! endif
! ! tracer flux where the minimum BLD intersets layer
! F_layer(k_top_max) = (-heff * khtr_u) * (phi_R_avg - phi_L_avg)
! do k = k_top_max+1,nk
! F_layer_z(k) = -(heff * khtr_u) * (phi_R_z(k) - phi_L_z(k))
! enddo
! endif

! thicknesses at velocity points
do k = 1,ke
h_vel(k) = harmonic_mean(h_L(k), h_R(k))

! remap flux to h_vel (native grid)
call reintegrate_column(nk, dz_top(:), F_layer_z(:), ke, h_vel(:), 0.0, F_layer(:))

! used to avoid fluxes below hbl
if (CS%linear) then
htot_max = MAX(hbl_L, hbl_R)
htot_max = MIN(hbl_L, hbl_R)

tmp1 = 0.0; tmp2 = 0.0
do k = 1,ke
! apply flux_limiter
if (CS%limiter .and. F_layer(k) /= 0.) then
call flux_limiter(F_layer(k), area_L, area_R, phi_L(k), phi_R(k), h_L(k), h_R(k))

! if tracer point is below htot_max, set flux to zero
if (MAX(tmp1+(h_L(k)*0.5), tmp2+(h_R(k)*0.5)) > htot_max) then
F_layer(k) = 0.

tmp1 = tmp1 + h_L(k)
tmp2 = tmp2 + h_R(k)

! deallocated arrays

end subroutine fluxes_layer_method

!> Calculate the lateral boundary diffusive fluxes using the layer by layer method.
!! See \ref section_method
subroutine fluxes_layer_method_old(boundary, ke, hbl_L, hbl_R, h_L, h_R, phi_L, phi_R, &
khtr_u, F_layer, area_L, area_R, CS)

integer, intent(in ) :: boundary !< Which boundary layer SURFACE or BOTTOM [nondim]
integer, intent(in ) :: ke !< Number of layers in the native grid [nondim]
real, intent(in ) :: hbl_L !< Thickness of the boundary boundary
!! layer (left) [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, intent(in ) :: hbl_R !< Thickness of the boundary boundary
!! layer (right) [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(ke), intent(in ) :: h_L !< Thicknesses in the native grid (left) [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(ke), intent(in ) :: h_R !< Thicknesses in the native grid (right) [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, dimension(ke), intent(in ) :: phi_L !< Tracer values in the native grid (left) [conc]
real, dimension(ke), intent(in ) :: phi_R !< Tracer values in the native grid (right) [conc]
real, intent(in ) :: khtr_u !< Horizontal diffusivities times the time step
!! at a velocity point [L2 ~> m2]
real, dimension(ke), intent( out) :: F_layer !< Layerwise diffusive flux at U- or V-point
!! in the native grid [H L2 conc ~> m3 conc]
real, intent(in ) :: area_L !< Area of the horizontal grid (left) [L2 ~> m2]
real, intent(in ) :: area_R !< Area of the horizontal grid (right) [L2 ~> m2]
type(hbd_CS), pointer :: CS !< Lateral diffusion control structure

! Local variables
real, allocatable :: dz_top(:) !< The HBD z grid to be created [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real, allocatable :: phi_L_z(:) !< Tracer values in the ztop grid (left) [conc]
real, allocatable :: phi_R_z(:) !< Tracer values in the ztop grid (right) [conc]
real, allocatable :: F_layer_z(:) !< Diffusive flux at U/V-point in the ztop grid [H L2 conc ~> m3 conc]
real :: h_vel(ke) !< Thicknesses at u- and v-points in the native grid
!! The harmonic mean is used to avoid zero values [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: htot !< Total column thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]
integer :: k
integer :: k_bot_min !< Minimum k-index for the bottom
integer :: k_bot_max !< Maximum k-index for the bottom
integer :: k_bot_diff !< Difference between bottom left and right k-indices
!integer :: k_top_max !< Minimum k-index for the top
!integer :: k_top_min !< Maximum k-index for the top
!integer :: k_top_diff !< Difference between top left and right k-indices
integer :: k_top_L, k_bot_L !< k-indices left native grid
integer :: k_top_R, k_bot_R !< k-indices right native grid
real :: zeta_top_L, zeta_top_R !< distance from the top of a layer to the boundary
!! layer depth in the native grid [nondim]
real :: zeta_bot_L, zeta_bot_R !< distance from the bottom of a layer to the boundary
!! layer depth in the native grid [nondim]
real :: wgt !< weight to be used in the linear transition to the interior [nondim]
real :: a !< coefficient to be used in the linear transition to the interior [nondim]
real :: tmp1, tmp2 !< dummy variables [H ~> m or kg m-2]
real :: htot_max !< depth below which no fluxes should be applied [H ~> m or kg m-2]
integer :: nk !< number of layers in the HBD grid

F_layer(:) = 0.0
if (hbl_L == 0. .or. hbl_R == 0.) then

! Define vertical grid, dz_top
call merge_interfaces(ke, h_L(:), h_R(:), hbl_L, hbl_R, CS%H_subroundoff, dz_top)
nk = SIZE(dz_top)

! allocate arrays
allocate(phi_L_z(nk), source=0.0)
allocate(phi_R_z(nk), source=0.0)
allocate(F_layer_z(nk), source=0.0)

! remap tracer to dz_top
call remapping_core_h(CS%remap_cs, ke, h_L(:), phi_L(:), nk, dz_top(:), phi_L_z(:), &
CS%H_subroundoff, CS%H_subroundoff)
call remapping_core_h(CS%remap_cs, ke, h_R(:), phi_R(:), nk, dz_top(:), phi_R_z(:), &
CS%H_subroundoff, CS%H_subroundoff)

! Calculate vertical indices containing the boundary layer in dz_top
call boundary_k_range(boundary, nk, dz_top, hbl_L, k_top_L, zeta_top_L, k_bot_L, zeta_bot_L)
call boundary_k_range(boundary, nk, dz_top, hbl_R, k_top_R, zeta_top_R, k_bot_R, zeta_bot_R)

if (boundary == SURFACE) then
k_bot_min = MIN(k_bot_L, k_bot_R)
k_bot_max = MAX(k_bot_L, k_bot_R)
k_bot_diff = (k_bot_max - k_bot_min)

! tracer flux where the minimum BLD intersets layer
if ((CS%linear) .and. (k_bot_diff > 1)) then
! apply linear decay at the base of hbl
do k = k_bot_min,1,-1
F_layer_z(k) = -(dz_top(k) * khtr_u) * (phi_R_z(k) - phi_L_z(k))
if (CS%limiter_remap) call flux_limiter(F_layer_z(k), area_L, area_R, phi_L_z(k), &
phi_R_z(k), dz_top(k), dz_top(k))
htot = 0.0
do k = k_bot_min+1,k_bot_max, 1
htot = htot + dz_top(k)

a = -1.0/htot
htot = 0.
do k = k_bot_min+1,k_bot_max, 1
wgt = (a*(htot + (dz_top(k) * 0.5))) + 1.0
F_layer_z(k) = -(dz_top(k) * khtr_u) * (phi_R_z(k) - phi_L_z(k)) * wgt
htot = htot + dz_top(k)
if (CS%limiter_remap) call flux_limiter(F_layer_z(k), area_L, area_R, phi_L_z(k), &
phi_R_z(k), dz_top(k), dz_top(k))
do k = k_bot_min,1,-1
F_layer_z(k) = -(dz_top(k) * khtr_u) * (phi_R_z(k) - phi_L_z(k))
if (CS%limiter_remap) call flux_limiter(F_layer_z(k), area_L, area_R, phi_L_z(k), &
phi_R_z(k), dz_top(k), dz_top(k))

! TODO, boundary == BOTTOM
! if (boundary == BOTTOM) then
! ! TODO: GMM add option to apply linear decay
! k_top_max = MAX(k_top_L, k_top_R)
! ! make sure left and right k indices span same range
! if (k_top_max /= k_top_L) then
! k_top_L = k_top_max
! zeta_top_L = 1.0
! endif
! if (k_top_max /= k_top_R) then
! k_top_R= k_top_max
! zeta_top_R = 1.0
! endif
! ! tracer flux where the minimum BLD intersets layer
! F_layer(k_top_max) = (-heff * khtr_u) * (phi_R_avg - phi_L_avg)
! do k = k_top_max+1,nk
! F_layer_z(k) = -(heff * khtr_u) * (phi_R_z(k) - phi_L_z(k))
! enddo
! endif

! thicknesses at velocity points
do k = 1,ke
h_vel(k) = harmonic_mean(h_L(k), h_R(k))

! remap flux to h_vel (native grid)
call reintegrate_column(nk, dz_top(:), F_layer_z(:), ke, h_vel(:), 0.0, F_layer(:))

! used to avoid fluxes below hbl
if (CS%linear) then
htot_max = MAX(hbl_L, hbl_R)
htot_max = MIN(hbl_L, hbl_R)

tmp1 = 0.0; tmp2 = 0.0
do k = 1,ke
! apply flux_limiter
if (CS%limiter .and. F_layer(k) /= 0.) then
call flux_limiter(F_layer(k), area_L, area_R, phi_L(k), phi_R(k), h_L(k), h_R(k))

! if tracer point is below htot_max, set flux to zero
if (MAX(tmp1+(h_L(k)*0.5), tmp2+(h_R(k)*0.5)) > htot_max) then
F_layer(k) = 0.

tmp1 = tmp1 + h_L(k)
tmp2 = tmp2 + h_R(k)

! deallocated arrays

end subroutine fluxes_layer_method_old

!> Unit tests for near-boundary horizontal mixing
logical function near_boundary_unit_tests( verbose )
logical, intent(in) :: verbose !< If true, output additional information for debugging unit tests

! Local variables
integer, parameter :: nk = 2 ! Number of layers
real, dimension(nk+1) :: eta1 ! Updated interfaces with one extra value [m]
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: h1 ! Upates layer thicknesses [m]
real, dimension(nk) :: phi_L, phi_R ! Tracer values (left and right column) [conc]
real, dimension(nk) :: h_L, h_R ! Layer thickness (left and right) [m]
real :: khtr_u ! Horizontal diffusivities at U-point [m2 s-1]
real :: hbl_L, hbl_R ! Depth of the boundary layer (left and right) [m]
real, dimension(nk) :: F_layer ! Diffusive flux within each layer at U-point [conc m3 s-1]
character(len=120) :: test_name ! Title of the unit test
integer :: k_top ! Index of cell containing top of boundary
real :: zeta_top ! Nondimension position [nondim]
integer :: k_bot ! Index of cell containing bottom of boundary
real :: zeta_bot ! Nondimension position [nondim]
type(hbd_CS), pointer :: CS

! fill required fields in CS
call initialize_remapping( CS%remap_CS, 'PLM', boundary_extrapolation=.true. ,&
check_reconstruction=.true., check_remapping=.true.)
call extract_member_remapping_CS(CS%remap_CS, degree=CS%deg)
CS%H_subroundoff = 1.0E-20

near_boundary_unit_tests = .false.
write(stdout,*) '==== MOM_hor_bnd_diffusion ======================='

! Unit tests for boundary_k_range
test_name = 'Surface boundary spans the entire top cell'
h_L = (/5.,5./)
call boundary_k_range(SURFACE, nk, h_L, 5., k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_boundary_k_range(k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot, 1, 0., 1, 1., test_name, verbose)

test_name = 'Surface boundary spans the entire column'
h_L = (/5.,5./)
call boundary_k_range(SURFACE, nk, h_L, 10., k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_boundary_k_range(k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot, 1, 0., 2, 1., test_name, verbose)

test_name = 'Bottom boundary spans the entire bottom cell'
h_L = (/5.,5./)
call boundary_k_range(BOTTOM, nk, h_L, 5., k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_boundary_k_range(k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot, 2, 1., 2, 0., test_name, verbose)

test_name = 'Bottom boundary spans the entire column'
h_L = (/5.,5./)
call boundary_k_range(BOTTOM, nk, h_L, 10., k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_boundary_k_range(k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot, 1, 1., 2, 0., test_name, verbose)

test_name = 'Surface boundary intersects second layer'
h_L = (/10.,10./)
call boundary_k_range(SURFACE, nk, h_L, 17.5, k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_boundary_k_range(k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot, 1, 0., 2, 0.75, test_name, verbose)

test_name = 'Surface boundary intersects first layer'
h_L = (/10.,10./)
call boundary_k_range(SURFACE, nk, h_L, 2.5, k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_boundary_k_range(k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot, 1, 0., 1, 0.25, test_name, verbose)

test_name = 'Surface boundary is deeper than column thickness'
h_L = (/10.,10./)
call boundary_k_range(SURFACE, nk, h_L, 21.0, k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_boundary_k_range(k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot, 1, 0., 2, 1., test_name, verbose)

test_name = 'Bottom boundary intersects first layer'
h_L = (/10.,10./)
call boundary_k_range(BOTTOM, nk, h_L, 17.5, k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_boundary_k_range(k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot, 1, 0.75, 2, 0., test_name, verbose)

test_name = 'Bottom boundary intersects second layer'
h_L = (/10.,10./)
call boundary_k_range(BOTTOM, nk, h_L, 2.5, k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_boundary_k_range(k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot, 2, 0.25, 2, 0., test_name, verbose)

if (.not. near_boundary_unit_tests) write(stdout,*) 'Passed boundary_k_range'

! unit tests for sorting array and finding unique values
test_name = 'Sorting array'
eta1 = (/1., 0., 0.1/)
call sort(eta1, nk+1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk+1, test_name, eta1, (/0., 0.1, 1./) )

test_name = 'Unique values'
call unique((/0., 1., 1., 2./), nk+2, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk+1, test_name, h1, (/0., 1., 2./) )

test_name = 'Unique values with maximum depth'
call unique((/0., 1., 1., 2., 3./), nk+3, h1, 2.)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk+1, test_name, h1, (/0., 1., 2./) )

if (.not. near_boundary_unit_tests) write(stdout,*) 'Passed sort and unique'

! unit tests for merge_interfaces
test_name = 'h_L = h_R and BLD_L = BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk, (/1., 2./), (/1., 2./), 1.5, 1.5, CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, h1, (/1., 0.5/) )

test_name = 'h_L = h_R and BLD_L /= BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk, (/1., 2./), (/1., 2./), 0.5, 1.5, CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk+1, test_name, h1, (/0.5, 0.5, 0.5/) )

test_name = 'h_L /= h_R and BLD_L = BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk, (/1., 3./), (/2., 2./), 1.5, 1.5, CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, h1, (/1., 0.5/) )

test_name = 'h_L /= h_R and BLD_L /= BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk, (/1., 3./), (/2., 2./), 0.5, 1.5, CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk+1, test_name, h1, (/0.5, 0.5, 0.5/) )

test_name = 'Left deeper than right, h_L /= h_R and BLD_L /= BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk, (/2., 3./), (/2., 2./), 1.0, 2.0, CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, h1, (/1., 1./) )

test_name = 'Left has zero thickness, h_L /= h_R and BLD_L = BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk, (/4., 0./), (/2., 2./), 2.0, 2.0, CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk-1, test_name, h1, (/2./) )

test_name = 'Left has zero thickness, h_L /= h_R and BLD_L /= BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk, (/4., 0./), (/2., 2./), 1.0, 2.0, CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, h1, (/1., 1./) )

test_name = 'Right has zero thickness, h_L /= h_R and BLD_L = BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk, (/2., 2./), (/0., 4./), 2.0, 2.0, CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk-1, test_name, h1, (/2./) )

test_name = 'Right has zero thickness, h_L /= h_R and BLD_L /= BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk, (/2., 2./), (/0., 4./), 1.0, 2.0, CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, h1, (/1., 1./) )

test_name = 'Right deeper than left, h_L /= h_R and BLD_L = BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk+1, (/2., 2., 0./), (/2., 2., 1./), 4., 4., CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, h1, (/2., 2./) )

test_name = 'Right and left small values at bottom, h_L /= h_R and BLD_L = BLD_R'
call merge_interfaces(nk+2, (/2., 2., 1., 1./), (/1., 1., .5, .5/), 3., 3., CS%H_subroundoff, h1)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk+2, test_name, h1, (/1., 1., .5, .5/) )

if (.not. near_boundary_unit_tests) write(stdout,*) 'Passed merge interfaces'

! All cases in this section have hbl which are equal to the column thicknesses
test_name = 'Equal hbl and same layer thicknesses (gradient from right to left)'
hbl_L = 2.; hbl_R = 2.
h_L = (/2.,2./) ; h_R = (/2.,2./)
phi_L = (/0.,0./) ; phi_R = (/1.,1./)
khtr_u = 1.
call fluxes_layer_method_old(SURFACE, nk, hbl_L, hbl_R, h_L, h_R, phi_L, phi_R, &
khtr_u, F_layer, 1., 1., CS)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, F_layer, (/-2.0,0.0/) )

test_name = 'Equal hbl and same layer thicknesses (gradient from left to right)'
hbl_L = 2.; hbl_R = 2.
h_L = (/2.,2./) ; h_R = (/2.,2./)
phi_L = (/2.,1./) ; phi_R = (/1.,1./)
khtr_u = 0.5
call fluxes_layer_method_old(SURFACE, nk, hbl_L, hbl_R, h_L, h_R, phi_L, phi_R, &
khtr_u, F_layer, 1., 1., CS)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, F_layer, (/1.0,0.0/) )

test_name = 'hbl < column thickness, hbl same, linear profile right, khtr=2'
hbl_L = 2; hbl_R = 2
h_L = (/1.,2./) ; h_R = (/1.,2./)
phi_L = (/0.,0./) ; phi_R = (/0.5,2./)
khtr_u = 2.
call fluxes_layer_method_old(SURFACE, nk, hbl_L, hbl_R, h_L, h_R, phi_L, phi_R, &
khtr_u, F_layer, 1., 1., CS)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, F_layer, (/-1.0,-4.0/) )

test_name = 'Different hbl and different column thicknesses (zero gradient)'
hbl_L = 12; hbl_R = 20
h_L = (/6.,6./) ; h_R = (/10.,10./)
phi_L = (/1.,1./) ; phi_R = (/1.,1./)
khtr_u = 1.
call fluxes_layer_method_old(SURFACE, nk, hbl_L, hbl_R, h_L, h_R, phi_L, phi_R, &
khtr_u, F_layer, 1., 1., CS)
near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, F_layer, (/0.,0./) )

test_name = 'Different hbl and different column thicknesses (gradient from left to right)'

hbl_L = 15; hbl_R = 10.
h_L = (/10.,5./) ; h_R = (/10.,0./)
phi_L = (/1.,1./) ; phi_R = (/0.,0./)
khtr_u = 1.
call fluxes_layer_method_old(SURFACE, nk, hbl_L, hbl_R, h_L, h_R, phi_L, phi_R, &
khtr_u, F_layer, 1., 1., CS)

near_boundary_unit_tests = near_boundary_unit_tests .or. &
test_layer_fluxes( verbose, nk, test_name, F_layer, (/10.,0.0/) )

if (.not. near_boundary_unit_tests) write(stdout,*) 'Passed fluxes_layer_method'

end function near_boundary_unit_tests

!> Returns true if output of near-boundary unit tests does not match correct computed values
!! and conditionally writes results to stream
logical function test_layer_fluxes(verbose, nk, test_name, F_calc, F_ans)
logical, intent(in) :: verbose !< If true, write results to stdout
character(len=80), intent(in) :: test_name !< Brief description of the unit test
integer, intent(in) :: nk !< Number of layers
real, dimension(nk), intent(in) :: F_calc !< Fluxes of the unitless tracer from the algorithm [s^-1]
real, dimension(nk), intent(in) :: F_ans !< Fluxes of the unitless tracer calculated by hand [s^-1]
! Local variables
integer :: k

test_layer_fluxes = .false.
do k=1,nk
if ( F_calc(k) /= F_ans(k) ) then
test_layer_fluxes = .true.
write(stdout,*) "MOM_hor_bnd_diffusion, UNIT TEST FAILED: ", test_name
write(stdout,10) k, F_calc(k), F_ans(k)
elseif (verbose) then
write(stdout,10) k, F_calc(k), F_ans(k)

10 format("Layer=",i3," F_calc=",f20.16," F_ans",f20.16)
end function test_layer_fluxes

!> Return true if output of unit tests for boundary_k_range does not match answers
logical function test_boundary_k_range(k_top, zeta_top, k_bot, zeta_bot, k_top_ans, zeta_top_ans,&
k_bot_ans, zeta_bot_ans, test_name, verbose)
integer :: k_top !< Index of cell containing top of boundary
real :: zeta_top !< Nondimension position
integer :: k_bot !< Index of cell containing bottom of boundary
real :: zeta_bot !< Nondimension position
integer :: k_top_ans !< Index of cell containing top of boundary
real :: zeta_top_ans !< Nondimension position
integer :: k_bot_ans !< Index of cell containing bottom of boundary
real :: zeta_bot_ans !< Nondimension position
character(len=80) :: test_name !< Name of the unit test
logical :: verbose !< If true always print output

test_boundary_k_range = k_top /= k_top_ans
test_boundary_k_range = test_boundary_k_range .or. (zeta_top /= zeta_top_ans)
test_boundary_k_range = test_boundary_k_range .or. (k_bot /= k_bot_ans)
test_boundary_k_range = test_boundary_k_range .or. (zeta_bot /= zeta_bot_ans)

if (test_boundary_k_range) write(stdout,*) "UNIT TEST FAILED: ", test_name
if (test_boundary_k_range .or. verbose) then
write(stdout,20) "k_top", k_top, "k_top_ans", k_top_ans
write(stdout,20) "k_bot", k_bot, "k_bot_ans", k_bot_ans
write(stdout,30) "zeta_top", zeta_top, "zeta_top_ans", zeta_top_ans
write(stdout,30) "zeta_bot", zeta_bot, "zeta_bot_ans", zeta_bot_ans

20 format(A,"=",i3,1X,A,"=",i3)
30 format(A,"=",f20.16,1X,A,"=",f20.16)

end function test_boundary_k_range

!> Deallocates hor_bnd_diffusion control structure
subroutine hor_bnd_diffusion_end(CS)
type(hbd_CS), pointer :: CS !< Horizontal boundary diffusion control structure

if (associated(CS)) deallocate(CS)

end subroutine hor_bnd_diffusion_end

!> \namespace mom_hor_bnd_diffusion
!! \section section_HBD The Horizontal Boundary Diffusion (HBD) framework
!! The HBD framework accounts for the effects of diabatic mesoscale fluxes
!! within surface and bottom boundary layers. Unlike the equivalent adiabatic
!! fluxes, which is applied along neutral density surfaces, HBD is purely
!! horizontal. To assure that diffusive fluxes are strictly horizontal
!! regardless of the vertical coordinate system, this method relies on
!! regridding/remapping techniques.
!! The bottom boundary layer fluxes remain to be implemented, although some
!! of the steps needed to do so have already been added and tested.
!! Boundary lateral diffusion is applied as follows:
!! 1) remap tracer to a z* grid (HBD grid)
!! 2) calculate diffusive tracer fluxes (F) in the HBD grid using a layer by layer approach (@ref section_method)
!! 3) remap fluxes to the native grid
!! 4) update tracer by adding the divergence of F
!! \subsection section_method Along layer approach
!! Here diffusion is applied layer by layer using only information from neighboring cells.
!! Step #1: define vertical grid using interfaces and surface boundary layers from left and right
!! columns (see merge_interfaces).
!! Step #2: compute vertical indices containing boundary layer (boundary_k_range).
!! For the TOP boundary layer, these are:
!! k_top, k_bot, zeta_top, zeta_bot
!! Step #2: calculate the diffusive flux at each layer:
!! \f[ F_{k} = -KHTR \times h_{eff}(k) \times (\phi_R(k) - \phi_L(k)), \f]
!! where h_eff is the [harmonic mean](@ref section_harmonic_mean) of the layer thickness
!! in the left and right columns.
!! Step #3: option to linearly decay the flux from k_bot_min to k_bot_max:
!! If HBD_LINEAR_TRANSITION = True and k_bot_diff > 1, the diffusive flux will decay
!! linearly between the top interface of the layer containing the minimum boundary
!! layer depth (k_bot_min) and the lower interface of the layer containing the
!! maximum layer depth (k_bot_max).
!! Step #4: remap the fluxes back to the native grid. This is done at velocity points, whose vertical grid
!! is determined using [harmonic mean](@ref section_harmonic_mean). To assure monotonicity,
!! tracer fluxes are limited so that 1) only down-gradient fluxes are applied,
!! and 2) the flux cannot be larger than F_max, which is defined using the tracer
!! gradient:
!! \f[ F_{max} = -0.2 \times [(V_R(k) \times \phi_R(k)) - (V_L(k) \times \phi_L(k))], \f]
!! where V is the cell volume. Why 0.2?
!! t=0 t=inf
!! 0 .2
!! 0 1 0 .2.2.2
!! 0 .2
!! \subsection section_harmonic_mean Harmonic Mean
!! The harmonic mean (HM) betwen h1 and h2 is defined as:
!! \f[ HM = \frac{2 \times h1 \times h2}{h1 + h2} \f]
end module MOM_hor_bnd_diffusion

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