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143 lines (134 loc) · 5.03 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (134 loc) · 5.03 KB

About this app

It's a simple story dice (icons) roller. Features:

  • tell a story (roll icons)
  • change lang (English or Polish)
  • change theme (dark and light)

Run locally


  • Node.js (>= 16) is installed
  • yarn or npm is installed

How to run?

  1. Download repo.
  2. Go to the main folder.
  3. Run yarn install.
  4. Run yarn start to run app in the dev mode.
  5. App is available under localhost:3000.

How to deploy?

  1. Change version in the package.json.
  2. Merge all changes to the master.
  3. Refresh master locally.
    git pull origin master
  4. Create git tag.
    git tag -a vX.X.X -m "What was done"
    git push --tags
  5. Run yarn deploy.
  6. Wait... wait...
  7. Go to the
  8. See your changes :)



Here should be an architecture image


Warning! Everything important parts should be always exported by a moduleindex.ts.

  • /doc
    Documentation, version features etc.
  • /public
    All public data, for example: favicon.
  • /src
    Source code folder.
    • modelBuilder.ts
    • appEnvs.ts
    • App.tsx
    • /data
      All const data for the app (translations, icon names, errors, color themes etc.).
    • /models
      Models with logic for this app.
    • /pages
      Visual part of this app.
      • /<name>Component
        A dedicated areas of a page(s).
    • /tests
      Test for the app.
      • /models
        Tests for models.
    • /tools
      All tools and small helpers.
    • /types
      All important types and all enums.

Naming conventions

  • use camelCase
  • "real" const should have THIS_NAME
  • follow DRY!
  • less code in more files is better than more code in less files :)


  • should be named as <Name>Model
  • file name should be the same as the model name
  • should export it's interface, named as I<Name>
  • model class should implement its interface
  • use as vanilla TS as possible


  • should be named as <ViewName>ViewModel
  • file name should be the same as the viewModel name
  • should export it's interface, named as I<ViewName>ViewModel
  • viewModel class should implement its interface
  • can use RxJS (if needed)
  • can combine its own logic with dedicated view components, but not with other view models


  • "small" view model
  • should be named as <ViewName>ViewComponent
  • file name should be the same as the viewComponent name
  • should export it's interface, named as I<ViewName>ViewComponent
  • viewComponent class should implement its interface
  • can use RxJS (if needed)

Contexts & ContextWrappers

  • React Context
  • should be named as <Name>Context
  • should have its <Name>ContextWrapper as a separate file
  • file name should be the same as the context name
  • should export it's interface, named as I<Name>Context
  • context should use its interface
  • can use RxJS (if needed)


  • should be named as <Name>Page
  • file name should be the same as the page name
  • can use RxJS (if needed)
  • all logic should be placed inside its own hook (often in the same file)


  • should be named as <Name>PageComponent
  • file name should be the same as the pageComponent name
  • can use RxJS (if needed)
  • all logic should be placed inside its own hook (often in the same file)

User Stories (short)


  1. As an user I want to have dice available (with default amount and category) just after page is loaded. DONE
  2. As an user I want to change app lang and keep it after reload page. DONE
  3. As an user I want to change app theme and keep it after reload page. DONE
  4. As an user I want to have information about author. DONE
  5. As an user I want to have link to the author's Github. DONE
  6. As an user I want to have link to this repo. DONE

Dice amount

  1. As an user I want to have new icons just after I changed dice amount with no additional steps. DONE


  1. As an user I want to have new icons just after I changed dice categories with no additional steps. DONE
  2. As an user I want to have option to select more than 1 category and never less than 1. DONE


  1. As an user I want like to have an option to reroll all dice. DONE

Developer Stories (short)


  1. As a developer, I want to have documentation. DONE
  2. As a developer, I want to have architecture description. DONE


  1. As a developer, I want to have deploy description. DONE
  2. As a developer, I want to have tag creating description. DONE


  1. As a developer, I want to have instruction how to run locally. DONE


  1. As a developer I want to have tests for Models. DONE
  2. As a developer I want to have tests for ViewModels. DONE
  3. As a developer I want to have tests for ViewComponents. DONE
  4. As a developer I want to have tests for Pages. DONE
  5. As a developer I want to have tests for PagesComponents. DONE
  6. As a developer I want to have e2e tests. TODO v2
