These instructions will help you get setup to run a demo similar to what was done for AppSecUSA 2015. (video here:
- Install Java 8
- follow OS-specific install process
- Get AppSensor Code
clone the repo (or your fork)
git clone
get into appsensor directory
cd appsensor
install multi-module parent
mvn -N install
run the tests and install locally
mvn install
- Install MySQL
- follow OS-specific install process (this demo assumes localhost, Problems have been noted with MySQL 8.x but MySQL 5.7.x should work fine)
- Load Data into MySQL
- Run commands in this file: (including commented lines - uncomment and run)
- Start REST / WebSocket Server
- go to this directory:
- run this command:
mvn spring-boot:run -DAPPSENSOR_WEB_SOCKET_HOST_URL=ws://localhost:8085/dashboard
- Start REST Client Data Generator
- go to this directory:
- run this command:
mvn spring-boot:run
- Start AppSensorUI
- go to this directory:
- run this command:
mvn spring-boot:run -DAPPSENSOR_REST_REPORTING_ENGINE_URL=http://localhost:8085 -DAPPSENSOR_CLIENT_APPLICATION_ID_HEADER_NAME=X-Appsensor-Client-Application-Name2 -DAPPSENSOR_CLIENT_APPLICATION_ID_HEADER_VALUE=myclientapp -DAPPSENSOR_WEB_SOCKET_HOST_URL=ws://localhost:8085/dashboard -Dspring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/appsensor -Dspring.datasource.username=appsensor_user -Dspring.datasource.password=appsensor_pass
- Login
- open your browser to : http://localhost:8084
- When prompted login with user
and passwordanalyst
This set of instructions should get the demo going for you. If you have problems, please file an issue: