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Optimization of fast-reid infernce using tensorrt #4243

smrutiranjanmohapatra opened this issue Nov 11, 2024 · 3 comments

Optimization of fast-reid infernce using tensorrt #4243

smrutiranjanmohapatra opened this issue Nov 11, 2024 · 3 comments
triaged Issue has been triaged by maintainers


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Reading engine from file /content/engine/yolo11x_fp16.engine
Total Inference Time : 17.17
Total Frame processed : 750
Average Inference FPS : 43.69
Total Feature Time : 75.53
Average feature FPS : 9.93
Total Tracking Time : 14.76
Average Tracking FPS : 50.83 .
How to reduce my inference time using tensorrt engine for fast-reid model . Below i have given the code. I need help

def load_and_inference_fastreid(fastreid_batch_images, engine, fastreid_inputs:np.ndarray,fastreid_outputs:np.ndarray,bindings,stream):

#load the tensorrt engine

if not os.path.exists(fastreid_engine_path):

raise FileNotFoundError(f"Engine file {fastreid_engine_path} not found. Please ensure the path is correct.")

with trt.Runtime(TRT_LOGGER) as runtime, open(fastreid_engine_path,"rb") as f:

fastreid_engine_data =

engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(fastreid_engine_data)

fastreid_img = cv2.resize(frame, (256,128), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

fastreid_input_img = preprocess_image(fastreid_img)

fastreid_batch_images = np.concatenate([fastreid_input_img], axis=0)

fastreid_inputs,fastreid_outputs,bindings,stream = allocate_buffers(engine,fastreid_output_shape,profile_idx=0)

#Create excution context
context = engine.create_execution_context()

List to hold extracted features for each image

extracted_features = []

Loop over each image in the batch and process it sequentially

for image in fastreid_batch_images:
# Set the image as input to the model
fastreid_inputs[0].host = image

# Set the input shape for the context (batch size of 1)
context.set_input_shape('input', image.shape)

# Perform inference on the single image
features = do_inference(context, engine, bindings, fastreid_inputs, fastreid_outputs, stream)

# Flatten the features and append to the list

fastreid_inputs[0].host = fastreid_batch_images

context.set_input_shape('input', fastreid_batch_images.shape)

#perform feature extraction

#extracted_features = get_feature_fastreid(engine,context,fastreid_inputs,fastreid_outputs,bindings,stream)

extracted_features = do_inference(context, engine, bindings, fastreid_inputs, fastreid_outputs, stream)

#Print type and structure of extracted_features

#print(f"Extracted features type: {type(extracted_features)}")

#print(f"Extracted features content: {extracted_features}")

# Reshape the extracted features to a 2D array (1, 2048)

extracted_features = np.array(extracted_features[0]).flatten()

#print(f"Reshaped extracted features shape: {extracted_features.shape}")

return extracted_features

def _do_inference_base(inputs, outputs, stream, execute_async_func):

Transfer input data to the GPU.

kind = cudart.cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyHostToDevice
[cuda_call(cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(inp.device,, inp.nbytes, kind, stream)) for inp in inputs]

Run inference.


Transfer predictions back from the GPU.

kind = cudart.cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost
[cuda_call(cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(, out.device, out.nbytes, kind, stream)) for out in outputs]

Synchronize the stream


Return only the host outputs.

return [ for out in outputs]

def do_inference(context, engine, bindings, inputs, outputs, stream):
def execute_async_func():

Setup context tensor address.

num_io = engine.num_io_tensors
for i in range(num_io):
context.set_tensor_address(engine.get_tensor_name(i), bindings[i])
return _do_inference_base(inputs, outputs, stream, execute_async_func)

Define target classes
target_classes = ['car', 'bus', 'truck', 'motorcycle']

def main():


video_file_name = '/content/30.mp4'
video_path = os.path.join(current_directory, 'data', video_file_name)
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) # Load video

frame_width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
frame_height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))

original_size = (frame_width, frame_height)
#original_size = (1200, 800)
fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))

Model and engine paths

model_name = "yolo11x"
precision = "fp16" # int8 or fp32 or fp16
#quantization_method = ''
onnx_model_path = os.path.join(current_directory, 'onnx', f'{model_name}{device.type}.onnx')
engine_file_path = os.path.join(current_directory, 'engine', f'{model_name}

fastreid_onnx_path = "/content/fastreid_model.onnx"
fastreid_engine_path = "/content/fastreid_model.trt"
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(engine_file_path), exist_ok=True)

Output shapes expected

output_shapes = [(1, 84, 8400)]
output_shape_ndarray = np.array(output_shapes[0], dtype=np.int32)

fastreid Output shapes expected

#fastreid_output_shapes = (1,256) #(1,2048)
fastreid_output_shapes = (1, 2048)
fastreid_output_shape_ndarray = np.array(fastreid_output_shapes, dtype=np.int32)

Load or build the yolo TensorRT engine and do inference

with get_engine(onnx_model_path, engine_file_path, precision) as engine,
engine.create_execution_context() as context:

# inputs, outputs, bindings, stream = allocate_buffers(engine, output_shapes[0], profile_idx=0)
inputs, outputs, bindings, stream = allocate_buffers(engine, output_shape_ndarray, profile_idx=0)

# Video writer to save the output
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
out = cv2.VideoWriter('output_video.mp4', fourcc, fps, original_size)

# Variable to store the start time of processing for each frame
start_time = time.time()
total_inference_time = 0
total_feature_time = 0
total_tracking_time = 0
frame_count = 0

 # Load FastReID engine once at the beginning
fastreid_engine = load_fastreid_engine(fastreid_engine_path)
fastreid_inputs,fastreid_outputs,fastreid_bindings,fastreid_stream = allocate_buffers(engine,fastreid_output_shape_ndarray,profile_idx=0)

while cap.isOpened():
    ret, frame =
    if not ret:

    original_frame = frame.copy()
    original_frame = cv2.resize(original_frame, original_size)

    #input setup for yolotensorrt
    img = cv2.resize(frame, (640, 640), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
    input_image = preprocess_image(img)  # Preprocess image
    batch_images = np.concatenate([input_image], axis=0)

    inputs[0].host = batch_images
    context.set_input_shape('input', batch_images.shape)

    # #input setup for fastreidtensorrt
    # fastreid_img = cv2.resize(frame, (256,128), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
    # fastreid_input_img = preprocess_image(fastreid_img)
    # fastreid_batch_images = np.concatenate([fastreid_input_img], axis=0)

    # Inference
    start_inference_time = time.time()
    trt_outputs = do_inference(context, engine=engine, bindings=bindings, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, stream=stream)

    inference_time = time.time()-start_inference_time
    total_inference_time += inference_time

    # Reshape and post-process the output
    t_outputs = np.array(trt_outputs).reshape(output_shapes[0])
    results = non_max_suppression(t_outputs,original_size)

    # Filter results to include only target classes
    filtered_results = []
    for img_idx, (boxes, scores, classes) in enumerate(results):
        filtered_boxes = []
        filtered_scores = []
        filtered_classes = []
        for box, score, classe in zip(boxes, scores, classes):
            if coco_labels[classe] in target_classes:
        filtered_results.append((filtered_boxes, filtered_scores, filtered_classes))

    # Initialize lists for DeepSORT
    results_deepsort = []
    embeddings = []
    fastreid_batch_images = []
    appearance_features_batch = []

    # Loop over filtered results to extract appearance features and prepare for tracking
    for img_idx, (boxes, scores, classes) in enumerate(filtered_results):
        for box, score, classe in zip(boxes, scores, classes):
            # Get coordinates of the bounding box
            xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = map(int, box)

            # Ensure coordinates are within image boundaries
            height, width = frame.shape[:2]
            ymin = max(0, ymin)
            ymax = min(height, ymax)
            xmin = max(0, xmin)
            xmax = min(width, xmax)

            # Calculate the center of the bounding box
            center_x = (xmin + xmax) // 2
            center_y = (ymin + ymax) // 2

            # Line crossing condition: Check if the center_y crosses between the start and end y-coordinates of the line
            if startTrackingPoints[0][1] <= center_y <= endTrackingPoints[0][1]:

                 #print(f"ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax :{ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax}")

                 #cropping the image from frame according to bounding box
                 cropped_image = frame[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]

                 # Preprocess cropped image for FastReID
                 fastreid_input_img = preprocess_image(cv2.resize(cropped_image, (256, 128), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR))
                 #  fastreid_batch_images = np.concatenate([fastreid_input_img], axis=0)

                 # Prepare the detection data (bounding box + confidence + class name)
                 results_deepsort.append([[xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin], score, coco_labels[classe]])

    # Get the appearance features using FastReID
    start_feature_time = time.time()
    #appearance_features = get_appearance_features(original_frame, [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])
    if len(fastreid_batch_images) > 0:
         appearance_features_batch = load_and_inference_fastreid(fastreid_batch_images,fastreid_engine, fastreid_inputs, fastreid_outputs,fastreid_bindings,fastreid_stream)

    feature_time = time.time() - start_feature_time
    total_feature_time += feature_time
    if len(appearance_features_batch) > 0:
        # Process features for each object in the batch
        for idx, feature in enumerate(appearance_features_batch):
                 # Each 'feature' corresponds to an appearance feature for a single object in the batch

    # Get the appearance features using FastReID
    start_tracking_time = time.time()

    # Perform DeepSORT tracking
    tracked_objects = tracker.update_tracks(results_deepsort, embeds=embeddings, frame=original_frame)
    #tracked_objects = tracker.update_tracks(results_deepsort, frame=original_frame)

    tracking_time = time.time() - start_tracking_time
    total_tracking_time += tracking_time

    # Draw bounding boxes and track IDs
    for track in tracked_objects:
        if not track.is_confirmed():

        track_id = track.track_id
        bbox = track.to_tlbr()  # Get top-left to bottom-right coordinates of the bounding box

        # Draw the bounding box
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, bbox)
        cv2.rectangle(original_frame, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 0), 5)

        # Label the object with its track ID
        cv2.putText(original_frame, f'ID: {track_id}', (x1, y1 - 10),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (0, 0, 255), 3)

    # # Draw bounding boxes on detection the frame
    # for img_idx, (boxes, scores, classes) in enumerate(filtered_results):
    #     labels = [coco_labels[classe] for classe in classes]
    #     output_frame = draw_bounding_boxes(original_frame, boxes, labels, scores)

    # Calculate FPS for the current frame
    end_time = time.time()
    FPS = 1 / (end_time - start_time)
    start_time = end_time

    # Display FPS on the frame
    cv2.putText(original_frame, f"FPS: {FPS:.2f}", (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (0, 0, 255), 3)

    frame_count += 1
    # Write the frame with detections to the output video
    #cv2.imshow("Frame", original_frame)
    # Exit the loop if 'q' is pressed
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


#calculate average inference FPS
avg_inference_fps = frame_count / total_inference_time
print(f"Total Inference Time : {total_inference_time: .2f}")
print(f"Total Frame processed : {frame_count}")
print(f"Average Inference FPS : {avg_inference_fps: .2f}")

# calculate average feature FPS
avg_feature_fps = frame_count / total_feature_time
print(f"Total Feature Time : {total_feature_time: .2f}")
print(f"Average feature FPS : {avg_feature_fps: .2f}")

#calculate average tracking FPS
avg_tracking_fps = frame_count / total_tracking_time
print(f"Total Tracking Time : {total_tracking_time: .2f}")
print(f"Average Tracking FPS : {avg_tracking_fps: .2f}")
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Try to use ptq & cudagraph.

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i want help with running batch inference for tensorrt in the load_and_inference_fastreid function. i am storing the detected obj in a batch and sending it for feature extraction where i am using for loop for individual obj insted i want to work on batch how to do that

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poweiw commented Nov 18, 2024

First make sure the fast reid model you've exported supports dynamic batches. If so then under this function:

 # Loop over each image in the batch and process it sequentially
for image in fastreid_batch_images:
    # Set the image as input to the model
    fastreid_inputs[0].host = image

    # Set the input shape for the context (batch size of 1)
    context.set_input_shape('input', image.shape)

    # Perform inference on the single image
    features = do_inference(context, engine, bindings, fastreid_inputs, fastreid_outputs, stream)

    # Flatten the features and append to the list

Split the images in fastreid_batch_images into batches along the batch axis (under most circumstances should be 0) and pass them to do_inference.

Also ### please increase the readability using code blocks.

@poweiw poweiw added the triaged Issue has been triaged by maintainers label Nov 18, 2024
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