Author: | Lampros Andrinopoulos, Imperial College London |
Date: | November 2012 |
The van der Waals energy is calculated in ONETEP using the van der Waals Density Functional method, developed by Dion et al [Dion2004]_.
The only input variable needed to activate the vdW-DF functional is to
set xc_functional VDWDF
. If a vdW_df_kernel
file is not present
in the working directory, it will be automatically generated.
The form for the exchange-correlation functional proposed by Dion et al is:
E_{xc} = E_{x}^{\rm{revPBE}} + E_c^{\rm{PW92}} + E_c^{\rm{nl}}
where the non-local exchange-correlation energy is given by:
E_{c}^{\mathrm{nl}} = \frac{1}{2}\int\int d{\mathbf{r}}d{\mathbf{r}}'\rho({\mathbf{r}})\phi({\mathbf{r}},{\mathbf{r}}')\rho({\mathbf{r}}')
where \rho({\mathbf{r}}) is the electron density at {\mathbf{r}} and \phi({\mathbf{r}},{\mathbf{r}}') is the nonlocal exchange correlation kernel whose form is explained in [Dion2004]_.
The direct calculation of the integral in the form of Eq. :eq:`E_nl_dion` is very computationally expensive, as it involves a six-dimensional spatial integral.
The algorithm proposed later by Roman-Perez and Soler [Roman-Perez2009]_ improves the efficiency of the calculation. They observed that with the form used by Dion et al for \phi, the above expression can be re-written as:
E_{c}^{\mathrm{nl}} = \frac{1}{2}\int\int d{\mathbf{r}}d{\mathbf{r}}'\rho({\mathbf{r}})\phi(q,q',r)\rho({\mathbf{r}}')
where r=|{\mathbf{r}}-{\mathbf{r}}'|, and q and q' are the values of a universal function q_0[\rho({\mathbf{r}}),|\nabla \rho({\mathbf{r}})|] at {\mathbf{r}} and {\mathbf{r}}'. They thus proposed a way to expand the kernel \phi using interpolating polynomials p_\alpha(q) for chosen values q_\alpha of q, and tabulated functions \phi_{\alpha\beta}(r) for the kernel corresponding to each pair of interpolating polynomials. The interpolating polynomials p_{\alpha} are cubic splines that evaluate to a Kronecker delta on each respective interpolating point. A mesh of 20 interpolation points is used in Soler’s implementation. The Soler form of the nonlocal energy can be written as:
\phi(q_1,q_2,r) = \sum_{\alpha\beta}\phi_{\alpha\beta}(r) p_{\alpha}(q_1) p_{\beta}(q_2)
The universal function q_0({\mathbf{r}}) is in practice given by:
q_0({\mathbf{r}}) = \Bigg(1 + \frac{\epsilon_c^{\rm{PW92}}}{\epsilon_x^{\rm{LDA}}} + \frac{0.8491}{9}\Big(\frac{\nabla\rho}{2\rho k_F}\Big)^2\Bigg) k_F
with k_F=(3\pi^2\rho)^{1/3}. The quantity q_0 is first “saturated” to limit its maximum value, according to:
q_0^{\text{sat}}(\rho,{|\nabla{\rho}|}) = q_c \Bigg(1-\exp\Big(-\sum_{m=1}^{m_c}\frac{(q/q_c)^m}{m}\Big)\Bigg)
where q_c is the maximum value of the mesh of q_{\alpha}.
To evaluate this, we first define a quantity \theta_{\alpha}({\mathbf{r}}) = \rho({\mathbf{r}}) p_{\alpha}(q(\rho({\mathbf{r}}),\nabla\rho({\mathbf{r}})) in real space. In terms of this, Eq. :eq:`E_nl_dion` can be written as:
E_c^{\mathrm{nl}} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\alpha\beta} \int \int d{\mathbf{r}}d{\mathbf{r}}' \theta_{\alpha}({\mathbf{r}}) \theta_{\beta}({\mathbf{r}}') \phi_{\alpha\beta}(r)
It can be shown that this can be written as a reciprocal space integral:
E_c^{\mathrm{nl}} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\alpha\beta}\int d\mathbf{k} \theta^{*}_{\alpha}(\mathbf{k})\theta_{\beta}(\mathbf{k})\phi_{\alpha\beta}(k)
Since the kernel is radially dependent in real space, it is only dependent on the magnitude of the G-vectors, hence the kernel need only be evaluated as a 1-dimensional function \phi_{\alpha\beta}(k) for each \alpha, \beta.
The kernel \phi and its second derivatives are tabulated for a specific set of radial points and transformed to reciprocal space. These values are then used to interpolate the kernel at every point \mathbf{k} in reciprocal space required to calculate Eq. :eq:`E_nl`.
This section details the evaluation of the NLXC kernel. The kernel \phi({\mathbf{r}},{\mathbf{r}}') as specified by Dion et al [Dion2004]_ is given by (in atomic units):
\phi({\mathbf{r}},{\mathbf{r}}') = \frac{1}{\pi^2}\int_{0}^{\infty}a^2da \int_0^{\infty}b^2db W(a,b) T(\nu(a),\nu(b),\nu'(a),\nu'(b))
T(w,x,y,z) = \frac{1}{2}\Big[\frac{1}{w+x} + \frac{1}{y+z}\Big]\Big[\frac{1}{(w+y)(x+z)}+\frac{1}{(w+z)(y+x)}\Big],
\begin{aligned} W(a,b) = 2\Big[ & (3-a^2)b\cos b \sin a \\ + & (3-b^2)a\cos a \sin b \\ + & (a^2+b^2-3)\sin a\sin b \\ - & 3ab\cos a \cos b \Big]/(a^3b^3),\end{aligned}
\nu(y) = 1- e^{-\gamma y^2/d^2}; \quad \nu'(y) = 1- e^{-\gamma y^2/d'^2};
where d=|{\mathbf{r}}-{\mathbf{r}}'|q_0({\mathbf{r}}), d'=|{\mathbf{r}}-{\mathbf{r}}'|q_0(\mathbf{r'})
Following this chain of logic, it is clear that this the kernel can in fact be considered as a function only of |{\mathbf{r}}-{\mathbf{r}}'|, q_0({\mathbf{r}}) and q_0({\mathbf{r}}'), since all other variables are dummy variables which are integrated over. The kernel can therefore be written as
This makes it possible to evaluate the integrals above so as to tabulate the kernel values numerically for a pre-chosen set of radial points and q_0 values.
Starting from :eq:`E_nl`, one can evaluate the potential v^{\mathrm{nl}}({\mathbf{r}}) corresponding to this energy, by evaluating all terms in \partial E_{\mathrm{nl}} / \partial n({\mathbf{r}}). The non-local potential v_i^{\mathrm{nl}} at point {\mathbf{r}}_i on the grid is thus written explicitly in terms of the derivatives of the \theta_{\alpha} quantities with respect to the values \rho_j at all other points on the grid:
v_i^{\mathrm{nl}} = \sum_{\alpha}(u_{\alpha i}{\frac{\partial{\theta_{\alpha i}}}{\partial{\rho_i}}}+\sum_j u_{\alpha j} {\frac{\partial{\theta_{\alpha j}}}{\partial{\nabla\rho_j}}}{\frac{\partial{\nabla\rho_j}}{\partial{\rho_i}}})
This makes use of the quantities u_\alpha({\mathbf{r}})= \sum_{\beta}\mathcal{F}(\theta_{\beta}(\mathbf{k})\phi_{\alpha\beta}(k)): which are already calculated in the evaluation of the energy.
Using the White and Bird [White1994]_ approach, Eq. :eq:`v_nl` can be written as:
v_{\mathrm{nl}}({\mathbf{r}}) = \sum_{\alpha} \Big( u_{\alpha}({\mathbf{r}}){\frac{\partial{\theta_{\alpha}({\mathbf{r}})}}{\partial{\rho({\mathbf{r}})}}} - \int\int i\mathbf{G}\cdot \frac{\nabla\rho({\mathbf{r}}')}{|\nabla\rho({\mathbf{r}}')|} {\frac{\partial{\theta_{\alpha}({\mathbf{r}}')}}{\partial{|\nabla\rho({\mathbf{r}}')|}}}e^{i\mathbf{G}\cdot ({\mathbf{r}}-{\mathbf{r}}')} d{\mathbf{r}}d\mathbf{G} \Big)
For this we need to calculate {\frac{\partial{\theta}}{\partial{\rho}}} and {\frac{\partial{\theta}}{\partial{{|\nabla{\rho}|}}}}:
\begin{aligned} {\frac{\partial{\theta_\alpha}}{\partial{\rho}}} &=p_\alpha + \rho {\frac{\partial{p_\alpha}}{\partial{\rho}}} \nonumber \\ &=p_\alpha + \rho {\frac{\partial{p_\alpha}}{\partial{q}}}{\frac{\partial{q}}{\partial{\rho}}} \nonumber \\ &=p_\alpha + \rho {\frac{\partial{p_\alpha}}{\partial{q}}} \frac{q}{k_F} {\frac{\partial{k_F}}{\partial{\rho}}} + \rho {\frac{\partial{p_\alpha}}{\partial{q}}} k_F ({\frac{\partial{{\varepsilon}_c}}{\partial{\rho}}}{\varepsilon}_x^{-1}-{\varepsilon}_c{\varepsilon}_x^{-2}{\frac{\partial{{\varepsilon}_x}}{\partial{\rho}}} - \frac{8}{3(3\pi^2)^{2/3}}\frac{Z}{4}(\nabla\rho)^2 \rho^{-11/3}) \nonumber \\ &=p_\alpha + q/3{\frac{\partial{p_\alpha}}{\partial{q}}} + k_F\rho {\frac{\partial{p_\alpha}}{\partial{q}}} ({\frac{\partial{{\varepsilon}_c}}{\partial{\rho}}}{\varepsilon}_x^{-1}-{\varepsilon}_c{\varepsilon}_x^{-2}{\frac{\partial{{\varepsilon}_x}}{\partial{\rho}}}- \frac{2Z}{3(3\pi^2)^{2/3}} {|\nabla{\rho}|}^2\rho^{-11/3})\end{aligned}
{\frac{\partial{\theta_\alpha}}{\partial{{|\nabla{\rho}|}}}} = \rho {\frac{\partial{p_\alpha}}{\partial{q}}} {\frac{\partial{q}}{\partial{{|\nabla{\rho}|}}}} = \frac{Z}{2\rho k_F} \rho {\frac{\partial{p_\alpha}}{\partial{q}}}{|\nabla{\rho}|}
Combining Eqs. :eq:`v_nl_wnb`, :eq:`dtheta_drho` and :eq:`dtheta_dgradrho` gives us the final expression for the nonlocal potential.
The main module for the calculation of the non-local energy and
potential is nlxc_mod
. The tabulation of the kernel \phi is
performed only if a kernel file is not found, by vdwdf_kernel
The input required to calculate the non-local energy and potential is
essentially just the density and its gradient on the fine grid. The
calculation of q and the Fourier transformed
\theta_\alpha from Eq. :eq:`E_nl` is performed first, in the
routine nlxc_q0_theta
. The derivatives of the
\theta_\alphas with respect to the density and the module of
its gradient are calculated on-the-fly in the real-space loop for the
calculation of the non-local potential v_{nl} in Eq. :eq:`v_nl`. This
is to avoid storing unnecessary arrays. From Eq. :eq:`v_nl_wnb` two
transforms are required per \alpha value, a forward FFT,
followed by a backward FFT for calculating the non-local potential.
Subroutines to interpolate the polynomials as well as the kernel using
cubic splines are used (spline_interp
and interpolate
). The
interpolating polynomials p_\alpha used are Kronecker deltas, so
they take the value 1 on the interpolating point and are zero at the
other points.
The kernel \phi_{\alpha\beta}(k) is tabulated for 1024 radial
reciprocal space points and 20 q_0 points. Gaussian quadrature
is used to calculate Eq. :eq:`phi_tab` and then the result is Fourier
transformed. The second derivatives of the kernel are calculated by
interpolation, and also tabulated. The default name of the file is
. The program will first check if this file exists: if
it does, it will be loaded in and need not be calculated. If it does
not, it will be generated from scratch (which only takes a few minutes)
and then it is written out for future re-use in the current working
file is:N_alpha
where kernel2
is the array of second derivatives of the kernel.
[Dion2004] M. Dion, H. Rydberg, E. Schröder, D. C. Langreth, and B. I. Lundqvist, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004).
[Roman-Perez2009] G. Román-Pérez and J. M. Soler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 096102 (2009).
[White1994] J. A. White and D. M. Bird, Phys. Rev. B 50, 4954 (1994).