For testnet purposes: I recommend generating server wallet to host the service. Just to confirm no other services/dApps have used the ports defined (though not likely)
This implementation is under heavy development and this version is only for testing purposes at this time.
DeroFaucet-Server.go contains the server service code. This can be ran locally, or on a server intended for hosting the API/Frontend publicly for user consumption.
DeroFaucet-Server usage and help output below (heavy development and will be modified in future iterations)
DERO Faucet Service (server): A 2 way service implementation for interacting with a Smart Contract while ensuring input variables are as private as possible
DeroFaucet-Server [options]
DeroFaucet-Server -h | --help
-h --help Show this screen.
--daemon-address=<host:port> Use daemon instance at <host>:<port> or https://domain
--rpc-server-address=<> connect to service (server) wallet
--api-address=<> API (non-SSL) will be enabled at the defined address (or defaulted to
--ssl-api-address=<> if defined, API (SSL) will be enabled at the defined address. apifullchain.cer && apicert.key in the same dir is required
--frontend-port=<8080> if defined, frontend (non-SSL) will be enabled
--ssl-frontend-port=<8181> if defined, frontend (SSL) will be enabled. fefullchain.cer && fecert.key in the same dir is required
In usual form with DERO projects I have taken on recently, I leverage Graviton for the backend DB store.